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Why "Revert Flight" is not a good option for KSP

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For people who want to play more hardcore, but dislike the way that there can be problems you just can't forsee until your first attempt at launching something, why not have an option halfway between "No revert flight exists" and "you can revert all mistakes"? What I picture is this: When you fly the ship, you can explicitly choose at the start whether this is a simulation or a real flight. If it's a simulation flight, then you can do "revert flight" all you want, BUT at the cost of making it so that this flight will never get added to the campaign save because it's not "really" happening. To make flights with lasting effect, like leaving a space station in orbit, you have to fly the flight "for real" and then revert flight doesn't exist.

I sort of do a thing a bit like this now by maintaining two different campaigns, one of which is my "simulator" and the other is the real one, but then that has a really annoying hassle of having to go outside the game to move craft designs from one to the other. It seems like a thing the game could support easily internally - when you want to launch a simulation, it could generate a new temporary campaign folder, move the design over into that temporary folder, and run the game in that folder, and then remove the folder after the the flight is exited. For a fun special effect it could even enable a sort of "crude" set of graphics texture rules that make it look a bit more computery (i.e. parts render as wireframes for example) to remind you that you are in simulation.

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