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[Stock] Multi-Ship Mission to Duna: >>> COMPLETED! <<<


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Prototype: Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer Boom Truck: Field Test:

With the unexpected success of the new spaceplane, KSC engineers and scientists are trying to come up with a means to refuel once the pilot reaches their destination. Refueling in orbit is one thing but what do you do if you need fuel after landing?

Looking at the Laythe Jet Transport Ship it was determined that the Bird's Nest Lander, modified to carry rocket fuel and oxidizer, would only be good for one complete refill. That just isn't acceptable. There needs to be a larger tanker that would better suit the needs of the spaceplane's larger fuel capacity.

Presenting the prototype Fuel Truck or as the staff at KSP like to call it, the BOOM truck. Capable of carrying 2880/3520 units of Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer on a mobile platform. Side mounted retro-rockets are fitted with parachutes to help slow the ship down when entering the thinner atmospheres of Duna or Laythe. After landing the rockets will detach.


Not sure if they are refering to the fuel boom suspended out in front or by the loud explosions made by the previous test pilots landing too hard.

Bill Kerman, pilot of the VindiGator, directs the boom as Jeb maneuvers the truck and connects to the fuel port.


Successfully docked.


Squad just one major gripe. Why in the heck do the supposedly sturdier truck tires blow out every time when docking, yet the spaceplane's more flimsy balloon tires don't? :confused:

When the magnetic ports dock, it lifts the over 70 ton truck and slams it to the ground, blowing out all if not most of the wheels! That is really aggravating! :mad:

Why have tires blow out at all? The landing gear doesn't. If tires are repairable will other parts that break be repairable too in later updates? Fixing wheels is tiring. :P

Next phase... Suborbital testing.

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What originally started out as a field test has become a full blown trip to Duna.
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Suborbital Testing:

Now that docking and refueling has been accomplished the KSC team transfers the craft over to the VAB for vertical flight testing.

Here is where it will be determined how well the vehicle handles during launch, stage separation, retrorockets, parachutes and landing.



With ASAS on the ship maintains course and heading.

Stage Separation.


With the booster spent the craft pitches down 90° to face the horizon before firing retrorockets.

Retros at full throttle.


The ship continues to maintain course and heading. Engines are shut down once the fuel capacity reaches 50%.

All chutes open and engines at full power.


Descent speed is a bit over 10 m/s. Around 5 m/s would have been ideal. This is going to be a rough landing.

Oh Oh! This doesn't look good.


At ground contact one of the rockets is jarred loose and lands on top of the truck. To make matters worse it's still firing!

Jeb can't shut it down even if he wanted too. The only option is to wait for the rocket's fuel to run out.

Jeb releases the other rockets.


While the loose rocket is still firing Jeb releases the remaining rockets. Firing small SRB's assist the rockets to clear and hopefully crash away from the truck.

Jeb pushes the errant rocket off the roof.


And fixes a few flat tires too. Those LV-909's aren't quite powerful enough.

Driving back to KSC to report in.


Looks like we'll have to go with Aerospikes. Jeb is all beside himself, giddy for MOAR POWER!

Back in the VAB.


The engineers at KSC have replaced the 6 LV-909's for 4, more powerful Aerospikes. The center rocket is converted to a storage tank with fuel lines feeding the fore and aft rockets.

Firing Aerospikes.


The craft still handles as well as before.

Not even at full throttle the descent speed maintains a comfortable 5 m/s.


Releasing the rockets.


A regular 4th of July fireworks display!

Mission success!


Only two tires to patch this time as Jeb grumbles.

Next phase... Achieving Orbit.

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Achieving Orbit:

As Jeb, Bill, and Bob are called to an emergency meeting at HQ. Patfield gladly assumes command of the next phase of testing.


Booster stages separate as the ship accelerates beyond the atmosphere.

Higher efficient LV-N's, "Nukes" finish circularizing the orbit.


Mission Control radios Patfield to sit tight. "There's been a change of plan. A Fuel Tanker will be on it's way to rendezvous.

He will transfer his storage tank over to your ship and top off your tanks. We are uploading the new flight plan to you."

Patfield; "Roger that Control. Getting it now... What?... Duna? Are you serious?"

MC; "Affirmative. It's in perfect phase angle and we won't get a chance like this for another year."

Fuel Tanker docks to transfer additional supplies.


Patfield stuffs every available nook and cranny of the ASAS module with snaks and drinks for the long journey ahead.

The Fuel Storage tank is separated from the tanker and docks with Patfield's ship.



The fuel tanker finished, deorbits and land back on Kerbin.

Duna transition burn is complete. The Fuel Truck passes Minimus orbital plane on his way out of Kerbin's sphere of influence.


Patfield; "Control. You guys realize just how cramped my cabin is? I have a bag of Marshymellows as a pillow and a case of sodas as my foot rest."

MC; "Jeb and the boys working on that right now. Think you're gonna like what they came up with. What those guys can do with duct tape and bailing wire."

Patfield; "Er...um alright I Guess. I'll find out soon enough."

New phase. Mobile Habitat...

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LOL There have been some booms already what with the all the tires blowing out whenever it docks. :mad: I can't completely fix that, though I did get it down to 4 flats once.

Then there's that close call with the live rocket landing on the roof and getting wedged in the boom support. :0.0: that was a nail biter just waiting for the whole truck to go up.

Oh and don't forget the fireworks display when I release the side rockets. That's at least 6 booms there. :cool:

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Mobile Habitat (MOHAB):

Back at the KSC Space Plane Hangar, Jeb and his team have completed the Mobile Habitat.


Built on the same frame as the Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer Boom Truck, it is designed for long term habitation and exploration on most planetary surfaces.

A complement of 2 command/observation cupolas, lab/galley area, storage area, and sleeping quarters for a crew of 4 for up to 1 year before needing resupply.

(It can really house 14 crew members but for the sake of RP, and because there's no other stock station modules. I imagine the other two modules are used for lab/galley and storage area. I know life support isn't in game but I play as though it is. My rough rule of thumb is 1 crew member + 1 hitchhiker = 1 year. So that means Patfield has just enough supplies for the trip and not much else. Sorry Pat, I should have transferred you over with Jorfrey and Chadgee. Oh well.)

The upper platform is encompassed by an array of short and long range communication towers that allows constant contact and monitoring of spacecraft, satellites and probes.

Launch of the Mobile Habitat. Jorfrey and Chadgee are in command.


Onward to orbit.



Fuel Tanker rendezvous.


Transfer over the Fuel/Oxidizer Storage Tank for the journey to Duna.



After topping off the Mobile Habitat's tanks the Fuel Tanker deorbits back to Kerbin.

Leaving Kerbin's sphere of influence.


To Join Patfield in Solar orbit enroute to Duna.

Jorfrey keys the mike; "Hey Patty! How you holding up?"

Patfield; "It's jam packed in here! I can barely move a finger."

Jorfrey; "Sorry to hear about that. Just bare with it. We'll meet up with you at Duna in no time."

Patfield; "Roger that. See you there."

Next phase... Flight of the VindiGator.

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Flight of the VindiGator:

(Note: Sorry about the poor timing on my part. The VindiGator's launch happened during Kerbin night. Takeoff to orbit pics were really dark. I didn't realize this until after I completed the transition burn and I didn't want to start over. It was getting late in RL and I was nodding off at times. I did include the main events and they are as follows. You can see the VindiGator's historical maiden flight here.)

Next up on the flight roster, Pilot Kenvan brings the Vindigator into orbit to rendezvous with Kerbin Station.


Fresh out of the SPH with a brand new pair of LV-909's tucked under it's wings to aid in Vertical Take Off and Landing.

Cleared for docking.


Kenvan; "Station Control. This is VindiGator requesting clearance to dock."

Kerbin Station; "Roger VindiGator. Glad to see you Kenny. We have you on radar. You may proceed to docking port 2."

Kenvan; "Affirmative Station Control. Switching targeting to docking port 2."


Docking Established.


Station Contol; "We have positive lock VindiGator. Equalizing pressure. You're welcome to come onboard to stretch your legs for a bit while we fuel your craft."

Kenvan; "Will do. I have a few goodies from back home to deliver to you guys."

The VindiGator departs.


With the tanks full. Kenvan unlocks the docking clamps and gets some distance away before making the transition burn to Duna.

Exiting Kerbin's SOI.


Due to the small amount of cabin space. Food and life support are at a premium. For the journey to Duna Kenvan will undergo anesthesia.

IV's will provide nourishment and his vital signs will be slowed down for the majority of the trip. Although extensive experimental "Deep Sleep" testing has been done back at KSC, this is the first time that this "Deep Sleep" procedure will be performed during an actual mission.

(After setting down my rules for interplanetary flight in my previous post above I've just gone and broke it with this flight! I hope this scenario is deemed plausible.)

Next Phase... First Arrival.

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First Arrival:

The Mobile Habitat, ARVY-1, crewed by Jonfrey and Chadgee are the first to arrive in Duna's SOI.

MIdcourse flight corrections, made by the crew, have adjusted the ship's periapsis to 12,000m above the surface of Duna.


Aerobraking in the atmosphere to capture an orbit. Then circularize.

Separating the fuel tank.


After achieving a circular orbit, the landing stage transfers excess fuel back to the fuel tank then separates. The fuel tank will remain in orbit for use by future vessels.

Jonfrey; "Hey Chad can you grab me another soda?"

Chadgee; "Sure." ...goes for cooler... "What?...Rats! Jonfrey, did you forget to close the lid again?"

Jonfrey; "Um... It must have popped open in zero gee."

Chadgee; "Zero gee doesn't have anything to do with you not closing the lid. Now we're all out of ice and the drinks are all warm."

The Mobile Habitat changes course to target a landing site near the polar icecap boundary line.


The orbital stage is jettisoned and landing retros take over.


Chutes open in the thin Duna atmosphere.


Engines are at full throttle to kill velocity.

Landing is a success.


The crew radios KSC and the rest of the fleet, who are still on their way, to let them know of their arrival.

Jonfrey and Chadgee go out on EVA to plant the flag.

ARVY-1 is on the move.


Chadgee; "Keep an eye out for anything interesting. We need to take readings and samples."

Jonfrey; "Alright but first I need to make an ice stop. That'll be our first sample."

Next phase... Fuel Delivery.

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Fuel Delivery:

Fuel Truck 1 is the next ship to enter Duna's SOI.


Here it has passed Ike's orbital path.

Cupola view of Duna during aerobraking.


After circularizing the Fuel Tanker separates from fuel tank.


Following the same procedure as the Mobile Habitat, excess fuel is transfered to the fuel tank and left in orbit for later use.

Jettisoning the transfer stage.


After shifting the orbit to intercept the Duna mobile habitat already on the ground.

Firing retros to slow descent speed.


Deploying parachutes.


Aerospikes are burning too much fuel. Patfield has to think quick. Shut down engines and transfer extra fuel from the tanker.

There isn't much time as the fuel truck starts gaining speed without the retros to slow the vessel down.

Disaster averted.


With just seconds to impact Patfield reingnites the rockets full throttle, hoping to avoid disaster.

Jonfrey radios Patfield; "Hey Patfield, you need assistance? Over."

Patfield; "I'm OK but that was close! Talk about suicide burn!*&^%$#@ KSC pencil pushers cutting corners again! Here I am sitting on a truckload of fuel and the blasted engines run out of gas!"

Jonfrey; "Roger that. Take your time. Meet us when your ready. We have cake!"

Patfield; "Sounds good! Looking forward to stretching my legs too!"

Patfield marks the location for future generations.


Joining up with the rest of the ground crew.


Chadgee; "Grab a piece of cake. You deserve it. Speaking of, glad to see you made it in one piece."

Patfield; "Don't mind if I do. Om nom nom...Om nom nom."

Jonfrey; "Think you have it tough? Kenvan's going to attempt to land the VindiGator here without parachutes!"

Chadgee; "He's nuts if he thinks he can fly a plane in this thin atmosphere."

Patfield; "Before I left KSC I heard they refit the VindiGator with VTOL assist. I hope HIS fuel holds out or I made this trip for nothing!"

Chadgee; "Hey! Don't forget you have our great company!"

Patfield; "Oh yes and cake too! Om nom nom..."

Next Phase... The VindiGator Arrives.

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The VindiGator Arrives:

Kenvan is awaken from his "Deep Sleep" anesthesia one day before entering Duna's SOI.


After checking the spaceplane's status he makes course corrections for a Duna periapsis of 11,000m.

Orbital alignment.




Calculating rendezvous with Fuel Tanker waiting in orbit.


The fuel Tanker, sent over a year ago with 4 mini RC rovers deployed to explore Duna's surface.

Approching tanker's docking port.


Kenvan signals the tanker's docking port to open.

Fill'er up.


Descending to Duna's surface.


Jonfrey; "VindiGator. We have you on radar. Sending you coordinates. You are cleared to land. Welcome to Duna."

Landing site spotted. Closing in.


Kenvan toggles the air intakes on/off, just to see what happens, but nothing registers. Confirming that jet engines won't work on Duna.

Kenvan; "Roger MOHAB 1. I have your location and I'm on final approach."

Turning to landing site.


Trimming VTOL rockets, easy does it.


Adjusting the pitch of the nose to slow vertical and horizontal velocity.

Another successful landing.


Not a moment too soon. The fuel tanks are nearly dry.

The crew celebrates!


And tosses Kenvan into the air. Well whatever thin gas that constitutes Duna's atmosphere.

Kenvan directs the boom over to the docking port.


Time to fill'er up... Again!


Party time!


The crew celebrates a huge successful undertaking.

This marks the beginning of establishing mobile bases all across Duna with the ability to explore large areas of her terrain via VTOL spacecraft.

More Mobile Habitat's, Fuel Trucks and assorted VTOL craft will be sent to Duna on future missions thanks to this team's success.

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Epilogue: Dual Fuel Boom Truck:

Never say the management at KSC doesn't listen to Kerbalnaut's complaints. Taking Patfield's recommendations, the Engineers and designers, under Bob, Jeb, and Bill's supervision, improved on the Fuel Boom Truck design.

New Fuel lines will feed the retro-rockets directly from the main storage tank. Once landed the Kerbalnaut has to transfer the unused fuel from the retros back into the main tank before being jettisoned.

Two more parachutes were added making 6 mains instead of 4. No changes were made to the 2 original drogue chutes.


Shown here, a second fuel boom was added to refuel the Personnel & Supply Transporter (PST). This is the ship that Bill, Jebediah, and Bob used to explore Mun, Minmus and Duna.

The PST will take on the duties of the transportation and transferring of crews and supplies to stations and bases throughout the Kerbol system and returning to Kerbin.

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Thanks. The fuel truck and mobile habitat are a bit unstable on the ground. I wouldn't go any faster than 15~20m/s straight. Around 5m/s for turning and changes to grade.

The fuel truck will tend to roll upside down when ascending through the atmosphere. Just keep ASAS on and it's pretty stable in space.

You never want to apply full brakes. That will cause the vehicle to flip head over heels. Just light taps on B key or hold down the S key to slow down. In the VAB Action keys I removed brakes for the front and rear wheels, leaving the middle 4 only. For steering I disable turning to the middle 4 and let the front and rear pairs turn.

For atmospheric re-entry the fuel truck is tail heavy and will re-orient itself for tail first descent. Once the drogue chutes open it should level out. Just have to use rockets to slow down enough to keep the drogues from ripping off. I might have to add moar struts to hold the chutes on better.

The mobile habitat is a lot lighter and is better balanced. It can enter the atmosphere nose up, wheels down, space shuttle style.

I can't wait to try these vehicles out on Laythe.

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Successful field trial on Mun that nearly didn't happen.


Not only did the Fuel truck overshoot the landing site by over 70km. I nearly aborted the mission trying to drive back to the lander. The truck kept getting out of control and crashing, trying to traverse the new craters.

Just like on Duna I needed to keep top speed under 20m/s on the flats. 5m/s or less when cresting over the lip of a crater and to keep from careening down the inside. But several saves and reloads later I finally made it to the lander.

Maybe I didn't take into account of the lower gravity on Mun. Landing legs made the lander slightly taller, making the fuel truck's elevated docking port a bit low, colliding with the lander's port. :huh:

Or maybe it was the slope of the terrain. IDK. All I know is it didn't fit. :mad:

I drove around to try a different angle. Still bumping into the side. Light bulb! :0.0:

Gave a couple taps on the gas, causing the truck to pop slight wheelies! Bingo! The port lands on top and, after a few back and forth moves, locks into place. :cool:

The Mobile Habitat (MOHAB) managed a better landing. Coming into land within 150m of the group.

Note: This mission was just a test. The Explorer Lander doesn't require refueling when traveling to Mun or Minmus. It can easily make a round trip back to Kerbin on it's own.

All landings performed in these missions are manual.

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