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Newbie question about unity, collision meshes not working and missing textures...

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Hi all!

I'm hoping that someone may be able to clear up my confusion...

I decided to try and create a simple part for ksp... first I made it in sketchup, exported as .dae into the game directly with a cfg file and texture etc. This turned up in game, visible, yet when I attached it to something, I couldn't remove it or click on it afterwards... ctrl z didn't work either. So I dug through the forums a bit...

attempt 2... I imported the .dae into unity, installed part tools and tried to follow various tutorials. I added a physics collision mesh thing, clicked convex etc. I added textures as before. I wrote the file, got the .mu, and the texture exported out. Popped them into my folder aaaaaaaaaaaand fail. Now in the game it is invisible, implying no texture, and there is still no collision mesh, I still can't remove/undo/click on it once it's attached to something.

Can someone please explain to me what it is I've missed? I've scanned posts and can't seem to figure it out (or else have missed something!)

Thanks in advance to whoever saves my sanity... ;)

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Not sure what the exact issue might be... Are you using the right config files? If you could post the Unity file we might be able to figure it out. :)

Um, sorry... what do you mean by the unity file? A screen shot of what I had up? Or the code from the cfg? Or something else? ^^; Oooor the .mu?

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Without seeing your Unity setup its gonna be kinda hard to tell what went wrong.

Is there a reason your using SketchUp? I know...I know....everyone it says it can be used. Just because something CAN be done does not make it something that SHOULD be done....

Also, when you say you added textures on attempt 2 as before, do you mean referance them in the config? That's not how its done in Unity if so... In case that's not it, what texture format did you have Unity write with? Can you screen shot your unity set up? that would be alot of help trying to asses the issue

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In your Unity project view, there should be a file with the .Unity extension under the same name as the scene you saved while working on the export setup inside the application. It should have the Unity logo on it. All you have to do is right click on that file and choose export package (also in the Assets menu on the top of the window). The file you get from that should be a .UnityPackage file, which is what we can use to see how you set it up.

A screenshot would work until you can figure that out, just make sure we can see the hierarchy and inspector views so we can see how you set up the objects. :)

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Firstly, thanks for the replies, appreciate it!!! :)

Screen shotscreenshot_zps7904e866.jpg

I'm still learning how attach nodes etc work, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're wrong.

For textures, I tried both the png from sketchup and in unity I dragged it onto the model too, in case it wasn't showing up properly or something... don't know, seemed like a good idea at the time! I've tried both png and mbm.

I'm using sketchup because I suck at blender... that's the main reason. I find sketchup easier to use, even though I know blender is more powerful. ^^;

The unity file is here: http://www.4shared.com/file/s6rkHAhW/test01.html

sorry not sure if there's a way to attach to this message directly, so I stuck it up there..!

It might be something with the collider/render mesh thing... I didn't fully understand the tutorials on it tbh... ^^:

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I don't know why not... the texture is in the materials folder, I dragged it onto the model itself and it changed colour... and it the texture shows up in the little material section in that little box... not sure what else I need to do :/

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OK, looks like indeed there is no texture on your model in Unity. In the Inspector near the bottom there is a little box, that is where you need to drag and drop your texture.

Also you should consider using Blender, if your comfortable using SketchUp your not to far off using blender, and there are many video tutorials.

The reason I suggest this is polycount. Kinda looks like a fuel tank model in your Unity...also looks like its about double the tris it should be, or more.

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I did the drag and drop thing, and it shows my texture name, and displays it in that little square... still doesn't show up in game.

However now there's a fun new issue. For some reason, any new part I put into the game keeps being replaced by a model from an existing one (romfarer's subeam laser), wiping it out in the process. So the model for that keeps showing up, even though I haven't referenced it at all in the cfg, and the model in the new part folder has not changed in any way. It's almost like I'm overwriting the cfg file for the laser (which I'm not, totally different directories).

Logically, the only reasons I can think of for pulling up another model, are an incorrect ref in the cfg, or using the incorrect 3d model file. Neither of those are the case, so I have no idea what's happening.

Think I'll take a break, perhaps reinstall ksp and then come back to it when I've learned more about blender. Hopefully whatever issues are messing this up can be avoided next time.

Thanks for the advice and suggestions everyone. :)

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  • 2 years later...


I know this is an old post but I had this problem for ages and I finally figured out why,

and I figured I'm probably not the only one and as this is the only post with this problem I can find

I should contribute. The problem is due to CFG file name issues. When I had this problem my

CFG name was "parts.cfg", which is used by other mods. To fix, either name your CFG file something

unique (part name for example) or use Modual Manager. Otherwise, this problem happens. :)

Edited by EpicDodo
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