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A hand appears from a window, as light gleams across the vast metal surface.


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A small gloved hand appeared from a tiny porthole, roughly 150 meters in the air.

"Is the thumb up or down.?" was the question that echoed through the air, while I had slammed the huge Red "Go-Go-Go" button only a fraction before.

The launchpad exploded into a cascade of smoke, fire and the eye deafening, yes eye deafening roar of the collected engines that ignited and began their short journey into the heavens.

Carrying with it, the hopes and dreams of our world. All eyes were now on Jebediah Kerman, proud commander of the mission to save ... well it was pretty important for him to get up there.

"The thumb was down wasn't it.?" whispered a couple of technicians behind my back.

My huge glasses slid down my nose, as I looked at the trajectory of the just launched spacecraft. And slowly the realization set in that the craft was now on a direct course for Eeloo. The entire mission had been put together to survive for 3 months on MinMus.

"Well, Jeb will be allright ... wont he.?"

Outside the cleaning crew was allready clearing up the launchpad, still dodging a light rain of docking struts, clamps and the occasional empty booster.

-Sorry for the long story, but this is how I feel about Kerbal.

I have been playing for quite a while now, have logged +350Hours on Steam. Done most of it allready, but now I feel the need to share.

Well that's it for now, time to go home and start-up the engines of Mega-Mun-Rover-One. My latest experiment, a huge rover-base: Housing 16 kerbals, A fully functioning kethane refinery, Multiple cranes and winches, VTOL capability, ION engines to keep me grounded and ..... enough deck chairs to be called a cruise liner.

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