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The Joil logs ('cause I got no better name) [Pic heavy]


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This is my first mission log for KSP, so any advice is welcome. I have been playing KSP for only about a month and I have only gotten as far as minimus.

In this log I will be doing a sort of role-play about KSC as if it was real(and with real kerbals *evil grin*)

Here is the flag I will be using. I hope it shows what I plan for these missions and what all missions should be like


Aw, ya

I am new to both KSP and the forums, so if you have some advice, or if I did something wrong and you would like to correct me, do so. If you would like to yell at me and say I am a newb who can't tell which end of a rocket is which, then keep it to yourself.

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The Kerbals at KSC have finally made a ship capable of keeping the fuel unexploded longer than 5 seconds. While many Kerbals feel that this is a dark day for Kerbal kind, the folks at KSC believe that this is a new day for all Kerbals. A satellite is being built and launched, the plans for this satellite is to see if the Kerbin is really just in a big box with all the other planets painted on the inside and weather Kerbals will be able to wear their t-shirts in said box.

Pic's are here: http://imgur.com/a/vY5Gq

I'll be doing it this way until I can figure out how to embed it.

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