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Stock Parts *only*

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a setting to only load stock parts in the VAB/SPH would be *awesome*. Not something that keeps other mods from loading on game start, but something that can be toggled in game to show/hide mods in the parts list. Something like a drop-down that allows us to select which folder parts are displayed from would be "over the top". ;)

An alternative to this idea would be to prefix all stock parts so they load first in the VAB/SPH.

One thing I love about the sandbox is the challenges. Often, there are rules such as "stock only". ...Just add one good mod from NovaSilisko or B9 and the parts pages are a jumble. To those of us who are intimate with the game, it's not a big deal, to newbies, part selection could get overwhelming real quick when you're not sure "what's stock".

Just an idea...

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Thank you for the suggestion. I actually prefixed my Squad dir with a 0 and now it loads first when the game starts and all stock parts are displayed first in the VAB/SPH. That's all I really wanted. :)

Took it one step farther and numbered all the dirs so my favorite parts load after stock and least favorite load last. Saving quite a bit of time flipping through the pages of parts now.

I hope the Devs take the suggestion of prefixing the Squad dir seriously, loading stock parts first just makes things easier... it looks a bit nicer as well.

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I feel like we're probably going to get a vanilla part catalog...or just a part UI overhaul at one point. I mean, they're planning on integrating spaceport into the game(rather than opening spaceport externally via your browser as it does now) so that'll probably involve some new UI stuff. Or maybe even change the way mods load or something. Either way, should be good.

Until then, there's mods and what-not, as people have already pointed out.

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