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[Showcase] Interplanetary Carriers

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Hi, so I haven't actually gotten any to work as of yet. Nor have I seen any really large functional carrier designs on the forum. So I thought, lets start a thread and show what ive got.

So first off, I refuse to use Hyperedit, or any in my eyes really cheaty mods. ( Mechjeb is also out. )

Here is the biggest thing ive tried to launch:

Center: 4 large docking rings to attach cargo wing.


Cargo wing: Couldn't get these things into proper orbit.


So, after quite a lot of tinkering.. I gave up on it.

Now im working on this, and yes im very proud of it .. even though it isn't finished yet.

Engine section, combined with spacious cargo bay.


Middle Fuel section, Quite a lot of fuel space. Connected with 3 heavy docking rings to the engine / cargo bay.


And then after a few hours of orbital gymnastics and calling upon the great scott manley to guide me ... Tadaaa ( The 2 outermost docking clamps are locked, the middle was off by a few cm. )




Now, all it needs are: A front section / Duna airship. Then to the 4 large docking rings on the round fuel tank: 2 large kethane mining ships. A bridge / Science / Command section. And a crew section. An amazing amount of fuel, a compliment of rovers / drones. And 2 fully equipped home colony ships tucked in the cargo bay section. Well that should keep me off the street the next 2 weeks.

And then finally I will be able to test if the 2 mainsails and or 16 Nuclear engines can push this monster without shaking it apart.

Now, I have shown you mine ( and will keep you posted on further developments. ) .. now show me yours.

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