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Store the NUMBER of Kerbals per Pod with rocket

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i have build a "pickup taxi" rocket to pick up kerbals that stranded on other planets or whose rockets ran ou of fuel, or just to get kerbals down from my station. Unfortunately KSP does not remember the number of Kerbals I want to have inside the rocket - when you go to the VAB and load a rocket it will always fill the main pod with the maximum available kerbals (at least that's what I experienced). I am using the 3-man-pod but only 1 seat should be filled, leaving the 2 others free for passengers to pick up (there are 8 at my station waiting). Since KSP of course cant save which kerbals to place inside (because maybe they aren't around) it could save the NUMBER of kerbals that were assigned at the moment of saving the rocket. So when you load a rocket, and it has saved "2 of 3 slots manned", it will use the next 2 kerbals from the astronauts building, leaving the 3rd slot empty.

Until now i have had 3 successful starts just to see that i forgot to move the kerbals out again. My fault, since i should have noticed on the launchpad, but it would have been easier if KSP hat placed only the number of kerbals inside that were inside when i saved the rocket.

I hope this is not nonsense for you ;)


LoneRider / Markus

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If you have a prebuilt rocket, you can just launch from the launchpad directly instead of going to the VAB. That way you will always be able to see what crew you are sending up, since you're opening the mission screen. Deselecting the two extra passengers is just two clicks.

Also, as far as I recall, extra command pods aren't automatically filled up. You could have a MkI pod with the pilot, and an empty 2-seater Lander Can behind it for the same space that a Mk3 cockpit occupies, and you'd always have 2 seats empty.

Edited by Sean Mirrsen
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Yes, additional Pods are not filled up automatically. But i think it would be an easy task just to save the crew settings with the vessel. Last time i had to launch my rocket more than 1 time (since i had to revert... it broke apart at some time), and every time i had to change the crew settings again. You start, something goes wrong, you go back to VAB, add a few struts or something, start again - end the number of kerbals has bin changed to max in the first Pod again. It's just a small thing, but it should be right as easy to fix.

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