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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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If you ask me not only should they be manned if the are not considered drones but there should be a certain number of Kerbals depending on the size of the ship. 1 obviously for fighters and light craft 2 for destroyer sized craft 3 for cruisers and 4 for battleships. Also if there is still a living Kerbal on your ship to control it it should not be counted as dead.

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Ok... that turn was pitiful.

My riverboat, which was never designed to fight capital ships, used its speed to sneak up on the Master and managed to disable it by knocking out both rear engines. Then, as she attempted to escape, she lost her bow to high speed, and retreated to the Outer Island.


You're not going anywhere...





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Hey Daemon i hope you don't mind but it's too laggy for me to shoot anything, can I move one of your ships farther out so it's less laggy? (THis is just cause im getting about .5 FPS with these huge fleets)

EDIT It's worse than that... my missiles are deffective :P Ill forfeit my turn if i can replace all the ships except the Hyde for newer missiles.. I tried to hit anything for two hours, These missiles can't get within 300m of a target.

EDIT EDIT Ok i found my old Atmo missiles in .21, im going to use some of those.

EDIT EDIT EDIT Much better :P But i won't use my turn.


Edited by zekes
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