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[Stock Craft] Eclipse Deep Space Probe

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This is the Eclipse Deep Space Probe By Phoenix Industrial (link in signature) is a probe designed by the top rocketry organisation on Kerbin. Made for the mapping of nearby celestial bodies and the void beyond the solar system.

Eclipse Deep Space Probe:

The Eclipse Deep Space Probe Project was meant to map out some of the celestial bodies further than the Mun such as Minmus and Duna and also to explore the void beyond the existent solar system.

Here is the probe (MK3) with its 2nd last and last stages while in orbit around Duna. I had half the flt-400 tank and 4 flt-100 tanks still available, thus showing the further capabilities of the craft.


Now here is the final stage. Fitted with the latest junk from a scientists garage sale, I present, the Eclipse MK3 Deep Space Probe in its final stage!


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