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Edit Part .cfg to be huge in size?

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How do I?

I have an idea, and I want to simply take a stock part, duplicate it, and make it really, really large in scale. I've tried playing with the .cfg file, but nothing seems to happen. I've tried duplicating it and renaming it, but the part doesn't show up in the parts list.

Can anyone give me a basic rundown of what needs to happen? I've searched the forums. The closest thing I can find is the .cfg wiki, but it doesn't seem to answer how to get the game to recognize and load the part.

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In order for this to work you need to change BOTH names of the cloned part (the top of canfig where it says 'name =' and also the 'title =' just above the part description. If you did that and it still wont show up your using a value somewhere that to high.

Can we have a little more detail in what your attempting to do? What parts are you trying to rescale, and by how much?

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I don't know if I changed both titles. That could be the problem.

Basically, I'm trying to make huge satellite dishes. I've done this manually using the square 1x1 and 2x2 metal sheets. However, the part count comes to about 100 per dish. And when you are trying to attach an array of them to a space station ... FPS LAG MONSTER. So, my thought process was to take that flat, circular adapter plate and make it huge. Thus becomming the base of a sat dish. I took the larger of the two adapters, and set it to rescale=4.0. But, like I said, it never showed up. I played around with a few other settings, but didn't get it to work. I'll check the naming convention and make sure I didn't forget it.

PS: Here's a pic of what I'm trying to re-create using less parts. The single arm that contains the 3 dishes is just shy of 400 parts. I've had to de-orbit it since then in order to try to get more things operational on and around the station.



And here's the part. The Rockomax Adapter A-02


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Thanks. I was able to scale it up perfectly. I think changing the name in 2 places was the trick. Thank you so much. And yes, then it was as simple as changing the "rescale=" to a bigger number like 4.0 from the stock value of 1.0.

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