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Newbie Problems : All my models are 90 degrees off no matter what I do.

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Hello all, I've been experimenting with getting basic parts to work so I know how to get them working in-game. First steps and all that.

For no apparent reason, even when I export a perfectly fine model from 3dsmax and make sure to have it set as Y-up (and with 'single matrix' off) when I import it into Unity and get it ready for KSP, it will always end up sideways in-game. Strangely, the attachment points seem to work just fine in their intended positions.

I've tried changing the transform settings in Unity to get it in proper position - no effect. I've tried changing it in 3dsmax - still sideways. I can't find any relevant stuff in the cfg either that could be doing it.

Please help this newb. :)


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Since you want y up on your object in unity and in game, you can make it the child of an empty game object that has the y-axis up (zero out location and rotation). Then make that object a child of your parttools object for exporting.

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Since you want y up on your object in unity and in game, you can make it the child of an empty game object that has the y-axis up (zero out location and rotation). Then make that object a child of your parttools object for exporting.

Victory! This worked (somehow) to fix the orientation. I guess I'll use this method then unless I'm missing some really obvious mistake I'm making. :)


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