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[AAR] Vengeance: A Journey To Space -- WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY


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Another option is when the Triumphant Trio go back in time, one set (past or future... or mix there-of) get captured by swarm and get 'mecha zombified'... or whatever you'd call it. Cyborg- controlled anyway, to use the 'meat sacks' against the Kerbals for some undescribed reason. Even after the control is lifted they'd be different, mind and body, so easier to tell apart. Plus it'd open up some cool chances to quote Picard, or Locutus :)

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Not a clue, but I know that something like that will be fun to write. (that's coming from another writer)

It is.... I am engrossed with different possibilities right now.

NFI joins them in the past and stops them destroying SWARM. Then NFI reprograms the SWARM to be far less homicidal. Happy endings and Jeb gets a new ship to toy with.



Regardless, great chapter!

Who is NFI?

As long as you don't go 'back to the future' and have people slowly fading out because of time hiccoughs then you should do good. Seriously, there's two main theories on time travel in SCIENCE... Ahem. I mean in science now (been playing 0.22 too much). One, is the trousers of time... er, I mean multi-verse theory. IE you can change time and it doesn't matter. Your changes actually made a new universe with those changes in. The only oddities (not actually paradoxes, but can stretch your brain) come when someone else goes before a previous time travel.... or any multiple instances of time travel. Which ones get erased (ie, only happened in a different alternate universe) and which ones are there? Also weird with people popping back and forwards a lot... and you don't want to go into meeting yourself. Not a paradox in this instance, but very confusing!

The other theory is an interesting one. Time travel works, and what you do is what causes things to happen the way they did previously. If what you do doesn't cause this then the time machine malfunctions, breaks down, blows up etc so a paradox can't happen.

Since you've already had time changes you probably should go with the first one, but you could be tricky and go with the second one with some weirdness. IE, you can have someone go back, make changes... that aren't changes. They just go back to some physical place that no-one was busy watching. Then wait it out till the timeline catches up to when they left. Eg. Go back, build a fleet, wait till the time you went back, THEN emerge. Timeline always had that in there but no-one knew.

It would be tricky to fit your previous time travel venture into theory 2 however (though not totally impossible), since that one seemed to already have an alternate history. Most likely, go with 1.

(EDIT: if you want to go with the 'time travel can change the past and isn't alternate time line' just please make sure that all changes in the time line come at the instant of time travel. There are so many stories and movies etc that have someone go back, then after a while he does something... and the universe starts changing! That's so silly it hurts. I love back to the future, but that one made some serious boo-boos in that regard)

I am planning on having something slightly more..... Ominous... Happen to deal with the paradox.

ummm, maybe give them fake ID's to prevent identification, and maybe masks? interesting chapter.

Honestly did not think of that.

Better idea. Have them refer to themselves as the Jeb, Bill, and Bob of an alternate timeline, one where the SWARM won.

That way, they can go back in time and create a parallel universe, one where the changes they made occurred.

But.... What? Why? Why tell people?

Or there is a big fight to agree on who is Bob1 and who is Bob2... Jeb1 & Jeb2 etc. "Seniority!" "What? You're only a few days older! Plus you messed up your timeline. No I'M the real Jeb! I'm Jeb1. First come first served." etc etc etc

This.. Has promise.

I'm guessing that the whole point of this chapter is to pave the way to "Reboot" it using 0.22??

Awesome work BTW, Looking forward to next chapter......


Wow, i never thought of that

Really? You never considered it?

Another option is when the Triumphant Trio go back in time, one set (past or future... or mix there-of) get captured by swarm and get 'mecha zombified'... or whatever you'd call it. Cyborg- controlled anyway, to use the 'meat sacks' against the Kerbals for some undescribed reason. Even after the control is lifted they'd be different, mind and body, so easier to tell apart. Plus it'd open up some cool chances to quote Picard, or Locutus :)

Mecha-Zombified? Really? I will need to think about this one....

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Chapter 8: Well, that solves that problem

Jeb: Bill, stop poking around the craft. We don't know exactly how large it is in here....

Bill: But... I just found something.

Bob: Well- what is it?

Bill: Um....


Bill: You know what, I'm just going to go back to the bridge.

Jeb: Cool.

B9k: Is is currently 3 months and 2 days before your historic upside-down landing with the first electric plane.


Jeb: OH! In that case, please sprinkle micro-probes on the space-port and the area around it, and have several latch onto incoming aircraft to KSP.

B9k: Deploying. May I ask why?

Jeb: In about an hour or so, if my guess is right about the time, the creator of the Staputnik Satellite, is flying across the ocean to view the final preparations and launch of his baby.

Bob: We want front-row seats?

Jeb: Yes, and we should be able to use the probes to tap into the cameras in the KSP.

Bob: Nice forsight.

Bill: Um, guys... I'm lost.

Jeb: B9k, some help?

B9k: Sorry Jeb, I can't do that.

Jeb: Why?

B9k: I don't have a complete internal schematic.

Jeb: But... The AI trust built this thing.

B9k: Yes, but that does not mean I have the full schematics. The schematics GREW this place. I am sending small drones through each room, but given the amount of explosive growth traveling backwards through time caused, it may be a while before I can finish mapping this ship.

Jeb: ... Ok. Bill, where are you now?

Bill: I tried re-tracing my steps, and I found some weird thing.


Jeb: Alright. Sit tight- B9k is sending a robot to find you.

Bill: Ok.


An hour later



Bob: It can't have been that bad.

Jeb: The rooms kept changing.

B9k: My bots are getting lost....

Jeb: Stop trying to map these halls of insanity! Have the micro-probes detected a biplane incoming to KSP?

B9k: Yes. Should I patch the feeds in now?

Bob: Sure.


Bob: Stop it Bill.



Bill: OWWW!!! What was that for?

Bob: Nothing.

Bill: You little-

Jeb: Guys, stop it.Look! We are getting feed and radio from some probes trailing the plane!


Erni: SpacePort Tower, come in. This is 2-Petra-1-1-7, requesting landing clearance.

MC: This is SpacePort Tower. You have clearance 2-Petra-1-1-7. Landing is approved. We will see you over the Horizon.

Ernie: Copy Tower.



B9k: Hey guys- one of the probes got into the cockpit!

Bill: How big are these probes?

Jeb: The probes are the size of pieces of dust. An upside of nano-tech.

Bill: Neat!

B9k: Another transmission...

Ernie: I am on close approach. Please stand by for touchdown tower.


MC: We see you. Come on down.

B9k: Alright guys- I am switching to one of the cams on the tower.... Oh look- he's taxiing off the runway.


Jeb: Yeah... Lets give it a while. Any idea where the food is?

B9k: Yes. Two panels behind you and three clockwise.

Jeb: Ah. Thanks!


After a very satisfying lunch, and a game of rock-paper-SRB

~ 2 hours later...


Jeb: HA! I win AGAIN!

B9k: It's not fair- I don't have any hands.

Bill: You wanted to play him, B9k. No-one's fault save your own.

B9k: Oh well... HEY LOOK! The newest vehicle is on the pad!


Jeb: Is that... YES! IT IS!

Bill: ?

Jeb: Oh, that's Stayputnik! It was the first multi-stage rocket that I worked on. I worked on the mockup in the desert facility, and it was launched from here.

Bill: Neat!

Bob: I remember watching that on tv.

Jeb: A day or so later you two and I were flown to KSP to... Wait- I think it's launching!


Jeb: Neat eh?

Bill: Anyway, to continue your story, we were flown in, and then we flew a mission to LKO to establish a small station for the purpose of doing science.

Jeb: Then a bit later I flew a test-plane that was electrical-powered, and another plane that allowed me to break the 1 km/s barrier.

B9k: I have feeds from the on-rocket camera!



Jeb: We need more cameras on our ships.

Bill/Bob: Agreed.



Jeb: SRB separation!


B9k: Rocket-Cam Is now malfunctioning.... I am switching to a micro-probe keeping pace.





B9k: Looks like the main LFO ascent vehicle is running short on power... Yup! It has been decoupled and the secondary ascent motor is being burned.



B9k: Looks like it's hit parking orbit. We are pulling along side now.

Jeb: Neat! I'm going outside.

Bill: Jeb, wait-

Jeb: Too late!


Jeb: Guys- can you hear me?

B9k: Yes, we can.

Bob: Jeb, The Stayputnik has other cameras on it.

B9k: It should not be a problem Bob.


B9k: Jeb, I re-checked records for the time-frame we currently occupy- there is a solar flare in 2 hours and 45 minutes, when we can land undetected.

Jeb: Sweet! I am returning to the vehicle now.


Jeb: Stop Drifting Away!

B9k: It's kind of hard not to. This pod is so light the act of you pushing off pushed us away from the probe.

Jeb: I still don't understand this thing.

Bob: Me neither.



Jeb: Alright, I'm in. Cycle the airlock.


B9k: Right- everyone buckled in?

Jeb: Yes.

Bill: THE FACES.....


B9k: Just a little nudge... And we are descending. Hold onto your lunch guys.



*Lots of rattling*

Bob: Did I ever mention I never liked re-entry?

Jeb: Several times.

Bob: Right- just making sure someone remembered.


B9k: Alright, coming in at supersonic. Pulsing engines at maximum in 3. 2. 1.


Jeb:.... NEVER.... DO.... THAT.... AGAIN.

B9k: Um, guys- I landed us on the edge of the-

*Everyone screams as they suddenly start falling again


B9k:- VAB.


Jeb: Brilliant landing there. Well done.

B9k: Well, we came in so fast that no-one should have seen us.

Bob: Urg. B9, could you fix the artificial gravity so that we are not being held in our chairs by our seat-belts?

B9k: On it.


B9k: Done. Oh, and your plane is coming in.

Jeb: About time. Any cameras on it?

B9k: Several.


D0d0: Tower, this is Delta-zero-delta-zero, on final approach. We are having engine trouble. Can you verify?

MC: No-can-do D0d0. We are too far for a decent visual. Land as soon as you can.


Jeb: Any idea how we are going to be able to explain the time machine? Or the fact we have duplicates on that plane?

Bob: I... Have no idea how we are going to be able to explain that we are time-traveling duplicates.

Jeb: other than just saying that?

B9k: One of my micro-probes just got sucked into the left-side engine. I hope that won't cause any problems.

Jeb: That was the engine they said was having issues... I wonder if that is going to be a problem.


D0d0: SpacePort Tower, be advised- we have lost control of our port-side engine! We are slewing!

MC: Pull up! You will not be able to survive an-


MC: -Impact.



Jeb: Well, that solves that problem. Alright, everyone out!

B9k: Are you going to have a moment of silence for your deceased doubles?

Jeb: Why? We will take their place. No-one will ever know what happened.

B9k: But... Manifests will show they were on that aircraft-

Jeb: I can just say we jumped out of the plane. I have done that several times.

B9k: Alright....


Jeb: Bill- will you come out?

Bill: Sure, give me a second....


Bill: Alright, B9k, activate.

B9k: Affirmative Bill.


Jeb: ... I did not know the capsule could do that....

Bob: Me neither.

Bill: I just figured it out while trapped in that room with the FACES.... I am trying not to think about it, but it is useful.

Jeb: Well, at least we will not have to explain a blue box that is just sitting around on it's side near the VAB.

Bill: And look!


Bill: No Shadow!


Jeb: Ok. Nice. Let's check in with the rescue team, let them know we are alright, and complete the replacement of ourselves.

Bill: Weird day, huh?

Bob: Yeah. Weird day.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I have an exam this morning, so wish me luck!

So... How do you recommend that they triumphant trio apply their knowledge of the future?

Keep in mind they have advanced ion drives, and know ahead of time which companies (mods) are useful.

Post your comments!

Keep flying everyone (and crashing :P )

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Oh, Just a note- apparently I made a typeo in chapter 7 of this series- I wrote 'seal-level' instead of 'sea-level'.

o04xILn.jpg - 9qNEYkA.jpg


Dang! No evil Mecha Zombie Jeb! Foiled again *twirls moustache*

Good work Mekan, very nice TARDIS landing. Does it come with airbags?

No. No it does not.

Nostalgia for Infinity? Unless you already buggered up the timeline and deleted them?

The Good Guy SWARM?

Anyway...Time Travel Funventures! Yaay!

NFI was not supposed to be a major player in that reality, and kind of... Became a larger one.

Also, a book that I was reading had a ship called "Nostaliga for Infinity" in it, and I was thinking of that ship when I read the post. Yeah.... I am scatterbrained sometimes.

ummm, their doubles are dead, so... shouldn't they be dead....? I'm lost.
Different timeline I would assume.

in a word.... NIFTY!

That will be covered in this next chapter.

Chapter 9: Same old same old

Jeb: So... Bill. With the whole time-travel thing....

Bill: How were we not erased from assistance?

Jeb: Yeah. That.

Bill: As far as I can figure, it is the same reason that we can go back in time in the first place- the time-dilation device seems to not only allow time within it's field to remain static, but it will also be able to 'push' matter backwards as though it had existed at that point in the past regardless of causality. Because, you see, the past we experience was 'unwritten' buy the machine, much like you would delete a line of text from a comment in a forum, and then re-written, with the extra us's included.

Jeb: I did not understand that at all.

Bob: I think he means that when we went back in time, the method by which we went back seems to have acted like... We reverted to an earlier save in a game, with extra players.

Jeb: So those people... Were really us, until we arrived?

Bill: Sure. That works.

Jeb: Well then... Good thing we took their place! Otherwise, we would need to find a way to explain that we are... What? Time-clone-duplicates? Seems like a bad plot-device....

Bill: Yes. Now QUIET! The others are about to be able to hear us....

MC: Jeb, Bill, Bob- Station1 is on the pad. Are you ready?

Jeb: Yes, MC, we are. Why are we not in the control room?

MC: You know why Jeb. We built the command area for this unmanned launch into the sphere near the launch platform. Are the cameras working?

Bill: Yes.


Jeb: We have eyes on the station MC.

MC: Launching in 3. 2. 1. Firing boosters.


Jeb: WE ARE AWAY! Wow, that was not as satisfying without G-forces.


Bob: Decoupling the boosters and firing main engines.

Jeb: Alright- can we switch to orbital cameras?

Bill: Doing so... Now.


Bill: Continuing ascent.


Bob: Engines at maximum efficiency at 50 km. We are burning for orbit.


Jeb: Ascent LFO stage away!



Jeb: Want to test the light-rings?

Bob: Sure. Why not.


Jeb: Wow, that's bright.

Bill: Power levels are dropping rapidly!

Jeb: What power levels?

Bill: Electricity! We are running out of it! FAST!

Jeb: Turning off the lights.... And out burn is done! Orbit at 80km, with a difference in AP and PE of less than a kilometer. Well done everyone!


Bill: Decoupling and turning station...



Bob: Prepping rocket for retrograde burn. Slewing is slow...



Jeb: At least our station is in position.


Bob: Almost there....


Jeb: Lights on!



Bill: Jeb, turn that off.

Bob: Ascent vehicle will be landing hard in the desert. MC, are teams standing by to retrieve components?

MC: They are launching now Bob.


MC:Well done getting that into orbit. Now you have a ride to catch, remember?

Jeb: We remember MC. We will be on the pad in a couple hours.


A few hours later


Jeb: Everyone buckled in?

Bob: Yes.

Bill: Yes Jeb.

B9k: I am inside your smartphone. I cannot be buckled.

Jeb: Alright... B9k, quiet. We need to keep you secret.


Jeb: Mission Control, this is Jeb in Personel1, on route to the Station1 and back. Engines are on standby- whenever you are ready.

MC: Jeb, you are clear for launch.

Jeb: Launching in 3. 2. 1..... WE ARE AWAY!

Bill: I missed g-forces.

Bob: I did not.


Jeb: MC, I am seeing a cloud layer here.

MC: Don't worry Jeb- the layer is only the edge-mist of the rain last night.

Jeb: Oh- good.


Jeb: Boosters are burning out in 3. 2. 1.


Bob: Boosters have been decoupled.

Jeb: Primary liquid engine has been activated.


Jeb: It looks amazing up here guys.

Bill: I know- the cloud-cover looks so flat...

Jeb: Alright- jettisoning safety ascent tower.


Jeb: Tower has been dropped. We are dropping the first LFO stage in 3. 2. 1. Dropping...


Bob: LFO stage 1 has been dropped.

Bill: It looks rather nice on the edge of that cloud, doesn't it?


Bob: Yeah, it does.

Jeb: When this mission is over, do you guys want to take a day or two of R&R out at the island facility?

Bill: Why not. It will be relaxing.

Bob: Ok.




Jeb: Alright- we are on an intercept trajectory for the Station. Adjusting for slight variance in the orbit.


Jeb: Burning for interception at maximum speed.


Bill: Second LFO stage depleted. Decoupling tank and engines- switching to orbital stage.



Jeb: The night-side is rather pretty.


A few minutes later


Jeb: We are coming up on the station- starting deceleration burn.



Jeb: Lined up for docking- docking autopilot testing now.

MC: You have a docking autopilot up there? We did not install one!

Jeb: Yeah. The three of us have been working on it in our spare time. We have one that works in simulations with that 'human space program' game, and we want to test it.

MC: We don't see why not.

Bob: Why not?

MC: Well, you three are our best-trained pilots currently. If you have figured out something that will make this more effective, go ahead.

Bob: Ah.

Jeb: Autopilot engaged.




Jeb: MC, this is Personel1- we have docked.

*Sounds of cheering are heard from the radio*

Jeb: We are heading into the station now....

Bob: Wow it's cramped.

Jeb: I noticed. MC, I am heading outside.

MC: Make sure ONLY to depressurize the airlock this time Jeb.

Jeb: VERY FUNNY MC. I only did that on 2 of the 7 dry-runs.

Bob: ... I am going to close a couple bulk-heads.

Jeb: Whatever- give me a second...


Jeb: I am going to check the experiments.


Jeb: Everything looks good. Although the goo experiments are acting weird....

Bill: How weird?

Jeb: It varies. Take a look for yourselves!

Bob: Wow. That is weird.

Jeb: Anyway.... I am sealing the pods and heading back in guys.

Bob: The bulkheads are closed in case you mess up.

Bill: HAHAHAHA!!!!



Jeb: MC, we are downloading experiment logs to you while we can- the station has maybe enough power to send all the data to you on a full charge.


MC: Good call. The next station will have significantly more battery power.

Jeb: Alright- downloads are commencing.... We are decoupling and heading home.



Jeb: Bob, we need to be north of the station before we begin the retrograde burn.

Bob: Don't rush me Jeb.


Bob: Burning in 3. 2. 1.


Jeb: We are headed home.



Jeb: We are noticing hypersonic shock is gathering on the solar panels. Will they-


Jeb: ...

Bill: If you were going to say 'fail' then yes.


Jeb: Does this tub have enough thrust to land under power?

Bill: I don't think so...

Jeb: Alright- we are decoupling the orbital stage... Now!


Jeb: Deploying drogue chutes.



Jeb: Anyone think we are a bit high?

Bill: I think so, considering that's cloud beneath us.


Jeb: Alright, cutting drogue chutes....


Jeb: Altitude 1.5k.... 1.3k.... 1.2k.... 1k. Popping main parachutes.


Jeb: Everyone brace for-



Jeb: - the deceleration.

Bill: Ow. Next time, we are coming down under rocket-thrust.

Jeb: If we can.


Jeb: So... Where are we landing?

Bill: I think we will be landing on the VAB.

Jeb: Really?


Bill: Yes.




Jeb: MC, we're home!

MC: Great. Now come down and we will send a vehicle for you.

Jeb: Which one?

MC: That new unmanned one that the B9 people gave us.

Jeb: Oh. That one.


In the research-and-development center













On top of the VAB...


Jeb: See! It's perfectly safe guys!


Bill: Alright- but first we must navigate stairs in these damn space suits.

Bob: How hard can that be?


Bill: You go first Bob.

Bob: Why me?

Jeb: Because you are at the front of the line.

Bob: :(


Bob: I thought it was going to be much worse!

Bill: Alright. Me next.


Bill: Jeb, your turn.

Jeb: Right. Geronimo!


Bill: Of course.

Jeb: It's not a proper mission until someone faceplants!

Bill: Right. Race you guys to the ground floor!


One frenzied race down the stairs later



Bill: You go first.

Bob: No... You!

Jeb: I will go first if only to prove it's safe.

Bob: No offense Jeb, but you would handle raw Blutonium with your bare hands if you were bored. You don't really care about safe.

Jeb: None taken.


Jeb: ...That thing scares me a little bit.


I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter!

Nothing major or plot-writing has happened yet, but such is the way of most of a story.

Next chapter will have more ships, more explosions, and more high-flying kerbals.

Until then, take it easy!

(Oh, and keep commenting about things you might like to see in the story, from mods to villains {such as the Kraken or the SWARM} to natural disasters. Your ideas are very helpful!)

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Very cool. And 2 of 7 is a pretty good ratio.

Also, you should make some Cool Airplanesâ„¢ with the B9/Firespitter parts. For...reasons. Yeah. Um...

Sure! I love to do things because of reasons!

Oh, and the 2/7 ratio is the number of times in simulation Jeb accidentally caused explosive decompression. NOT A GOOD THING THAT.



I like the B9Carrier!

Thanks. It only goes 4.6 m/s at top speed, but boy that thing can turn. With rear wheel steering, and full-level braking it can pull really tight turns... Although it is larger than a city bus.

Do I assume the 2013 fustercluck refers to the epic CFC test battle in Eve online or am I completely mistaken? Amazing story anyway :-)

The 2013 fustercluck was when the ksp forums reset, and many many accounts were deleted. Mine, thankfully, was not, but many were lost that month...

Edited by Mekan1k
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So...Why did they come back in time, again?

The plot got kinda convoluted for me and I haven't time to re-read it. :P

The short version is... This:

Bill died at the hands of the swarm.

Nostalgia For Infinity made the KSA aware of multiple factions of the SWARM, and in-space construction was becoming a reality.

NFI made their kerbal allies aware of an object near the surface of the sun that was of kerbal design, but older than the kerbal space program has been around, opening the first theories of time travel.

Jeb flies to the sun, while the AI back with the kerbals on minnimus base begin to construct an experimental time machine.

Jeb discovers the time-traveled Bill, and that information the AI B9k onboard his ship absorbed from the time-traveling ship allowed for the construction of multiple theories on the permeability of spacetime.

Jeb's AI figured out how to fast-forward their perception of time to decrease the travel time they experienced by a month.

In that month the ballence of power within the SWARM changed. A large scale set of weapons, one around Jool and one in close solar orbit were deployed and activated.

Bob rendevous with the Jeb and the popsicle-Bill, carrying the most advanced and most ludicrous ship ever constructed by kerbalkind.

Minnimus gets destroyed.

Jeb, Bob, and the newly unfrozen Bill use the timeship to jump back to before the space program, and end up taking the place of their alternate selves due to a.... Crashing plane.

Now you should be up to speed.

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Chapter 10: MunShot 1 and The WaveRider


Jeb: This is Munshot 1 on the pad. MC, is everything ready?

MC: Yes Jeb. Everything is clear on our end.


Jeb: What is that?

MC: That is the station alarm. I seems to have imploded.

Jeb: WHAT? Why?

MC: We do not know. It sent a message before ceasing to exist, "Physics violated. Kraken detected."

Bill: The KRAKEN???

Kirlak: One of the programmers put that in for when the sensors cannot identify the reason for structural failure.

Jeb: Well... I bet it's gone now. Ready for launch KSC!

Bill: You are insane Jeb.

Jeb: Yes. Yes I am.

MC: Counting down. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.




MC: Jeb, watch your ascent curve.



Jeb: BOOSTERS DETACHED! Stage 1 decoupled, stage 2 burning.


Jeb: Hey Bill- is the WaveRider ready for the global circumnavigation?

Bill: Almost. The technicians do not seem to understand the concept of a 'ramjet'.

Jeb: I wish I would be able to be there when you guys take off.

Bob: We will record it for posterity- you won't miss a thing.

Jeb: That's kind of you guys.

Kirlak: Jeb- stage 2 should be decoupling soon.

Jeb: Yes. In 3. 2. 1.


Jeb: Stage 2 decoupled and stage 3 activated. We-

*Deet. Deet. Deet.*

Jeb: Hold on... Low electricity levels. Altitude is past 35k, so I am deploying the tracking solar panels.


MC: Good.

Jeb: Burning to circularize....


Jeb: Almost there....


Jeb: MC, we are in orbit.


MC: Jeb, you might want to take a nap- as soon as the Mun comes up over the horizon, you will be burning for it.

Jeb: Alright MC. Wake me in an hour.



1 hour later


MC: Jeb?



Jeb: I's a wha?

MC: Your burn is coming up soon.

Jeb: Ready and... Burning!


Jeb: Where's the Mun?


Jeb: There you are!

MC: Interception with circularization burn point in...5 hours and 42 minutes.

Jeb: Well, I don't think I have anything else to do but sleep until that happens.

MC: Sure Jeb. We will ping you when you are approaching the munar rendezvous point.


Back on the ground, on the tarmac to be specific....



Bill: Fuel?

Bob: Check.

Bill: Brakes?

Bob: Check.

Bill: Wings?

Bob: Check.

Bill: Snacks?


Bill: Please tell me we did not forget the snacks this time.

Bob: No. We did not this time.

Bill: Good. I don't want to crash-land and need to wait for a pickup WITHOUT SNACKS.

Bob: I was just so hungry....


Bob: I know, but still....

Bill:... Forget it. Is that everything on the checklist?

Bob: Yup. This manned vehicle does not, however, have parachutes.

Bill: No saftey ejection system?

Bob: Nope. It was deemed "Likely to cause complete dissasembly." If included.

Bill: I bet they knew we would rather eject than land this deathtrap.

Bob: They probably did. Light test?

Bill: Yup.


Bill: Looks good. KSC Tower, are we clear for supersonic/hypersonic test flight?

KTower: Waverider, this is KSC Tower. You are clear for launch.

Bill: Island Tower, are we clear for test flight?

ITower: You are clear Waverider. Good flying.

Bill: Thanks. Spooling up Large and Small Turbojets...


Bill: We are off the ground- retracting landing gear. Goodbye KSC Tower.


Bob: Alright- keep us at 20 degrees up and 90 degrees alongside.

Bill: ?


Bob: Keep us pointing up a bit and going east.

Bill: Got it.


Bill: So... Think the Ramjets will work?

Bob: Yes. The concept is sound. I hope the turbojets will let us get to the speed needed.

Bill: If they don't?

Bob: We will know, and then we can turn around, and land.

Bill: Good. One sec- I need to put a call to the KSC.

Bob: Sure.

Bill: KSC- why is there a guide to flying helicopters inside this plane?

MC: What?


Bill: Kirlak- I know you are listening. Why did you bolt a helicopter guide for dummies into a mach 2+ space-plane?

Kirlak: It came with the cockpit.

Bill: ... Ok... I don't know what... Why? A helicopter cockpit?


Kirlak: Yes. Jeb Requested it specifically.

Bill: Structural integrity?

Kirlak: Actually, he said, and I quote- "It looks cool."

Bob: That sounds like him.

Bill: Bob, did you happen to notice we broke the sound barrier?

Bob: What?

Bill: And we are at 18k meters, traveling at about a km per second.

Bob: I can see it.


Bill: Looks great eh?

Bob: Yes. Yes it does.

Bill: Firing ramjets!



Bill: Speed climbing. 1.1 km/s. 1.15 km/s. 1.2 km/s.

Bob: The bow-shock looks cool!


Bill: 1.7 km/s and holding.

Bob: Seems like we cannot keep climbing at this rate. Level off a bit...

Bill: Done.


Bob: Small Turbojets are reporting 0 thrust. Switching off to conserve fuel.

Bill: Hypersonic shock is... Gone.

Bob: What is our altitude?

Bill: 36 km, give or take.

Bob: Makes sense- we are now above the density for which normal jets will work properly.



Bob: And that was our main turbojet flaming out.

Bill: We are slewing...




Bill: Slewing to correct... Correction complete.

Bob: Ramjets to full.


Bill: It is great up here- above the clouds.


Bob: We are above 40km.




Bill: Ramjets are flaring out.

Bob: Speed?

Bill: 2.1 km/s.

Bob: Well, when we drop low enough to activate the ramjets, we should.


Bill: Density maximized in 3. 2. 1.


Bob: Hypersonic shock is forming... Again! I will never get tired of this.



Bill: Bow-wave formed.

Bob: Main Turbojet is reporting required air pressure to work.

Bill: firing it up.



Bill: Shutting down main turbojet. Am I going to need to do this every time we hit the 'bow-shock' wave?

Bob: Probably. SLEWING AGAIN!!!!


Bill: Got it.


Bill: So... How are the plans for the new space station coming along?


Bob: Rather well. We have the electrical patterns down, and we have decided to settle on a single large solar panel on top.


Bill: Really? Sun-tracking?

Bob: Of course.


Bill: Do you think that we can avoid the entire... Physics violation issue this time?


Bob: Maybe.

Bill: Hey- I think we are on the final leg of this trip!

Bob: Really?

Bill: I recognize that coastline.


Bob: Give me a second to check the GPS...


Bob: Yup. We are nearly there.



Bill: We seem to be coming in rather fast....

Bob: Shut down all engines.

Bill: Already done.

Bob: Airbrakes?

Bill: It might help. Brakes deployed.


Bill: OW. Hypersonic to subsonic in less than a second.


Bob: I thik we overshot....

Bill: What makes you think that?

Bob: Look down.


Bill: Oh. Nose down. Island Tower- is our flight-path clear?

ITower: All Clear.

Bob: KSC Tower, we have overshot by more than 30 km, and are preforming a turnaround. Are we clear?

KTower: The runway is clear.

Bill: Dropping.


Bill: Brace for g's.

Bob: How many g's could this thing puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu=---------------



Bill: 17 g's.

Bob: .....

Bill: Bob?

Bob: ....

Bill: KSC Tower, Bob just passed out.

KTower: Alright. Bring her down Bill.

Bill: Coming in. Gear down.


Bill: Deploying airbrakes...



Bill: KSC, We have returned.

KTower: Can you check up on Bob? Telematry shows his vitals are strong, but we would like to have you verify.

Bill: Let me see- URG. He's alive, I can see that from here, but we need to get a cleaning crew in here ASAP.

KTower: They are ready and waiting in the hangar. You are clear for in-bound taxi.



Bill: Please let me get out of this plane, it's starting to smell....


Approaching the burn point around the mun...



MC: Jeb? Are you awake this time?

Jeb: Yes MC. Ready for burn.

MC: In 3. 2. 1.


Jeb: Nothing's happening.

MC: What's wrong?

Jeb: The engine is not firing. Checking DV on next stage.... I have enough to get home if I jettison within the next minute.

MC: Do it.


Jeb: Separation successful. Burning... Complete. We have Munar orbit.

MC: Good.

Jeb: Guys- I am sending you pictures. It looks amazing up here. First, a Solar Eklipse.


Jeb: The Mun from close up.


Jeb: Sorry, the cockpit seems to be clouding up a bit.

MC: Could we get a picture of your instruments?

Jeb: Sure- they are working properly though.


Jeb: If it is alright with everyone on the ground, I am going to start calculating the DV for a lower orbit.

MC: Just make sure you can come home Jeb.

Jeb: Don't worry guys- I will be coming back.


I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I am now going to go to sleep.

Like always, I love reading your comments and critiques, so type whatever is on your mind.

"That's not flying. That's falling- with style."

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