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[AAR] Vengeance: A Journey To Space -- WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY


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How will you ever become un-fused?

Un-Fused? Please define.


Edited by Mekan1k
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Sorry for the delay everyone- it could not be helped.

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for:

Chapter 0: L3nw1s3 and Al1c3

*In the spaceport, all was quiet as the first intentionally self-replicating machine was finished, and was lining up for it's Munar Rendezvous.

Kirlak: I want a picture up 5 minutes ago of the probe. Where is it?

Kirk: It's onscreen now boss.


Jeb: Finally! We get to fight he swarm with their own game!

Bob: Jeb, That made no sense.

Jeb: We can finally make machines that can design and make machines! On their own!

Bob: Aren't you worried that-

Kirlak: Alright everyone, quiet down. We are turning on the AI of the Probeship L3nw1s3.

John: Commander Kirak, Can you spare a few words for the press?

Kirlak: Yes. Be quiet.


*Connection established*

Kirlak: Happy Birthday L3nw1s3. Can you hear me?

L3nw1s3: Loud and clear commander. I am running diagnostics now.... And we are clean.

Kirlak: How do your like your new body?

L3nw1s3: It's... A body. I don't really have an opinion.

Kirlak: The radio-link looks good. Ready to test the quantum-entanglement communicator?

L3nw1s3: Switching over in 3. 2. 1. Zero. Are we clear?

Kirlak: Everything is clean on our end.

L3nw1s3: You are coming in clean. No interference.

Kirlak: Alright, everone- SWARM Check! I don't want them sneaking up on us ever again.

Kirk: We are clear out through Kerbin's SOI. There are small Gravioli signatures around eve, and several around Duna.

Kirlak: Any Joolian activity?

Kirk: Nope. All clean- either they changed their fundamental design, or they are inactive.



John:.... What?

Bob: ....


Kirk: Sorry.

Kirlak: ... Anyway.... L3nw1s3- Prepare for Munar Insertion Burn.

L3nw1s3: Prepping and ready.... Injection Burn complete.


Kirlak: Where is the picture of the burn?

L3nw1s3: ... The flame from my engine cooked the camera.

Kirlak: Where is our nearest camera?

Kirk: on top of a mountain on the Mun.

L3nw1s3: Commander, with a slight burn adjustment I can land in the crater that the camera overlooks.

Kirlak: Make it so.

L3nw1s3: Burn complete. 4 hours to landing.

Kirlak: Wake me up when you are about to land.

*Kirlak walks out of the room*

Jeb: So... Anyone seen Mek?

Bill: I don't think so.

Jeb: Do you think the doctors will be able to un-fuse him?

Bob: I have no Idea.

* Doors open and Mek/Al1c3 walks in*

Mek: No, they have not been able to yet, but I rather like being able to use the camera's speakers in the walls to listen in on everything.

Jeb: Mek! Yo dude, how are you feeling?

Mek: Like warmed-over kraken remains. Al1c3 is fused into the buffer of my neural-

*Mek Looks at John.

John: Is this technically classified info?

Jeb: Yes.

John: I will just be leaving then.

Mek: Much appreciated.

*John walks out.

Mek: Anyway, she is stuck in my neural-link's computation buffer.

Bill: Is that uncomfortable?

Mek: Yes. I cannot sleep without being plugged in to a computer.

Kirk: Mek, I saw some plans for another self-replicating probe... One that would be synced directly to you. Is this true?

Mek: Yup. It's called the Wonderland, and Al1c3 is really looking forward to driving a real body again.

Jeb: are we going to keep talking while L3nw1s3 heads toward the mun?

Mek: Good point. Drinks are on me!


A few hours later


Kirlak: Everyone. Engineers, Pilots, and everyone else, we look upon a momentous moment.


L3nw1s3: I am the one landing, and that doesn't seem that important.

Kirlak: Do you feel the need to mess with everything I say?

L3nw1s3: Yeah, A bit..

Kirlak: Well, keep your mind on task-

L3nw1s3: LOW RIM!


Kirlak: Don't hit it....

L3nw1s3: I got it. Landing now.

Kirk: I have the camera swiveling to track now.

L3nw1s3: Deploying. Nano-collectors and secondary components are active and ready for deploying.


L3nw1s3: Fully deployed. Nano-collectors released.


Kirlak: How long until we can have a new probe on the Mun?

L3nw1s3:A while. The regolith available has enough material, but I will need to dig deep to make the first vehicle. Come back in a day.


1 day later


Kirlak: Is i t ready?

L3nw1s3: I finished it a few hours ago, and uploaded the Gestalt you supplied.

Kirlak: And?

Jeb: A gestalt? For an AI?

Kirlak: Yes. The munitions need to be smart, so we have a relatively loyal AI we designed off of one of our pets... A dog I think.



Jeb: I don't know what to do with that.

L3nw1s3: It's away! Wow. It likes flying.


Kirlak: Order it to land.

L3nw1s3: F1d0-1, Please orient and Land.

F1d0-1: Yay! I like talking. It's nice!

Jeb: What?

Kirlak: This was a chance that we took. The AI might act like a dog....

Jeb: I can tell.

F1d0-1: Hi! I can Hear you! I a have landed. What are your orders?


F1d0-1: OOOHHH! I know! I can send pictures! How's this?


Jeb: Nice.

Bill: Agreed.

Kirlak: L3nw1s3, can you self-duplicate?

L3nw1s3: Yes, given time. Lunar regolith is fuel-rich, but not too strong in heavy metals. I can begin base-manufacture or weapons-systems construction sooner, but there is not enough gold or titanium yet to finish the atomic-printer available yet to the collector robots.

Kirlak: Alright. Keep gathering material. Mek- Get plugged in.

Mek: Already connected. Al1c3?

Al1c3: Ready.Our test vehicle is already in orbit, and ready for the link.

Kirlak: Do we have eyes on the Wonderland?

Al1c3: Displaying now.


Al1c3: Calculating Burn angle and time....

Mek: That tickles!

Al1c3: Complete.

Kirlak: How long to burn?

Al1c3: 7.

Jeb: Seven what?

Al1c3: 6.

Jeb: Oh.

Al1c3: 5. 4. 3. 2.


Al1c3: Burn activating.


Mek: Al1c3, Please stop trying to use my wetware as ram! It makes me sneeze!

Al1c3: Stage Fuel depleted. Jettisoning stage.



Al1c3: Stabilizing burn to decrease overheating.

Mek: That really tickles.

Al1c3: We can disconnect. 2 days until rendezvous with Minnimus.


2 days later



Mek: arg... Ready for plugin.

Jeb: Countdown.

Mek: Just plug it in.... WARGSPLURGLE.

Al1c3: Yay! Ready for burn! I spent the sleep-time Mek needs calculating the descent point, and-

Kirlak: That's nice.

Al1c3: Ready for burn in 3. 2. 1.


Al1c3: Burn 1 complete. Re-orienting....


Al1c3: Burn 2 commencing....


Al1c3: Now time to land this puppy. Burn ready- wait for it...


Al1c3: Now.


Mek: We are coming in fast.

Al1c3: I know. Burning.


Al1c3: Burn dropping to compensate for altitude....

Mek: OW! Damn it Al1c3, I am not a ram bank you can just tap!

Al1c3: Sorry.


Al1c3: 100 meters to ground.


Al1c3: Setting down gently...



Al1c3: And we are down! Unfolding now.



Kirlak: How long before the test-vehicle is ready?

Al1c3: I need to release the nano-collectors, and take inventory. It may take a while....

Kirlak: I am going to take a nap. Wake me when we have something to report.

Mek: Sure commander. I will just stay here like an external drive....


6 hours later


Mek: zzzzz

Al1c3: Wakeup! Someone, please! Come watch this!



Al1c3: Come on, you can fly....


F1d0-2: Are you my mommy?

Mek: zzzzk-... What.

Al1c3: I just....

Mek: Just.... No.


F1d0-2: I am tired. Can I sleep?

Al1c3: Sure. Go to sleep.





Sorry for the delay.

Tuesday I will be on a plane, and I will not be back until the 24th at the earliest.


I officially declare a hiatus until the next update, which will occur the weekend I get back (25th).

I am planning the next few chapters, so I will be able to update promptly, 2x a week after I get back.

Have fun, play KSP, and please, comment. I like reading what people think, about what is going on, and what will happen. Who knows- you might be right.

Oh, and tell me- how likely do you think it is that those self-reproducing probes go insane?

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Great chapter! I like the 'Are you my mummy line.' Brings back creepy memories. :)

And I think it's fairly unlikely that those probes will go bat****-insane. They are overseen by two AIs and a human control, besides, they have quite primitive behavioural circuits it seems (so far). I think this will actually be successful.

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Well, I doubt that these AIs will go rouge. Insane, on the other hand? Depends on where the AI is sent, and who it was based on. My definition of rouge is where the AI refuses to follow the orders of a human operator. After all, these AIs are very likely programmed to default to fighting against the SWARM. Also, will the corporations' ships make an appearance at any point soon?

Edited by Fox62
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Can I submit a ship? If so, Pili Indusries presents the Orbital Debris Removal Vehicle.


This thing holds eight SUNBEAM Lasers, a MechJeb autopilot and some B9 lights for asthetics.

This is meant to destroy all debris in Kerbin Orbit, but can be easily put into military service. Just strap an Interplanetary tug to it and send it to anywhere in the Kerbal system if you wish!

Edited by [ Jeremy ]
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Well, I doubt that these AIs will go rouge. Insane, on the other hand? Depends on where the AI is sent, and who it was based on. My definition of rouge is where the AI refuses to follow the orders of a human operator. After all, these AIs are very likely programmed to default to fighting against the SWARM. Also, will the corporations' ships make an appearance at any point soon?

Soon? Yes, in terms of story. I am leaving in a couple days, so Not Soon in terms of realtime. However, there will be some CorpShips going up soon.

Can I submit a ship? If so, Pili Indusries presents the Orbital Debris Removal Vehicle.


This thing holds eight SUNBEAM Lasers, a MechJeb autopilot and some B9 lights for asthetics.

This is meant to destroy all debris in Kerbin Orbit, but can be easily put into military service. Just strap an Interplanetary tug to it and send it to anywhere in the Kerbal system if you wish!

Seems like a nice design to start for entering a SOI. I will have to think about it.

It's design will probably come up.... Maybe I will make it bigger.

loved that chapter, you and al1c3 have some trouble getting along, makes for some funny moments, that's for sure.

Oh, it will :P

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Might I make a craft donation to the project?? After seeing the Trawler and building my Explorer series of ships (See B9 thread) I designed my own custom ship I thought you might like! Currently at 170 parts total using B9, Novapuch2, Lazors (Missiles, Sunbeams, and the main system) MagicSmokeindustries parts pack, Talisar's Spherical Tank pack, ZZZ's Greenhouse, The MPSS Habitat ring, LLL's extendable Corridor docking ports, Z-Pinch Fusion Drives, Korda's More RTGs, RLA Stockalike, And BillJeb 9000+. Currently armed with 12 Sunbeam LAZORS, 4 Small Lazor Missiles, 24 Medium Lazor Missiles, and 4 Lazor Cruise Missiles!! It's a beast, able to fire any 9 Sunbeams broadsides and the missile racks (except the smalls) can be extended and rotated to better aid in target acquisition!!

Will update with a pic shortly....


Edited by Railgunner2160
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Might I make a craft donation to the project?? After seeing the Trawler and building my Explorer series of ships (See B9 thread) I designed my own custom ship I thought you might like! Currently at 170 parts total using B9, Novapuch2, Lazors (Missiles, Sunbeams, and the main system) MagicSmokeindustries parts pack, Talisar's Spherical Tank pack, ZZZ's Greenhouse, The MPSS Habitat ring, LLL's extendable Corridor docking ports, Z-Pinch Fusion Drives, Korda's More RTGs, And BillJeb 9000+. Currently armed with 12 Sunbeam LAZORS, 4 Small Lazor Missiles, 24 Medium Lazor Missiles, and 4 Lazor Cruise Missiles!! It's a beast, able to fire any 9 Sunbeams broadsides and the missile racks (except the smalls) can be extended and rotated to better aid in target acquisition!!

Will update with a pic shortly....


Nice design! I should be able to do something with that...

Whatever it is I'm frightened just looking at it.

Good :cool:

What the heck is that? A new SWARM ship?


Mekan, I'm working on a larger scale cannon, just in case.

"If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing!"


That will be perfect! I bet I can have it put to good use... MWAHAHAHA!

Awesome writing, might donate a craft aswell.

Thanks! I look forward to it.

I will be out for a bit over 2 weeks, so I am sorry this was all I could show you guys today. However, I am glad that you liked the pictures. I will be back on the 25th, so expect an update the 25th or the 26th.

I might be able to sign on and post a little, but not too much. Where I am going we don't have the luxury of spending as long online as I do normally.

Edited by Mekan1k
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Nice design! I should be able to do something with that...


I will be out for a bit over 2 weeks, so I am sorry this was all I could show you guys today. However, I am glad that you liked the pictures. I will be back on the 25th, so expect an update the 25th or the 26th.

I might be able to sign on and post a little, but not too much. Where I am going we don't have the luxury of spending as long online as I do normally.

Cool, here's the links to the craft files, feel free to change the staging order and action groups to suit your needs, I'm a novice when it comes to these weapon mods. Also the Space Cruiser 3 (L) is the launcher equipped version, able to be launched into a 75KM orbit easily, for whatever reason using EPL to spawn it on the Mun causes the LAZOR system to not engage properly, so no missile guidance if launched that way....



Edited by Railgunner2160
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Might I make a craft donation to the project?? After seeing the Trawler and building my Explorer series of ships (See B9 thread) I designed my own custom ship I thought you might like! Currently at 170 parts total using B9, Novapuch2, Lazors (Missiles, Sunbeams, and the main system) MagicSmokeindustries parts pack, Talisar's Spherical Tank pack, ZZZ's Greenhouse, The MPSS Habitat ring, LLL's extendable Corridor docking ports, Z-Pinch Fusion Drives, Korda's More RTGs, And BillJeb 9000+. Currently armed with 12 Sunbeam LAZORS, 4 Small Lazor Missiles, 24 Medium Lazor Missiles, and 4 Lazor Cruise Missiles!! It's a beast, able to fire any 9 Sunbeams broadsides and the missile racks (except the smalls) can be extended and rotated to better aid in target acquisition!!

Will update with a pic shortly....


Whoa! That is an awesome ship!

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It's done! Pili Industrries presents The "Flashlight", an orbital cruiser designed for mass desruction.


It features TWENTY FOUR SUNBEAM Lasers for maximum destruction. It also has two Lv-Ns, a TWR of 0.2 and ~2,000 m/s of DeltaV.


Believe me, you do NOT want to be in front of that!

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It's done! Pili Industrries presents The "Flashlight", an orbital cruiser designed for mass desruction.

It features TWENTY FOUR SUNBEAM Lasers for maximum destruction. It also has two Lv-Ns, a TWR of 0.2 and ~2,000 m/s of DeltaV.

Believe me, you do NOT want to be in front of that!


I like it!

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It's done! Pili Industrries presents The "Flashlight", an orbital cruiser designed for mass desruction.


It features TWENTY FOUR SUNBEAM Lasers for maximum destruction. It also has two Lv-Ns, a TWR of 0.2 and ~2,000 m/s of DeltaV.


Believe me, you do NOT want to be in front of that!


All I could think of.

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Just an update: I forgot to include RLA Stockalike in the parts needed for my submission, I've added it to the list in the submission post....

This does not change the craft files i uploaded just a correction of a mod needed for it missing from the list.....

A product update from Athena Aerospace(Pending approval from Mekan1k)

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Vasquez Kerman: How much would it cost for Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd. to purchase the rights to make liscensed copies of the "Flashlight" class space cruiser?

Jeremy"Pili"_Kerman:Seeing as Pili Induries' main focus is "Scientific" and Weaponry Research and Development, We do not have the proper facilities to mass produce our vessels. As such, it would take only 10 Million Kredits to purchas the production lisceence for the Flashlight class cruiser. Feel free to inquire about any products that we have also presented."

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Vasquez Kerman: Noted. I believe that a partnership between Pili Industries and Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd. would be highly beneficial for both companies. I propose that Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd. offer one of the companies construction centers to Pili Industries in return for permission to construct licensed copies of the "Flashlight" class cruiser.

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Jeremy_Kerman: Proposal accepted. I will send you the liscence and blueprints personally shortly. Our designs are highly destructive and as a result I deliver the blueprints myself for maximum security.

[PM me your e-mail so i can send the craft file]

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