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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Simple question, can parts that are already in space be upgraded after upgrade node was unlocked?

I am sure this was asked/answered before, but cannot find an answer in this huge thread.

Also it would be fun to have "disable safety" switch for reactors, with new thermal mechanics it can be very usefull.

p.s. ThF4 and UF4 containers are not tweakable in VAB. Is this intended? I wanted few empty containers to be able to remove Actinides from the reactor and there seem to be no way to get them...

Edited by Lightwarrior
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So I found an interesting bug... (a picture, or several, is worth a thousand words)


I can switch to another tab of the parts list and come back, and it will just be there like in the first image until I mouse over it again, then it starts doing it again.

It happens every time I mouse over the part while the part can be seen, and it only affects the ISRU refinery, all other parts from all other mods and Interstellar are fine.

While it is happening, the following is spewed into the debug console and log:

[exception]:ArgumenOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range
Parameter name: index

I have several mods installed and it may very likely be a cross mod interaction. The mods are: Extraplanetary launchpads, Firespitter, KAS, Kethane, and MechJeb2 (dev build 137), plus a few parts mods.

If I've left something out that you'd like to know, please ask.

That bug occurs with other mods also. FASA, KOSMOS and LAZTEK from what I have seen have this bug also.

yeah, I'm getting that too. I'd read on another thread (FASA i think) that the issue arises from having liquid fuel, oxidizer and monoprop in a part config, without any engine thrust transform thingys defined on .23 install
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Fractal_UK: Could You, please, allow hiding megajulle button maybe by integration with blizzy78's Toolbar plugin? It shows all the time and messes up screenshots even after F2 button.

Edited by Ravien
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Fractal_UK: Could You, please, allow hiding megajulle button maybe by integration with blizzy78's Toolbar plugin? It shows all the time and messes up screenshots even after F2 button.

I've not looked at blizzy's toolbar stuff yet but it's something on my list of things to do. In the mean time, hiding the bar when F2 is pressed and hiding it for ships without a megajoule resource manager should be done for the next update.

The refinery reminds me of Wickersham from bravest warriors but its hard to use when it swallows the universe whenever you hover over it.

Yeah, this is a problem that has been affecting numerous mods since the 0.23 update, there is a way to workaround the problem so that'll be in the next update too.

Simple question, can parts that are already in space be upgraded after upgrade node was unlocked?

I am sure this was asked/answered before, but cannot find an answer in this huge thread.

There should be upgrade button in the right click menu for unupgraded parts in space.

p.s. ThF4 and UF4 containers are not tweakable in VAB. Is this intended? I wanted few empty containers to be able to remove Actinides from the reactor and there seem to be no way to get them...

Also coming in the next update.

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After some investigation this looks to be another problem with stock KSP. My code is correctly requesting the amount of Lithium to burn but the stock method simply returns 0, meaning it is not giving me any Lithium despite a connected supply being available. By time accelerating so that the amount I am requesting becomes larger, the method begins to work properly. Only thing I can do to fix this is to disable the code that turns off Tritium breeding if you have no Lithium - this won't fix the problem at low timewarp speeds - you'll still get nothing but it will, at least, allow non-focused ships and ships at high timewarp to generate Lithium.

Confirming this. One thing to note is I had no problem getting tritium breeding working in 0.22, both at the launch pad during tests and in orbit at kerbin. Did Squad change something with the stock resource manager in .23 that is causing this difficulty?

And just to confirm, I'll still be able to generate tritium (and therefore he-3) on unfocused vessels?


Also, were you able to check my log and see if resources were loading correctly to be used by the refinery with my custom water changes? Here's the link again in case my post with it got lost in the fast moving thread. :)http://pastebin.com/CznZM25G

Edited by Eadrom
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That is how they are designed, on the launch pad you have an atmosphere that makes dumping heat childs play. In space you have to radiate it, the new mechanic for it means that the hotter it is the more it will radiate. It will heat up until it reaches equilibrium.

Ah ha! Yeah I understood that on the launch pad it was easy, I just didn't realize it'd eventually balance out in space, it *does* make sense now that I know it's intended behavior. When I was seeing my waste heat building up a lot higher than I was use to so I'd revert thinking that I'd screwed something up (No sense making it to another planet if you overheat by the time you get there and are left with a floating brick). Apparently instead it was just me not reading the change log closely enough, oh well hopefully I'll spare someone else that error with my original post :) Thanks!

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Ah ha! Yeah I understood that on the launch pad it was easy, I just didn't realize it'd eventually balance out in space, it *does* make sense now that I know it's intended behavior. When I was seeing my waste heat building up a lot higher than I was use to so I'd revert thinking that I'd screwed something up (No sense making it to another planet if you overheat by the time you get there and are left with a floating brick). Apparently instead it was just me not reading the change log closely enough, oh well hopefully I'll spare someone else that error with my original post :) Thanks!

When he first implemented this it threw us for a loop and it also blew up a few ships;)

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Confirming this. One thing to note is I had no problem getting tritium breeding working in 0.22, both at the launch pad during tests and in orbit at kerbin. Did Squad change something with the stock resource manager in .23 that is causing this difficulty?

And just to confirm, I'll still be able to generate tritium (and therefore he-3) on unfocused vessels?

Yes, it seems that SQUAD changed the part.requestResource() method to make it do nothing for resource requests smaller than 1e-5 for all resources that have ALL_VESSEL_FLOW. I have no idea why this was done. The code I have currently stops tritium breeding from working if you have no Lithium, which due to this change is 100% of the time when the button is available. If you take this code out, so that you can have the mode active all the time then it consumes no Lithium/produces no Tritium until you hit about 100x time warp, then suddenly starts working properly as the amount crosses this 1e-5 limit.

Thankfully this problem won't affect either Fission/Fusion reactors, radiaoactive decay and various other things because these all use custom code.

Generation of Tritium will still work on unfocused vessels that have the tritium breeding mode enabled but when you focus that vessel, it will immediately drop out of that mod, thinking it has no more Lithium.

There are a couple of ways I can fix this: 1) I can change most of the ALL_VESSEL_FLOW resources to STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH - this has the downside that existing ships may need significant redesign because those resources will no longer be easy to transfer or 2) I can remove all the checking code that disables mode when you have no fuel for it, which means these options will fail at low time acceleration but will begin working when you accelerate faster and when the vessel is unfocused. Technically, there is also 3) write a new method that handles resource draws for ALL_VESSEL flows properly but I'd quite like to know why this change was introduced before doing that.

When he first implemented this it threw us for a loop and it also blew up a few ships;)

Yes, I'm glad I had you testing this part on that dev-build I released before I started blowing up the general Interstellar playing populace ;)

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Yes, I'm glad I had you testing this part on that dev-build I released before I started blowing up the general Interstellar playing populace ;)

Bah, now I feel like one of those poor Kerbals that gets used for the suicide tests lol.

"So you just want me to sit on this full tank of Antimatter?"


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Also, were you able to check my log and see if resources were loading correctly to be used by the refinery with my custom water changes? Here's the link again in case my post with it got lost in the fast moving thread. :)http://pastebin.com/CznZM25G

It turns out that the code evaluating the changes in the WarpPluginSettings file isn't getting evaluated, so the resources are reverting to default. I've got it working again now.

Strange. This was the first thing i tried. No such button.

Let me check things over, I had to make some changes in 0.23 to handle things better in the VAB and the update system was one thing that got changed, maybe I've introduced some problem there that is hiding that option.

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BTW i also encountered strange problem, when loading quicksave or switching to another vessel more than 2.3km away sometimes craft does not load. There is just emty space. Save/load fixes it. I tried removing life support plugin - it still happens. No other plugins are installed, so it's either stock problem, or interstellar.

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I'm having trouble getting the Antimatter Collectors to work. I have built a craft that includes a fission generator, electric generator, antimatter collector and antimatter containment device. On the wiki, it claims that Kerbin has some antimatter that can be collected, so that's where I'm testing at the moment. So I have a few questions to try to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

1. Do any of the parts need to be directly connected to one another? Sometimes engines need to be directly connected to a reactor, is this the case for the collector to the containment unit? Or anything else?

2. Is there a reference for the ideal orbit height for Kerbin flux?

3. Am I missing any parts or resources?

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BTW i also encountered strange problem, when loading quicksave or switching to another vessel more than 2.3km away sometimes craft does not load. There is just emty space. Save/load fixes it. I tried removing life support plugin - it still happens. No other plugins are installed, so it's either stock problem, or interstellar.

You'll need to check your KSP.log file but I doubt that's a problem that Interstellar could cause very easily, the worst bugs are usually when some Exception or another appears and goes uncaught in some PartModule code, reports of these are very rare now when everything is installed correctly and even they don't tend to cause craft to disappear.

1. Do any of the parts need to be directly connected to one another? Sometimes engines need to be directly connected to a reactor, is this the case for the collector to the containment unit? Or anything else?

Not directly but antimatter transfers like LiquidFuel so the collector and fuel tank need to be in the same stack or connected with fuel lines.

2. Is there a reference for the ideal orbit height for Kerbin flux?


Note that while within an atmosphere you will always get zero, though even in low orbit amounts are negligable.

3. Am I missing any parts or resources?

I doubt it.

Edited by Fractal_UK
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Checked log, the only suspicious thing i found is this:

[WRN 06:05:08.114] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to FLIGHT =====================
[WRN 06:05:08.131] Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Eeloo'
[WRN 06:05:08.139] Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Pol'
[WRN 06:05:08.176] Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Dres'
[LOG 06:05:08.905] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 06:05:09.086] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'FlightUIStarter' from assembly 'WarpPlugin'
[LOG 06:05:09.126] Camera Mode: AUTO
[B][EXC 06:05:09.127] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object[/B]
[LOG 06:05:09.136] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 06:05:09.146] Target vessel index: 32 vessel count: 48
[LOG 06:05:09.148] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel transfer-2 ----------------------
[LOG 06:05:09.148] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
[LOG 06:05:09.149] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 06:05:09.388] Camera Mode: AUTO
[LOG 06:05:09.389] stage manager resuming...
[LOG 06:05:10.569] all systems started
[LOG 06:05:10.615] [WarpPlugin] Creating Resource Manager for Vessel transfer-2 (ThermalPower)
[LOG 06:05:10.615] [WarpPlugin] Creating Resource Manager for Vessel transfer-2 (WasteHeat)
[LOG 06:05:10.616] [WarpPlugin] Creating Resource Manager for Vessel transfer-2 (ChargedParticles)
[LOG 06:05:10.617] [NuclearReactor250]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:05:10.745] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:05:10.841] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:05:10.937] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:05:11.079] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)

And save/load:

[LOG 06:14:37.765] Game State Saved as quicksave
[LOG 06:14:37.856] Game State Saved as persistent
[WRN 06:14:44.611] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to FLIGHT =====================
[WRN 06:14:44.627] Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Eeloo'
[WRN 06:14:44.635] Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Pol'
[WRN 06:14:44.672] Cannot find preset 'High' for pqs 'Dres'
[LOG 06:14:45.430] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 06:14:45.618] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'FlightUIStarter' from assembly 'WarpPlugin'
[LOG 06:14:45.664] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 06:14:45.673] Target vessel index: 32 vessel count: 48
[LOG 06:14:45.676] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel transfer-2 ----------------------
[LOG 06:14:45.676] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
[LOG 06:14:45.677] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 06:14:45.917] Camera Mode: AUTO
[LOG 06:14:45.918] stage manager resuming...
[LOG 06:14:46.886] all systems started
[LOG 06:14:46.928] [WarpPlugin] Creating Resource Manager for Vessel transfer-2 (ThermalPower)
[LOG 06:14:46.929] [WarpPlugin] Creating Resource Manager for Vessel transfer-2 (WasteHeat)
[LOG 06:14:46.929] [WarpPlugin] Creating Resource Manager for Vessel transfer-2 (ChargedParticles)
[LOG 06:14:46.930] [NuclearReactor250]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:14:47.055] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:14:47.152] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:14:47.247] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)
[LOG 06:14:47.398] [radiator2]: Activated (forced)

No this line, and craft loaded....

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Strange. This was the first thing i tried. No such button.

Just happened to finish farming the science this morning to unlock the fusion tech node. Been focused on unlocking the upgraded fission reactors to dramatically reduce the waste heat issues caused by low reactor temps compared to radiator temps. Went to upgrade the 1.25m fission reactor powering my station's research efforts. Confirming no retrofit option appearing for me as well.

It turns out that the code evaluating the changes in the WarpPluginSettings file isn't getting evaluated, so the resources are reverting to default. I've got it working again now.

Thank you for hunting that issue down. :) I think that fix will allow me to finish my TACLS/KSPI water consolidation efforts.

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Not directly but antimatter transfers like LiquidFuel so the collector and fuel tank need to be in the same stack or connected with fuel lines.


Note that while within an atmosphere you will always get zero, though even in low orbit amounts are negligable.

I doubt it.

Ahh, that's what I was doing wrong. I was using a radial decoupler/attachment piece from Novapunch that allows things to stack above and below. I had the collector above and the container below, the decoupler doesn't allow fuel to flow through it stackwise either.

Now it's working, thanks Fractal. Just a bit more and I can start warping in career mode!

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Just happened to finish farming the science this morning to unlock the fusion tech node. Been focused on unlocking the upgraded fission reactors to dramatically reduce the waste heat issues caused by low reactor temps compared to radiator temps. Went to upgrade the 1.25m fission reactor powering my station's research efforts. Confirming no retrofit option appearing for me as well.

Looks like this is affecting reactors and generators but all the other parts seem to be unaffected, I have this fixed too now.

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Now that waste heat build up is more realistic, in that the higher it gets the faster it dissipates, would it be possible to add in something on the resource bar that shows the current waste heat to show the eventual level it will stabilize at if everything stays as it is? IE, a yellow vertical line on the bar to indicate where the bar will end up. I know that is the stock resource tab, but wouldn't it be possible to find where it is being displayed and put an overlay of a line over that bar?

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Now that waste heat build up is more realistic, in that the higher it gets the faster it dissipates, would it be possible to add in something on the resource bar that shows the current waste heat to show the eventual level it will stabilize at if everything stays as it is? IE, a yellow vertical line on the bar to indicate where the bar will end up. I know that is the stock resource tab, but wouldn't it be possible to find where it is being displayed and put an overlay of a line over that bar?

It would probably be easier for him to just place it in his power management display.

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Would it be possible to make the AntimatterStorageTank module able to work with resources besides antimatter? I have a concept which I think would work quite well with the module if it worked with other resources.

I can see with you are going with this. But IRL the container has to be highly specialized. If any atom interacts with non anti matter then.... BOOM! A tank that could have other resources would be hard to manage.

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I can see with you are going with this. But IRL the container has to be highly specialized. If any atom interacts with non anti matter then.... BOOM! A tank that could have other resources would be hard to manage.

I was hoping to use the game mechanics, not the exact parts, for my idea. The module is this:

name = AntimatterStorageTank
chargeNeeded = 20

I was hoping it could become more like this:

name = PoweredStorageTank
resource = Antimatter
chargeNeeded = 20

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Hey guys, sorry if my post is poorly worded and such, been using Interstellar for a while but haven't ever posted.

I'm having some serious issues getting my Atmospheric Turbojet engines to work right. They have more than enough resources available but without fail one or two of the four on the craft splutter out and die at a mere 14,000m. Thats with a total of 20 Intakes mind you. 14 supersonic intakes and 6 ram air intakes with precoolers, which strangely only yield a total of 4.00 atmosphere/intake air. It seems like the atmosphere isn't distributed properly or is simply disappearing. As the craft climbs rather than the intake atmosphere slowly dwindling down, it sharply drops off several times. When on the ground and stationary Intake Air fluctuates wildly on all the intakes. I was easily able to get much, much higher in the atmosphere with the old Atmosphereic Scoop intakes, but with their lack of precooler functionality they weren't very practical.

So is my game some how screwed up or is my engineering way off the mark?


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