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Customized Flag


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Greetings, fellow astronauts, scientists, explorers of the universe and other idiots.

There is a certain topic I would like to talk about, and as the title may have revealed, it's about the customization of flags.

The other day, I came across a video, made by a KSP-player, also a type of yougnaut, called Duncan. In his latest video (at this time) of KSP, I noticed he had his very own customized flag (link at the bottom of the thread).

I then got the urge to make such a flag on my own, but no matter how much I tried, the game did not allow it. I have the same dimension as the other flags, the same format, but when I enter the game to take a look at it, my flag is turned into a red question-mark.

This really bores me, so if there is anyone out there who know a way around this, please let me know.

On behalf of the planet Kerbit, I thank you. :)

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Just create a new directory into GameData folder (name it as you want), create under this directory an other one named "Flags", and under it, put your flag, a 256x160 png ;)

Unfortunatly, this didn't work either, the flag I customized still shows up as a question-mark-flag in-game.

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