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Eeloo-2 Interplanetary Ship (Updated! after Eeloo-1 catastrophe)

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Since Eeloo-1 was eaten by the Kraken, i built This simple, easy to use ship, with a gravity deck, comm arrays, 3 docking ports for regular craft and 6 ports for space probes, 2 solar panels and a lander.

I present you, Eeloo-2:



The ship has lighting systems everywhere.


View from ShipCam-5


View from behind.


As you can see the ship is powered by 4 nuclear fusion engines, the next step in space travel.

An optimal escape burn requires more than 5 orbits of burn-and-wait-for-periapsis burns.

The ship, after wasting a ton of fuel due to an inexperienced Jeb(me) has around 1500 units of fuel left. Probably enough

for achieving orbit around Eeloo(MET: 1056 days so far, currently en-route for Eeloo encounter.

I am not greedy so here are the parts with my lander included:

Propulsion with fue tanks and (new) 6 probes



The ship is assembled through 3 launches. The lander acts as a cockpit too(it docks in front) but the ship in case of loosing the lander has all the equipment for control by itself, even unmanned.

The lander hauls 5 crew member. Maximum capacity of ship in pics is 18 kerbals.

More pics might be available later.

If you dont want to go through the hassle, here is my save folder:


The ship is on an Eeloo encounter in about 10 minutes of 100000x time wrp.

The ship has only.......less than 200 parts! Woot!

Good luck and enjoy!


Note: i was inspired by Europa-1 from Europa Report

Edited by iDan122
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  • 4 weeks later...
The engines work by fission, by the way.

No they are nuclear engines. The hydrogen is heated up by the disassembling uranium or plutonium particles. Fusion works by

fusing together Deiterium/Tritium+Deiterium/Titium/Helium-3.

Know your molecular physics and dont say something if you dont know for sure.

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Thats one good interplanetary ship i made a ship called eeloo 2 i guess eeloo (number) is a popluar name my craft was a lander and return single launch but thats one good ship

It just has everything you need on an interplanetary ship.

Gravity deck, lander, fuel pods, propulsion and spare docking ports and solar panels.

What else do you need?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Major Update! 1st post more ergonomic, more info, Propulsion stage now includes a sort-of working lander(managed to get the thing into orbit, barely),

the propulsion stage now has 6 probes attached to those free docking ports jr that it had, lander has better launcher now.

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I really like the design.

That being said, I'm not having much luck with it. Everytime I try to launch the core, it all goes haywire once I start my gravity turn. I've gotten the propulsion unit into orbit, but the core does not like me. I've tried locking gimbals, throttling down, all I could think of, but once I get in to my gravity turn, I lose all control of the core.

Am I missing something simple that will make me feel stupid? Or any suggestions? Thanks.

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I really like the design.

That being said, I'm not having much luck with it. Everytime I try to launch the core, it all goes haywire once I start my gravity turn. I've gotten the propulsion unit into orbit, but the core does not like me. I've tried locking gimbals, throttling down, all I could think of, but once I get in to my gravity turn, I lose all control of the core.

Am I missing something simple that will make me feel stupid? Or any suggestions? Thanks.

Try launching it like i did:

Activate SAS and precision control(caps lock).

Go to 10000 and start your gravity turn(slowly, dont do it aggressively).

If you lose a bit of control, use RCS.

When you lose control, your camera probably shifts right? That is because the lower half of the rocket detaches from the top,

so the bottom becomes uncontrollable. More delicate thrusting and turning can fix the problem ,as well as more struts between the core and the launcher.

If it continues, post a vid or your flight log, look into it and if something detachs for no reason, the above is the problem.

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