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UK Inter Galactic BioDomes


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UK Inter Galactic BioDomes

By Michael Pooper



I am presently trying to create bio domes that you can place objects in and in which Jeb can run around in. The domes come in 5, 7.5, 10, and 20 meter diameters, and have fittings that attach to 2.5 meter and 3.75 meter parts. Presently they will have no functions apart from being structural elements, yet I am looking for suggestions. Future projects after this has been completed include a fusion reactor that will run on hydrogen (liquid fuel) and produce electricity and Helium for use in ion engines (Helium will act in a similar way to xenon as it is also a noble gas, However in real life the ionisation energy is high hence it is not used.)



These are the preliminary shots of the fusion reactor models I am currently working on to go with a huge ion engine. I have tried to base as close to the real life toroidal magnetic confinement reactors such as ITER. (Look them up - they will save the world).

As the tritium-deuterium plasma heats up in the torus (doughnut) fusion takes place releasing energy, mostly in high energy protons. The energy released continues the reaction. Currently it is 50 years away until the first commercial power producing reactor, and 20 years until the first plasma in ITER.

I have decided not to use the laser design as the torus is in a later stage of development plus I think that a doughnut shaped star is way cooler!!




  • Created Sketchup 3D models, Need exporting to blender and finishing.
  • Started Fourum post.
  • Models should be released soon however it is my first model so be patient.


  • Started model for Fusion reactor.


Edited by michaelpooper
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I have spent all day trying to get the small dome part from sketchup to KSP, I managed to get it to the part folder stage yet it will not load up in KSP. If somebody could get this part working I would be ever great full. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3saxhVuJGCTWUNNQkVIQVI5QzA/edit?usp=sharing , the link to it in Google drives.

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I have spent all day trying to get the small dome part from sketchup to KSP, I managed to get it to the part folder stage yet it will not load up in KSP. If somebody could get this part working I would be ever great full. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3saxhVuJGCTWUNNQkVIQVI5QzA/edit?usp=sharing , the link to it in Google drives.

I would love to but I dont have experience with this. Someone with experience help this person please.

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  • 3 months later...
I have spent all day trying to get the small dome part from sketchup to KSP, I managed to get it to the part folder stage yet it will not load up in KSP. If somebody could get this part working I would be ever great full. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3saxhVuJGCTWUNNQkVIQVI5QzA/edit?usp=sharing , the link to it in Google drives.

I had a quick look at this and as far as I can see your not using unity to try and get this into KSP. I loaded the model into blender and it just looks like a chunk of geodome, loaded into unity and it was unusable. You need to modify your approach a little.

First abandon doing a complex model right up front, download unity and then lookup some the fine tutorials on this forum that deal with getting models into unity. If you simply interested in having your models in KSP then you could perhaps team up with someone familiar with unity enough to achieve what you are looking for. I've got enough know how to build simple objects and engines, but I haven't figured out docking ports, doors, ladders anything animated yet, it's not a steep learning curve, but can be time consuming.

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