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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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I think everyones computers are potatoes(Including myself)

If you mean cheap computer then you are right and wrong. I am typing this on my school issued laptop which sucks,but I also have a custom built Pc(by myself) that I use sometimes if I have time...(I have pic's/specs if you like)

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I've been really interested in this thread and I have been stalking it for a while now and I think I want to join now. Do I need a real company to join or can I just make up a company name.

Company name: PansLab(not real... yet)

Heres some of my weapons testing pics I got.




(All tests are on zekes E-class)

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I've been really interested in this thread and I have been stalking it for a while now and I think I want to join now. Do I need a real company to join or can I just make up a company name.

Company name: PansLab(not real... yet)

Heres some of my weapons testing pics I got.




(All tests are on zekes E-class)

that's pretty good.

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I've been really interested in this thread and I have been stalking it for a while now and I think I want to join now. Do I need a real company to join or can I just make up a company name.

Company name: PansLab(not real... yet)

Heres some of my weapons testing pics I got.




(All tests are on zekes E-class)

-E-class isn't very strong.

-No you just name the company

-Welcome we're kinda befudled right now.

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... well he is the OP so...(anyway what did you mean about the potato thing... becuase all I can think of are these things images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSd0OnKhJs5iWfPPPHgStTmGnHGiHuMd-rDVWjyS3SUiqYatYXF

The potato is a reference to an old science project where you make a battery out of a potato, and more specifically to Portal 2.

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Anyone fancy a capital ship snipe duel? Minimum range of 1000m, roughly 500 parts and 100 tons ish. Run 2 fights in parallel so we both get to go 1st, if its a draw the survivors can duke it out. You can fire as much ordinance as you like in a turn but must stop at the first hit and only 1 volley can be in flight at a time.

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Anyone fancy a capital ship snipe duel? Minimum range of 1000m, roughly 500 parts and 100 tons ish. Run 2 fights in parallel so we both get to go 1st, if its a draw the survivors can duke it out. You can fire as much ordinance as you like in a turn but must stop at the first hit and only 1 volley can be in flight at a time.

Havent seen you on in a while

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Also, we should be allowed to rotate the opponents ship to the desired angle just to save ourselves a ~3km trip each turn.... Unless you turn up in something with no delta v, in which case I will want to see evidence of you achieving the impossible.

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