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My Trek into Orbit and Beyond


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I just started a new Game in KSP today. I'll be updating this thread each step of the way. I have some mods installed and some extra parts.

Mods that I'll be using the most include mechJeb 2.0, Quantum Struts once I get into Station Construction and some other odds and ends which I'll mention as I add/use them.

So my humble start... I have never really explored Kerbin from the air before so I thought I'd start there. I built a airplane and named it Kerbin Explorer 1. It features 8 terbofan Engine S (4 on each wing) and a Central TurboJet Engine M. Top speeds reached so far in my initial tests of it was around 400 m/s at an altitude of 8,000 meters. It flys like a charm so far. Very smooth and when your ready to come in for a landing you can cut all power to the engines and just glide in for a smooth landing.

So for the first test once I knew that it would fly and land safely I took off from the run way at KSC and headed out over the ocean. I was planning on just seeing how far I could take her. However after I had been going for a while I come across a small Island that peeked my Interest. I lined my self up with the Island and reduced power to about 50% to start slowing my self down. Once I reduced speed some and it was clear I would have enough speed to safely make it to the Island I cut all power to the engines and started gliding in for the landing. I landed safely and took the pilot out for a EVA where I took the following:



I then got him back in and went to take off however this time I had less then a successful take off as a result of the less then ideal take off area that the Island provided:


Some how the cockpit survived the massive explosion from all the unused fuel and thankfully no Kerbals were harmed (Or atleast killed) in this test!

So give me some ideas on what I should do after I spend some time exploring Kerbin and I'll make this into a sort of Let's play!

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Well I decided to move forward and start preparing to launch a remote Space Program which will pave the way for Kerbals to go beyond LKO.

The Launch of a 250 km ComSat (ComSat 1) was successful and the brave team of Kerbanauts who put it into orbit successfully deorbited and landed safely back with in 5km of KSC where they are now waiting to be picked up.

ComSat 2 meanwhile is sitting atop it's rocket along with another Brave team of 3 Kerbanauts on the Launch pad waiting for it's launch. ComSat 2 will be put into LKO at a altitude of 200km with a inclination of 90 degrees.

ComSat 1 is in Orbit at 200km with a 0 degree inclination.

So I've decided how all of my Orbits will be setup. All of my Space Stations and refueling stations will be put up into a Orbit of 300km, Satellites and Science Probes will have a Orbit of 200km and 100km will be used as the orbit for Ships heading out of LKO. I'll have a refueling ship up at the stations that can meet up with any ships heading out of LKO to refuel them before heading out.


ComSat Design:


ComSat 1 on the Launch pad:


ComSat 1 in orbit and fully deployed:


ComSat 2 on the Launch pad:


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Thanks. and Thanks for moving this thread. I didn't even know this forum section existed. I just saw the general Discussion and figured it would go there. I'll have to look through this section and see what others are up to!

Oh and I just successfully launched ComSat 2 into Orbit, deployed it, and brought the team back safely to KSC.

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Ok another update...

I have started converting my rocket over to a Heavy version for launching heavy payloads (Space Station Modules) into orbit. I have a Bold mission planned to land a Interplanetary Com Dish onto the Mun which hopefully will have the distance needed to keep all my ComSats in communication with each other (That's the plan atleast).

I got to the point that I was ready to test my Heavy Rocket and I wanted to simulate a mission to the mun and put a test probe into Orbit around it. The mission was a huge success and I now have a probe however useless orbiting the mun.

Next I'll be designing the Interplanetary com dish then launching it toward it's final resting place. I'll also be using the location of the Sat dish to build a mun base around when I get to that point!

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Well my first attempt at landing my Com dish safely on the mun failed. I got to the mun and pretty much successfully landed. My supporting legs for the dish ended up not touching the ground because the thruster was too large. To make things worse I landed on a slope. Needless to say they whole thing fell over and exploded.

It's now time to add a second stage to the dish with the larger thruster that can be ejected once it makes it to the mun and then use a smaller thruster to slow it down.

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