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Can I alter the program settings somewhere so that I can setup a slingshot maneuvre?

On almost every interplanetary maneuvre I plan, I am 'Lucky' enough to enter Mun's SOI... as if it is almost hard to NOT go there!

but as soon as mun soi is in the planning. the line ends at the end of Kerbin's SOI. I would like to see the line after that in SOL's soi and mabye even in the target (JOOL)'s SOI.


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Go to your KSP folder and open the "settings.cfg" file. A few lines down you should find a line saying "CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 3". Increase that 3 to draw more conic sections. If you want to see the line all the way to Jool's SoI it should be at least 5.

Do note that this is an approximation of your orbit and every extra line patch is going to be increasingly inaccurate.

Another way to do it without altering cfg files is to add a maneuver node of 0dV somewhere in a conic segment further up. The system will draw 3 more segments from that maneuver node, and since you can add maneuver nodes on top of other projected orbits you can just keep adding more nodes to extend the orbit as far as you like. This tactic is mostly useful in finding interplanetary slingshots, because it allows you to see where planets/moons will be in a few orbits.

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