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Vehicle Mods Recommendations

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Hello KSP Community,

I am wondering where in Kerbal Space Port can I find vehicles such as a moon buggy, car, truck, and many more? Also, could you point out some vehicles you would highly recommend to others.

Thank you for the help. I really appreciate it!

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Just use the search box using keywords like rover, truck, etc.

NOTE: The finished vehicles on Spaceport aren't mods per se, they're just craft files like you make yourself. True mods do things like add parts that aren't in the stock game. Of course, most of the craft files on Spaceport use parts from mods, so you have to get those mods to use the craft file.

But bear in mind that it's pretty hard to design a general-purpose craft of any type in KSP, rovers included. Rovers range from simple Kerbal-movers to complex cranes, mining units, and mobile bases. What's good for 1 purpose will suck at or be unable to do some other purpose. If all you're trying to do is move Kerbals around, you can make such a rover out of 10 parts:

  • 1x 2m square flat structural panel
  • 4x of the small rover wheels, 1 at each corner
  • 1x RTG to power the wheels
  • 1x low-power headlight
  • 2x command seats
  • 1x small probe core (for SAS stability and so you can drive it without Kerbals aboard)

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