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Free fall precision drop

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It is war! The evil opponents have taken control of KSC. General Kerb wants to take it back. He orders Jebediah to do a free fall precision drop D-day thing behind enemy lines and reconquer KSC!


1. Launch a carrier (plane or rocket) that carries an uncontrollable object carrying Jebediah in a command seat (PODs have torque and are disqualified, see 3rd rule)

2. To escape enemy radar: release from at least 1000m high on a horizontal trajectory with a velocity of at least 100 m/s.

3. It must have NO control after release: no control surfaces, no thrust, no torque, nothing. Pure a ballistic/aerodynamic free fall. If Jebediah fails we don't want the enemy to get their hands on our advanced control technologies ;) Note that uncontrollable wings are allowed to smooth the landing of Jeb.

4. No parachutes: the enemy can spot those and shoot them down...

5. Jebediah must survive to be able to do battle

6. 100% stock. No mods.


+ Release altitude divided by 10

+ Horizontal speed at release moment

+ 250 points if landing at KSC flat area

+ 250 points if landing on the KSC runway or hitting a KSC building

+ 500 points if landing without taking damage


1. Pirke: 1092





My attempt:



+ altitude: 1761 / 10 = 176

+ speed: 166

+ KSC flat area: 250

+ no damage: 500

Total score: 1092. Who can beat me?

Edited by Pirke
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They are uncontrollable tailfins. They provide lift to glide, and the top tail ones provide some nose up to smooth the landing. I assure you, after release there is absolutely no control left :) It is a matter of good design to balance weight and lift.

See the 4th picture: it has a glide of 8 degrees nose up while going 8 degrees down at a (final) speed of 40-50 m/s. Those are good conditions for landing on a flat surface without any control input.

On the 3rd picture you see me aiming at the runway, while rolling 1 degree left. That 1 degree roll made me miss the runway big time after a 2 minute glide down...

Furthermore: when releasing at high speeds it tends to go nose up to about 70-80 degrees first, then stalling to 60 degrees nose down, after restoring itself to the final glide position. If I go too fast, the nose up is too strong and it flips over or enters a spiral or something else goes wrong :)

Edited by Pirke
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Then it's a glider, not a ballistic projectile in free fall.

Terminology, the goal of the challenge is clear: no control over your trajectory after release. I updated the opening post to mention uncontrollable wings are allowed.

So, back to the challenge: who can beat my score of 1092 ???

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Terminology matters. And now, your rules are inconsistent because in one place you specify purely ballistic flight must be used and in another you allow aerodynamic flight.

Opening post updated.

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