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0.21 UPDATED Munshine V Apollo-style Mun craft, including buggy, under 200 parts!

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Totally agree. I am a designer though, so if you write it I will build it to PDF.

A designer you say? Well the flight manual is there but I could certainly spruce it up a bit. Did you have a format in mind?

Maybe answered elsewhere but I didn't see it, so I will ask.... Is this design totally 'stock' parts? Definitely want to try it out when I get home.

Edit: Just saw the TITLE says STOCK... argh.. .sorry

Yeah, that :wink: I build my craft completely stock. I don't have anything against mods (in fact I ùse MechJeb extensively during design and testing, though I always fly the ship pure stock a few times just to make sure) but it ensures my designs can reach the greatest number of people out there. I hope you enjoy the Munshine V - for added happiness, post some pics!

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Thanks. I did get that second post Manual. I was referring to that nice pdf version with the cover artwork. It had only five pages when I found it.

You're thinking of the munbug manual... will get it finished one day!

Munshine is looking great wayfare!

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Mulbin, your right, it's your manual that I referred too. Looking forward to the finished version.

Wayfare, I was thinking PDF for a universal deliverable.

Gentlemen, I have both your ships aloft. Great work!

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Step-by-step with image, short, concise descriptions. That works. I'd love to stylize it like an old NASA doc. I live and work in Florida. Seen most of shuttle launches from my front yard. I could easily get the vibe...and good resources.

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Hey Gojira, that's awesome! I knew the Munshine V was capable of Minmus on paper (in fact you shouldn't even need to save the second stage for it) but have never actually tried it. Thanks for flying her out there and for the pics!

WoodyD, I like the sound of that. Could you point me to some of those old docs so I can check out the flavor?

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You're welcome, testing it on Minmus was so much fun! I saved the second stage because it had juuust enough dV for me to make orbit, then did the plane change with the third stage, then burned to intercept with a 40km Minmus periapsis (it changed while I warped, so midcourse corrections were necessary. Damn you unfixable floating point rounding errors!) I eventually did settle into a 40km orbit, and I had MJ land the MM for me. It didn't even use a third of the fuel. I made orbit with it later, using about a third of the fuel in the ascent stage to orbit and rendezvous (MJ sucks at rendezvous so I did it manually). Burned home, detached SM, got a 9km periapsis, decided "Perfect!" and warped from there. Landed near Crater Island as you saw.

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You're welcome, testing it on Minmus was so much fun! I saved the second stage because it had juuust enough dV for me to make orbit, then did the plane change with the third stage, then burned to intercept with a 40km Minmus periapsis (it changed while I warped, so midcourse corrections were necessary. Damn you unfixable floating point rounding errors!) I eventually did settle into a 40km orbit, and I had MJ land the MM for me. It didn't even use a third of the fuel. I made orbit with it later, using about a third of the fuel in the ascent stage to orbit and rendezvous (MJ sucks at rendezvous so I did it manually). Burned home, detached SM, got a 9km periapsis, decided "Perfect!" and warped from there. Landed near Crater Island as you saw.

I haven't been to Minmus in ages - though last time I was there I handed Jeb a space cannon so they may not want to see me back... But I do love that little moon. There's something beautiful about the way those hills overlook the frozen seas, and just how damn easy it is to get around on.

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  • 4 weeks later...
now, this may seem like a silly question but I am having trouble mounting the buggy (I'm new to the game) once I have landed. I am able to disengage it from the ship and everything but actually use it,


When the buggy has been detached, it has no control core so you'll need to put a Kerbal into one of the seats to operate it. To do this, just walk a Kerbal up close to the buggy and right-click one of the seats. Make sure you take off the brakes (press "B") before you start moving, because they have been activated when you detached the rover so it doesn't roll away from the lander.

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