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Help me making extinguisher.(recruitimg programmer)

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This is what ì have been doing.
I wanna make a fire extinguisher that reduces engine's heat so that powerful engine goes up in full throttle in atmosphere.
But lack of my programming knoledge, i cannot continue anymore.
I desperatly need programmer who will help me.
If you re interasted in helping me, plz contact
Sorry for my poor english. Edited by rkfnql322
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I like the idea of this mod.

If the heatsink suggestion by KhaosKorp doesn't supply what you need, I'm willing to write a plugin which reduces engine heat when part is attached. Sounds easy enough.

(Somehow I don't have permission to download the file so can't help you on that one)

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I like the idea of this mod.

If the heatsink suggestion by KhaosKorp doesn't supply what you need, I'm willing to write a plugin which reduces engine heat when part is attached. Sounds easy enough.

(Somehow I don't have permission to download the file so can't help you on that one)

I'm so happy that I found someone agree to my idea.


this is my blog's address. Its korean so u can feel dizzy but however u will find the files in this post. Find the letter '첨부파ì¼' and click it. And my extinguisher file(7zip) will be there.

I hope u easily fix the problem and thanks again for your service.

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Here is the plugin i created.

When activated the plugin will reduce engine temperature once it crosses a threshold below the max temperature of the engine and while doing so it uses up extinguisher agent.

This plugin can be used with any part you want to use as an extinguisher, by adding the following to the part.cfg:

name = ModuleExtinguisher

ThresholdUnderMaxTemp = 500
TempDecrease = 100
ExtinguishingAgentCostPerTempPerMass = 0.00001
ExtinguishingAgentName = SolidFuel


name = SolidFuel
amount = 30
maxAmount = 30

You can change these values to change when and how effective and efficient the extinguisher is.

In this case I used solidfuel as the resource agent for extinguishing, but you can of course make a new resource and use that instead. I couldn't get it to work with your model so i used a modified sepratron solid rocket booster instead. I added this to the download so you can test the plugin (left click on the part to activate.)

(There something wrong with the collider of your model so it can't be clicked)

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Here is the plugin i created.

When activated the plugin will reduce engine temperature once it crosses a threshold below the max temperature of the engine and while doing so it uses up extinguisher agent.

This plugin can be used with any part you want to use as an extinguisher, by adding the following to the part.cfg:

name = ModuleExtinguisher

ThresholdUnderMaxTemp = 500
TempDecrease = 100
ExtinguishingAgentCostPerTempPerMass = 0.00001
ExtinguishingAgentName = SolidFuel


name = SolidFuel
amount = 30
maxAmount = 30

You can change these values to change when and how effective and efficient the extinguisher is.

In this case I used solidfuel as the resource agent for extinguishing, but you can of course make a new resource and use that instead. I couldn't get it to work with your model so i used a modified sepratron solid rocket booster instead. I added this to the download so you can test the plugin (left click on the part to activate.)

(There something wrong with the collider of your model so it can't be clicked)

I really appreciate your code but having a few problems.

Though it was Infinity fuel mode, solidfeel does not appear on the resource window. And it must mean that extinguisher shouldn't be working.

However, Extinguisher still works. This error must be occurred because of my way of exp. anyway,

It seems to be working even if there is no extinguisher attached.

Even after extinguisher blown up due to impact, it still worked and in ship without extinguisher, extinguisher still worked.

please re-check your code and if u have a better experiment idea, plz tell me.

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The code is okay, tested before uploading and again after receiving your post. I did see a small calculation error but it shouldn't have given problems

(I've made a new upload in which i changed the part name to Test Extinguisher so it is easier to find and also corrected the error but my previous upload should work as well.)

If you look at the part.cfg of the Test Extinguisher. (This has the model of a sepatron because your model is not working. )

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
// RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster

// --- general parameters ---
name = TestExtinguisher
module = Part
author = NovaSilisko

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 1

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

// --- FX definitions ---

fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -0.17, 0.163, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running

// --- Sound FX definition ---

sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_mini = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage

// --- editor parameters ---
cost = 100
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = Test Extinguisher
manufacturer = test
description = Test Extinguisher

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.0125
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.3
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 3600

name = ModuleExtinguisher

ThresholdUnderMaxTemp = 500
TempDecrease = 100
ExtinguishingAgentCostPerTempPerMass = 0.0001
ExtinguishingAgentName = SolidFuel


name = SolidFuel
amount = 30
maxAmount = 30

in your own part.cfg there are these lines:

ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true
stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

They should be deleted

So for the moment use the Test Extinguisher and make such a vessel as depicted below.


A mainsail engine with an orange with two Test Extinguishers which can be dropped

Now do the following tests:

Launch at full throttle while not activating the extinguisher. Result: mainsail overheats and explodes

Launch at full throttle with extinguisher activated. Result: mainsail overheat to halfway and extinguisher starts using SolidFuel

Deactivating the extinguisher. Results: mainsail start overheating again and explodes

Dropping the extinguisher. Result: mainsail starts overheating again and explodes

Let extinguisher run out of fuel. Result: mainsail starts overheating again and explodes

Edited by PrivateFlip
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Thanks. It works.

However, I still don't understand why my model isn't working.

Actually, I'm suffering from not-textured mods problem for a long time. Even Lazor System and Robotics mod's texture is not working while others are OK.

And also I can't find how to apply collinsion_mesh to my model. After the modeling problem solved, This mod will be ready to be published.

I'm really annoying..

If you know how to settle the problem, plz help me..

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Finally, Thanks to @PrivateFlip, I finished it.

Texture and Collider are now OK. And it's now ready for SpacePort upload.


Your code had no any errors and experiment conducted with my model was also working nice except some effects.

Except that no gas comes out.

I really appreciate and will never forget your your help. You will be credited in my part.



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However, I just found that this extinguisher can emit white smoke while working. But due to unknown bug (must be axis error), it wouldn't emit anything. Even sound. Can you fix it for me?

And one more thing. Can you make it compatible with action group? And I have 1 more question. is extinguisher automatically activated when summoned on launch pad?

sorry for too much asking..; :blush:

I noticed that another cooling part has been existed. However, It's design was dull.
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However, I just found that this extinguisher can emit white smoke while working. But due to unknown bug (must be axis error), it wouldn't emit anything. Even sound. Can you fix it for me?

Could you explain to me how you just found this out?

I wouldn't now how to add animation or sound to the current part.

And one more thing. Can you make it compatible with action group?

Yip. The extinguisher now has three actiongroups.

And I have 1 more question. is extinguisher automatically activated when summoned on launch pad?

sorry for too much asking..; :blush:

Yip. You can now set this in the part.cfg file whether is it active or inactive at launch

Here is the new download

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Could you explain to me how you just found this out?

I wouldn't now how to add animation or sound to the current part.

I meant this part.

// --- FX definitions ---

fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -0.31, -0.01, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, running

// --- Sound FX definition ---

sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_mini = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage

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I see. These lines ar just left over from the solid rocket booster model I made the testextinguisher in. I belief these fx definitions only work for engines that's why it says "running".

If you really wanted to you could get a flame to come out when the extinguisher is active. The simplest thing would be to add an "ModuleEngines" partmodule to your cfg engine to your. You can copy paste it out of the part.cfg of a stock engine part. Don't worry about thrust you can make it so the maximum thrust is super tiny and if you don't add a thrusttransform object to your model it there will be no thrust at all in the first place. You could see if you can get the effects to work that way. If you do, I can then modify the code of my plugin to activate this engine module only when the extinguisher is active.

Otherwise you would have to find another way to add and play this fx, not really my expertise.

But the real question I think you should ask yourself is whether you should want to have a flame coming out of the extinguisher: is this something you really think will make your part better or are you doing this because you just found out the possibility.

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The example above is just example.

As you know extinguisher let out a lot of white smoke when they are being used.

Actually in the showcase forum, I posted this and a lot of people claimed to add some smoke or else to notify if they are working. And I think so too.

And reason i thought it could work was that i noticed the message 'extinguissher activated' in the debug tool. Couldn't it mean that extinguisher hand out the message that it is activated and let ksp play the fx or sound?


We've asked to make a neat holder&separator for extinguisher. I'm doing modeling now.

Edited by rkfnql322
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