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[AAR] The Space Race


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The Space Race

Docufiction/mockumentary AAR

Which superpower is going to win the Race - Kerbal States or Kerbal Union?

Does the first generation of kerbonauts really have the right stuff?

Will kerbalkind ever reach the Mun?






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Color-coded for your convenience!


Edited by czokletmuss
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Edited by czokletmuss
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1957-1958: NEW MUN



OCTOBER 4th, 1957

“The pulsating radio “beep†of the first kerbmade Kerbin satellite signaled today to the world that our species had crossed the threshold into the age of travel through space. The Kerbal Union announced it had won the race into space by launching an kerbin satellite Friday, a 184-pound, 22-inch globe now orbiting the Kerbin at 18,000 miles an hour, 560 miles up. Millions of persons throughout the world heard the “beep ... beep ... beep ...†rebroadcast today by local stations and realized that man had taken his first faltering steps into the new era. Launching of the satellite was a tremendous victory for science. It was a more tremendous victory for Union propaganda to be able to trumpet to the world the Reds were the first to break through the frontiers of space.â€Â

(source: http://www.coalwoodwestvirginia.com/sputnik.htm)


IKE: This is unacceptable! We have to do something with this immediately! Do you know that their prime minister called me few days ago only to mock me about it? I can still hear his „nanana, we have a satelliteâ€Â! What can you do about it, Hugh?

HUGH: With all due respect, Mr. President, I don't think think that the NRL is capable of sending anything to space in the foreseeable future. I think we all will be better off if we, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics will…

JOHN: Excuse me! It's the Naval Research Laboratory is sufficiently equipped to…

HENRY: Don't be ridiculous, John. Kerbal States Army…

EDDY: What? Political repercussions of our Army launching satellite…

HENRY: What about our Air Force than?

EDDY: We can't use the…

HUGH: Only NACA could possibly…

IKE: Enough! I want actions, not words! What do you propose? I have to make public announcement soon.

HUGH: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics should…

HENRY: The Army…

EDDY: Kerbal Union reaction to such…

WERNHER: Maybe vee should cooperate?

IKE: Quiet! How many agencies do we have anyhow? And who is this guy?

EDDY: Doctor Werner von Braun, Ballistic Missile Agency.

IKE: Oh. So he's one of the, uhm, guests?

EDDY: That is correct, Mr. President.

IKE: All right. Here's what we're going to do…

NOVEMBER 3rd, 1957


IKE: Yes, prime minister, I… No, but thank you… :sigh: Yes, I've seen the news. Congratulations. What? Yes. Heidi. Weimaraner. No, she's not… Oh… Prime minister, I understand that… yes, I know that you have put dog in space… Space dog. Yes, very funny. Very funny. Listen, I have to hang out now. Yes, very busy. Thank you, I… No, we're not. Yes. You too. Goodbye. :hangs out: My Kod, I can't take it anymore!

EDDY: Our lack of progress is certainly…

IKE: Listen. You go tell these blokes that they have to launch our own Sputnik as soon as they can. One month, that's it – this great nation won't wait any…

EDDY: Satellite.

IKE: What?

EDDY: It's satellite. Sputnik is a name of the first…

IKE: Whatever! I want this done as soon as possible, you hear me?!

DECEMBER 6th, 1957


JOHN: Well I be damned…

ENGINEER: Don't worry, general, the next one will surely succeed.

FEBRUARY 5th, 1958



ENGINEER: Uh, general? We have a call from the Green House. Mr. President would like to talk with you.

MARCH 17th, 1958


JOHN: Yes! We did it!

ENGINEER: Here goes the Kerbin's fourth satellite!

JOHN: Swell! We showed them how to do it, didn't we?!

ENGINEER: We certainly did sir. Err… sir?

JOHN: What is it?

ENGINEER: I was ordered to deliver you this letter after the launch. I, uhm, I believe it's…

JOHN: What?! That sneaky bastard! How did he do this?!

ENGINEER: Err, by having two successful launches before we did?

JOHN: That was rhetorical questio… Lack of funds?! Concentrating national effort? What the frak is KASA?!

JULY 29th, 1958


IKE: There you go. By signing this document, I'm putting a lot in stake. Do you understand this, doctor Wernher?

WERNHER: I can assure you that the entire Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration vill vork tirelessly, Mr. Prezident.

IKE: I hope so. Remember, this is serious. The fate of entire world is in your hands.

WERNHER: Mr.. Prezident?

IKE: Err... this nation's fate is in your hands? Whatever, doctor – you won't fail me. Do you understand that?

WERNHER: I vill do my best, Mr. Prezident.

IKE: You better. Alright know, what would you say for little BBQ now when the formalities are over? Huh?

WERNHER: I vill be honored.

IKE: Swell. By the way, I was thinking about one thing.

WERNHER: Mr. Prezident?

IKE: Where are you going to find men stupid, I mean, brave enough to get inside one of those things?

WERNHER: I'm afraid I don't follow.

IKE: Manned rockets, von Braun! That's the obvious next step.

WERNHER: I vas zinking about cats.

IKE: Cats?

WERNHER: Vell, they send a dog, so I zought that it vill be the only logical answer.

IKE: You're a weird man, von Braun.

WERNHER: I'm a rocket zientist, Mr. Prezident.

IKE: Precisely.

NOVEMBER 12th, 1958


ATC: That was some good flying, Jeb. You're pushing X-15 to its limits. But I'm afraid I have a bad news for you, sugar.

JEB: Come on, baby, what is it this time?

ATC: You're grounded indefinitely.

JEB: What? Hey, I told you that this last crash wasn't really my fault. Honestly, if only the fuel pumps…

ATC: You're grounded because you won't be working here anymore.

JEB: I won't… Wait, does that mean...?

ATC: That's right, sweetie. Their answer for your application has just come. KASA has accepted your candidacy.

JEB: Yeah! Ring a ding-ding, baby! I'm gonna be an astronaut!


Edited by czokletmuss
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Eh, made this. Kinda a basic plan, others can use the idea.


I was thinking of putting that in a circle like the ones in czokletmuss' sig, but that level of graphic design is far above mine.

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If anybody would like to see, this is my submission for a banner. I will do the full signature banner type of deal if czokletmuss likes it.

I hope you all enjoy! It took a few hours making it.


I noticed it needs quite a few details fixed and all that jazz so I'll do that tomorrow. However, czokletmuss, still tell me if you like this so far when you see this.

Edited by NuclearWarfare
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Wow! I have finally found this thread! After all, the Space Race pic in czokletmuss's signature doesn't seem to lead anywhere... And it only took me 9 days too! (this thread must be a really good ninja) Anyways, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Typo there: should be fuel pumps, not fuel pomps. Other than that, it looks pretty good. Keep it up!

Oops, correcting.

As I said before, there WILL be updates but they will be LESS frequent than these for the Grand Tour. So if you like the prologue don't worry, there will be moar :)

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