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[MISSION REPORT] Jank Co. Aerospace Division [M-6/7]


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Mission 5 & 6: Scientific breakthroughs and disaster strikes home

Objective: Testing of Re-entry mechanics, test of first orbit capable spaceplane

Background: A recent breakthrough in the newly discovered field of thermodynamics may allow for safe re-entries. The scientific community is convinced that the original discoverer "Ialdabaoth Kerman" may have forgot to carry over a decimal point, and that his calculations are off. The scientists are calling it The Law of Thermodynamics 2.3. JCAD looking to re-establish it's ability to run manned missions again immediately puts together an unmaned pod and launch it to test this new paradigm. While space flights were suspended JCAD engineers began development on Space planes. Dubbed Spirit of Kerbal the Mk. I-III were overly large and complicated only able to attain ballistic trajectories. In a brilliant yet counter intuitive moment of genius Toshogu Kerman declared "LESS IS MORE!" and proceeded to strip the design to it's bare minimums. Spirit of Kerbal Mk. IV was born

Vehicle Series: UMP Mk. I & Spirit of Kerbal Mk. IV

Pilot: Jebidiah Kerman

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