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Is there a need for 0.21.2?


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I've noticed a lot of phantom pulling on my larger crafts (usually ones that have plenty of struts) as they get into Mun's SOI. They just randomly start spinning when before entering the SOI they were steady. Stopping the spin is only temporary, they start spinning again pretty soon. SAS can hold a craft from spinning, but it eventually starts straining. If I don't time accelerate occasionally, it will eventually rip the craft apart. It's done this for a couple of updates so far, but it's gotten worse it seems in 0.21.

Another thing I've noticed is SAS cannot hold a plane's wing level sometimes. Here is a test you can do also if you want to see what I mean. Download this stock plane the KT-130 and start a flight. You don't need to go into space. Just take off and let SAS fly it. Sometimes it flies level for a long while, other times it will start rolling to the right. This is SAS doing it not the plane. You can turn off SAS and the plane doesn't roll (most times). Restart the flight and do the same thing. Don't change anything on the plane and do that test several times. It seems to behave differently every flight. I'd say about 50% of the flights, the SAS is screwy. One time I tried it, SAS could fly straight as an arrow, but then I couldn't on manual, it kept wanting to pull hard to the right, yet SAS could fly it. Most times it's the other way. All this without changing anything from flight to flight. I have not noticed this behavior on smaller planes. Could it be the build, the size, or SAS doing this? We could use some feedback on this or else it might go unfixed for some time. I don't know what else can be done to the plane, it was built with symmetry on and full attention to detail to prevent just this type thing.

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  DerekL1963 said:
This happened in .2 as well, unless things have changed you don't need to save/reload the game, just go to the tracking center and back.

I found that on the NERVA, if I have stuff around the engine and I stage, the fairing hits the stuff on the outside and causes weird rotation issues. If I time warp then stop again the fairings disappear.

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I'm quite satisfied with how the things in .21.1 work... SAS works well for me, game is smoother... the only real problem I've run into is that whenever I enter Mün SOI, the game freezes for few seconds AND also that when I launch, go to the tracking station and so on, it takes veeery long to load in comparison to previous versions...

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
I am approaching an SOI and I tuned my periapse before to around 60.000 km and if I enter the SOI with a high time warp my Periapse sometime slips beneath the surface of the planet.

Thanks kind of annoying and makes finetuning impossible.

but that's not a bug, per se: it has been known that you cannot transition from a SOI to another with a high time warp, else you will introduce errors. try not to transition with a warp higher than 10x.

  N_Molson said:

- Any part that is not under focus can go through atmospheres without being slowed down.

no, that is not true, it depends on atmospheric pressure: if it's 0.01 or higher, the object will be deleted.

atmospheric pressure, in turn, depends on altitude:

in the case of Kerbin, that means any object flying lower than about 23 km will be deleted. check this out:


anyway, I agree on the slower loading times. really hope the guys find a fix for this.

also, does anyone else find it annoying that the focus order in map view has been changed?

before 0.21 it was current ship > Kerbin > etc., now it's current ship > Sun > ... > Kerbin.

I find it extremely frustrating to tab cycle through Sun, Moho and Eve just to get to Kerbin.

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Map screen has got some bugs:

-Sometimes it is very jittery when panning around ships/planets (been there since 0.20)

-When you focus on a planet (eg Kerbin), you cannot revert focus back to your active ship.

I believe however that Harv and some devs are taking 1 week off - so they shouldn't rush .21.2, enjoy their time off, they've already done an amazing job so far as an indie dev with only one game under their belt.

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There are occasional freezes of up to 30 seconds when entering a sphere of influence of Mun or a planet. Also, the SAS built into the single Kerbal capsule will sometimes shake the capsule unless turned off. It can send the capsule tumbling wildly. The one meter SAS can do the same when it is on a probe craft weighing less then 2 tons. Disabling it solves the problem at that point in a mission. The sound is messed up in map view a lot.

There can also be repetitive interrupts every second that can occur. That could be a Windows issue since it is also a common problem in Microsoft Train Simulator.

Certainly, those issues including load times between screens, will eventually be sorted out.

Edited by SRV Ron
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  Bothersome said:
I've noticed a lot of phantom pulling on my larger crafts (usually ones that have plenty of struts) as they get into Mun's SOI. They just randomly start spinning when before entering the SOI they were steady. Stopping the spin is only temporary, they start spinning again pretty soon. SAS can hold a craft from spinning, but it eventually starts straining. If I don't time accelerate occasionally, it will eventually rip the craft apart. It's done this for a couple of updates so far, but it's gotten worse it seems in 0.21

This sounds like a clipping event, ie. struts going through another part. Clipping can be hard to prevent on larger crafts when placing struts using 6x or 8x symmetry. Part clipping can cause phantom torque in a number of situations. SOI changes are one of the most common, because of the change in physics models.

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Definitely need one. I get

>inability to switch focus after switching once

>if I have two vessels docked apollo style and hit control from here and decouple them, it never goes to the one that i controlled from here, only to the one which was created first in the VAB.

>crashes sometimes

>when i change the view with the arrow keys the view gets all earthquakey

>this ones not this update but vertically connecting parts need to have stronger bonds. Like if put a fuel tank on top of a fuel tank it shouldnt wobble to no end. That or make it easier to strut two vertical pieces together, it's hard if they're the same width.

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