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[21.x] What Mods/Add-ons Should I Try?


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As a player of Minecraft, I have come to the realization that sometimes a vanilla game needs some mods to enhance the gameplay experience. Don't get me wrong though, vanilla KSP is awesome but I'd like to see what's out there to make KSP even more enjoyable.

I'd like to keep KSP as realistic as possible so I am not interested in add-ons that add unrealistic parts to the game.

I am interested in mods that assist the player but not overly godmoding.

I would like something that would make satellites, probes, and other scanning equipment more functional (I do have the Kethane mod)

I am interested in packs with more parts for rockets, stations, bases, satellite/probes, and ground vehicles.

And anything else that you people may recommend that I should try to make my gameplay even more fun with more things to do.

Current Mods:

MechJeb2 <- I still don't know how to pull up any of the data for this :\

Crew Manifest (I hear this is obsolete now)

Lazor Docking


Engineering Redux

I was also thinking about Remotech and ISA MapSat but it didn't seem like they were ready for 21.x? On that note, do mods for older versions work on newer versions or do they break the game?

Thanks for the input

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If you're looking for more interesting and fun probe parts, try AIES Aerospace.

As far as parts packs that are consistent with the stock game, KSPX comes to mind immediately. IT's only got like 9 parts in it now, because the others were added stock in 0.21.

As far as "cosmetic" mods - things that enhance gameplay without adding new parts or features, I recommend Chatterer (ambient radio communication during missions) and RCS Build Aid (invaluable for seeing how your thrusters will work while building a craft).

I also use SelectRoot (allows you to set a different part as the "root" of the ship), Subassembly Manager, Tac Parts Lister and Part Catalog. All of these plugins make construction simpler and easier to understand. I've just also added Editor Extensions, which allows greater control over parts placement.

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Get Chatterer. It's pretty much the only mod you actually need.

For MechJeb, here is their manual: http://wiki.mechjeb.com/?title=Manual

If you have MechJeb you really don't need Engineer Redux since they have redundant functions. If you're not using flight assistance from MechJeb whether you use one or the other is purely preference.

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  HeadHunter67 said:

As far as parts packs that are consistent with the stock game, KSPX comes to mind immediately. IT's only got like 9 parts in it now, because the others were added stock in 0.21. .

I forgot about adding KSPX.

I'll definitely look into the other mods aswell

I looked at AIES Aerospace. Says it's still for v.20.x does that mean I can't use it yet? Either it looks very nice. I've been wanting covers. I'm amazed Squad didn't put them into the base game since the Saturn V rocket had them to conceal the lunar module.

Edited by Zerro
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Aries program is awesome! Don't worry about not using the lazor mod with the Aries program if you don't have it. It will still work fine just the docking camera mode will be missing from the Orion capsule. Then again you already have the mod installed ^-^

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Also, Crew Manifest isn't entirely obsolete. The Astronaut Complex doesn't let you choose the names or traits of a pilot, really - they just give you a bunch of choices.

Crew Manifest lets you choose the name and the traits you want. More importantly, it lets you move crew between modules on a craft without having to do EVA - so docking actually makes more sense with Crew Manifest running.

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I find KAS very, very useful. It permits you to dock, or simply attach vessels or Kerbals using cables. You can retract/expand them to fit your needs and transfer fuel once plugged in.

Also, MechJeb is useful for node planning, rendezvous and ascent autopilot, making easier, more precise and automatic, all the actions you want.

If you have a second computer, (like a laptop) I recommend you Telemachus that enables a web interface, so you can send basic commands to the flight and get graphics of fuel, gravity, atmosphere density, get orbital informations and vessel informations...

To enhance gameplay, I recommend using Kethane, Extraplanetary Launchpads (mining ore and drill fuel), ISA MapSat (terrain map of the planet - to find the best places to establish a base) & IonCross (Oxygen support - your kerbals die if they don't have anymore Oxygen).

Take also a look at B9 parts, NovaPunch2 parts, Lazor Docking system (very very useful to dock). Search around YouTube also (Scott Manley's videos are awesome and very useful)! ;)

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  Atreiu said:
I find KAS very, very useful. It permits you to dock, or simply attach vessels or Kerbals using cables. You can retract/expand them to fit your needs and transfer fuel once plugged in.

Also, MechJeb is useful for node planning, rendezvous and ascent autopilot, making easier, more precise and automatic, all the actions you want.

If you have a second computer, (like a laptop) I recommend you Telemachus that enables a web interface, so you can send basic commands to the flight and get graphics of fuel, gravity, atmosphere density, get orbital informations and vessel informations...

To enhance gameplay, I recommend using Kethane, Extraplanetary Launchpads (mining ore and drill fuel), ISA MapSat (terrain map of the planet - to find the best places to establish a base) & IonCross (Oxygen support - your kerbals die if they don't have anymore Oxygen).

Take also a look at B9 parts, NovaPunch2 parts, Lazor Docking system (very very useful to dock). Search around YouTube also (Scott Manley's videos are awesome and very useful)! ;)

I thought oxygen didn't play a role in the current version of Kerbal? Or does IonCross just make it a factor you have to worry about? On that note, does a manned Command Module need batteries for long-term missions?

Definitely going to check out the mods you recommended. I have watched and learned a lot from Scott Manley

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IonCross adds an Oxygen resource: without it, your Kerbals will die. You could also test TAC Life Support that adds Oxygen, Food and Water - but no recycle for the moment...

A manned Command Module need Eletricity power to work. If you don't have power remaining, you cannot do anything on the vessel. So do not forget solar panels ;)

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If you want to try your hand at spaceplanes then FAR is a must have. It makes spaceplanes behave much more realistically... although it does make it harder initially until you learn how to build a stable aircraft.

If you have FAR then in order for your rockets to work you need fairings... and Procedural Fairings are your best bet, although the KW Rocketry Fairings work well too.

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Okay so quick update - I got Kerbal Space Program to load with:










I tried Extraplanetary Launcher but the game got stuck when loading 'Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*' Anyone know why this might be happening?

Can't wait to try the mods out and many more

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  Zerro said:
Okay so quick update - I got Kerbal Space Program to load with:










I tried Extraplanetary Launcher but the game got stuck when loading 'Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*' Anyone know why this might be happening?

Can't wait to try the mods out and many more

You need to remove the mods that have not been updated for 0.21.

You need to check the mechjeb thread, and Kethane thread for the ScaledSpaceDumper.dll, or you will experience weird graphics jitter.

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Hello there,

i added massive mods to my KSP...now ive got the Problem, that my loading time and the stability of my game is ****ed up (sorry). Which mods are in your oppinion really good/stable necessary? Id like to have Minimum 1, Maximum 2 mods for following aspects of the game:

General meta game/ressources

space planes



rovers/ground vehicles


Lazor Mod and Mechjeb wont die on my pc. :D

Thanks in advance,

Tyren "moar TWR" Dian. :D

Edited by Tyren
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My "necessary" mods (that is to say, mods I install on all builds) are:


Universe Replacer (use the lower-res textures and it's not so bad for loading and performance)

RCS Build Aid


Docking Port Alignment

Parts packs are nice but not ultimately necessary unless they add different functionality or features - and they can bloat your mod install folder significantly. For building, I use TAC Part Lister, Subassembly Manager, Parts Catalog and SelectRoot.

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It's been my experience that .21 has really messed things up as far as mods are concerned. I've run all of the following mods in .21 to some degree of success, just not all at the same time. . .

Chatterer - Just gives the game that authentic feel.

MechJeb2 - With the new ASAS I barely use it, but it helps if you're new to the game.

Aviation Lights - Again just adds a little touch of realism and authenticity.

NovaPunch - I just like having all of the extra engines and rocket parts.

Firespitter - Essential if you want to build rotor and prop driven crafts.

Soviet Pack - Like the historic rockets available in this pack.

B9 Aerospace - Amazing pack from BAC9, I just can't seem to run it with too many other mods installed in .21.

Lazor System - I run it with most of the additional parts sets - Missiles, Docking Cam, ect...

Crew Manifest - It's definitely not obsolete, yet, but most likely soon.

Anvil Rockets - Cool pack, but the 3D models need a lot of work. It has some seriously heavy lifting rockets for those real large payloads.

Mods I am sadly missing since the .21 update. . .

ISA Mapper - Without this mod, building probes to other planets is meaningless.

Damned Robotics - I don't know is this the alternative mod out for .21?

FASA Mercury & Gemini Rockets - Missing this one so much, I dig the two man Gemini capsule.

KW Rocketry - Can't wait for this to be updated.

Edited by jahnj13
I thought I was running KW, but I'm not
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My "base" will always install set - bear in mind I build a lot of spaceplanes:


TAC Fuel balancer

Alarm Clock

Editor Extensions

Subassembly Manager


Crew Manifest


Procedural wings

Procedural fairings

Control surfaces from Taverius' aero pack, they're nicely understated.

Action group editor.

Usual other parts:

B9 - removed all the wings

TT Wheels


Aviation lights

Bobcat's H.O.M.E - usually forms the bottom of anything I drop on a planet.

JARFR trusses

RLA Stockalike RCS thrusters

Which leaves room for a rocketry pack - remove any fairings, that will significantly cut part count - and a station parts pack before things start really creaking. I'm trying Novapunch atm but I'll probably go back to KW just for the style - neither seem overpowered, just have useful large parts. For stations I think I'm sticking with udk_lethal_d0se's Large Structural Components pack which matches stock pretty well, and has some really good detail work. Nothing against Fustek which is also lovely, I just prefer this style.

Somehow I want to squeeze Deadly Re-entry & RemoteTech in there, but I need to go prune some installed stuff first.

Edited by Van Disaster
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  jahnj13 said:
Mods I am sadly missing since the .21 update. . .

ISA Mapper - Without this mod, building probes to other planets is meaningless.

I have Mapsats at Kerbin, Mun, Minmus and Duna with .21. Works better in .21 than it did in .20. For me anyway. I couldn't agree more about the value of probes without Mapsat. I really don't like to do things "just because." At least not more than once.

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  jahnj13 said:
Van, are you able to run all of those mods at once? What mods do you run together? Have you found any conflicts?

I'm using them all right now, no current conflicts. I usually prune a fair bit - for instance I have hardly any standalone wings, no fairings other than procedural ones, no structural panels etc. I've actually got a few more things installed than that, everything is running ok ( although I'm right on the limit for memory, it appears ). Most of the things I've listed are plugins or small mods rather than part packs though. I've got 660 active parts and a high-res skybox, if I install any more parts without disabling some I'll get memory-related crashes, but otherwise I can run for hours. ( Having said that, I just crashed - it looks like something ticked in the background & blew everything up. Mostly it's fine though ). I tend to look for part packs that reduce the part count of the finished product, hence bigger parts usually. After that either info & management tools, or experience expansion items like Kethane.

I'm using ISA Mapsat 3.3.4 in .21 - at least I'm mapping things because I need to scan for Kethane anyway, I haven't actually used the maps themselves much... the beta release of 4 didn't work when I tried it in 0.20, and with people reporting enormous memory consumption I didn't want to try until it was optimised a bit.

Edited by Van Disaster
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I'm about the same as Van - I have a lot of little plugins and mini-mods, and I prune my parts packs mercilessly. So even though I'm running KW, NP, and AIES, a high-res skybox and Kerbin texture, and nearly 3 dozen other mods and plugins, my GameData folder is still less than 1.5GB (which I've discovered is when things start to crash).

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You should get the Kw Rocketry Pack I am amazed it still works for 0.21 and get the P Fairings Plugin its makes Rockets more aerodynamic and Looks More Realistic.Also get the Subassembly Manager its a remake of a old pre-.21 mod.




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