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The Phonoi 5, a mission to Eeloo and back.


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So I was sitting down one day, and I thought to myself...

Why am I just going to the moon? I played Orbiter. I've gone places in the solar system, from Earth to Mars and Saturn, then back. So why not do something ridiculously awesome in KSP, too?

So mechanical pencil in one hand and pinning an index card to my desk on the other, I sketched out the basics of a mission, calculated some ÃŽâ€V requirements or figured them out by brute-force testing, and then set forth a mission plan, after picking a name: Phonoi, named after the Greek mythological spirits of murder and death, because every Kerbal mission needs to start with a good omen such as that.

As intended, there'd be four missions before I went to Eeloo.

Phonoi 1, an orbital test of the capsule-fuel tank assembly, 2, an orbital test of the capsule and lander, 3, doing stuff around the moon, and 4, landing at the moon.

Instead, I just did Phonoi 1 and then balled 2, 3, and 4 into a composite mission named Phonoi 2/3/4. Creative, huh? Convinced at this point the system's been put through its paces, I began to assemble the behemoth that was the launch booster for the Phonoi 5. A 5m lower stage, enormous SRBs strapped on the side of it, a 3m Kerbin orbital stage to double as an injection booster, a 2m cruise stage to also serve as the first braking booster, and then the package assembled earlier. Jeb, Bill, and Bob never had it so well thought out. And contrary to the foreboding name, everything worked out.

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If I may make one suggestion as to sharing KSP on imgur and other general sites, don't tell people there are boring parts. That is just bad form. If you want to say why there weren't shots of the journey, just tell them they came across classified sightings. That can stoke the curiosity. Remember, we want this game to grow to be even more awesome. To do that, we want more people buying it.

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