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Kerbin Interplanetary Agency (K.I.A.)


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Kerbin Interplanetary Agency (K.I.A.)

About K.I.A.

Kerbin Interplanetary Agency (official abbreviation is “K.I.A.â€Â) is the multinational space agency of Kerbin. At K.I.A. they work all day long on new concepts for rockets to get into space cheaper, faster and with a lot more boosters than ever before. The Agency (Kerbonauts prefer “The Agency†to K.I.A. (for obvious reasons)) began as a project of 3 young Kerbals, who wanted to build a suborbital rocket. As soon as they launched their first suborbital rocket they got the government's attention and with the attention came a lot of money and many new tasks. My following posts are the collected mission protocols, as demanded by the government of the Kerbin Union.

Current stats

Assigned pilots: 0

Available pilots: 3

Killed pilots: 0

Total pilots: 3

Successful missions: 2

Partially successful missions: 0

Unsuccessful missions: 0

Missions in progress: 0

Total missions: 2

Rockets developed: 2

Rockets launched: 2

Rockets crash-landed: 1

Rockets landed: 1


Wernher von Kerman

Rank: Chief-scientist

Status: Developing new stuff

Missions: 0

Jebediah Kerman

Rank: Commander

Status: Available

Missions: 0

Bill Kerman

Rank: Commander

Status: Available

Missions: 0

Bob Kerman

Rank: Commander

Status: Available

Missions: 0

Chapter overview:


The Prologue tells the story about how Jeb, Bill, Bob and Wernher came to K.I.A. and how K.I.A. was created.

Chapter 1 - Preparations

In Chapter 1 you get to know stuff about the early years of K.I.A.. Here you can find the first missions with small goals from achieving a suborbital trajectory over getting into a stable orbit and docking to stuff like Mun flybys. You won't find any EVA on other celestial bodies than Kerbin or interplanetary travel here.

Chapter 2 - ???

Top Secret WIP Missions!

Please inform me about any error in my post(s) (preferable via PM), english isn't my native language :)

Edited by alexanderw890i
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X-1 test flight

Purpose: Test of the suborbital rocket X-1

Mission status: Successfully completed

Commander: Jebediah (not on board)

Mission chief scientist: Wernher von Kerman

Crew on board: none

Crew on ground: 4


Speaker voice: “T minus ten.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Nine.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Eight.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Seven.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Six.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Five.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Four.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Three.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Engine startup.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Two.â€Â

Speaker voice: “One.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Zero.â€Â

Speaker voice: “Aaaaand… Liftoff!â€Â


The silence in the Mission Control building, which was nothing more than a shed with some obsolete computers and a bike as power supply, was gone. Everyone cheered. But the mission wasn’t finished yet. The unmanned rocket still had a long way to go. After a minute or two, when everyone had calmed down the work started again.


Jeb: “Bob, what is the current height?â€Â

Bob: “5 km, still increasing.â€Â

Jeb: “Bill, can Air Monitoring and Defense (AMD) confirm this height?â€Â

Bill (to AMD): “This is mission control, can you confirm the height of 5 km for our rocket?â€Â

AMD: “Nope. It’s 6 km right now.â€Â

Bill: “AMD confirms that our rocket is still flying, even though it is higher than our information tell us.â€Â

Jeb: “That’s not a problem, you were just too slow.â€Â


When the rocket achieved the height of 12 km the gravity turn needs to be prepared.

Jeb: “Okay guys, gravity turn is imminent, Bill does our RC-Receiver still work at that altitude?â€Â

Bill: “I don’t know. We’ll find out soon.â€Â

Jeb: “Bob activate RCS Thrusters, disable SAS and change to manual control.â€Â

Bob: “RCS active.â€Â

Bob: “SAS disabled and control set to manual input. Now the rocket’s destiny is in your hands Jeb… good luck!â€Â

Jeb: “Ok, thanks. Heading set to 20°. SAS enabled.â€Â


When the rocket reached the height of 18 km, it had to be tilted a bit more.

Jeb: “The rocket’s heading is now 45°, it’s pretty easy to fly. I hope the RC-Receiver doesn’t die.â€Â

The heading was changed 2 more times, then the rocket had its final direction. During the gravity turn the first stage burned out and was decoupled.


AMD: “Your rocket just broke into two parts!â€Â

Bill: “JEB! JEB! JEB! JEB!â€Â

Jeb: “Huh?â€Â

Bill: “AMD said our rocket broke into two parts!â€Â

Jeb (facepalming): “No… Bob just decoupled the first stage.â€Â

Bill: “Ohh… okay…â€Â

Bill (to AMD): “We decoupled the first stage. This is no error.â€Â

Bob: “…â€Â

Jeb: “…â€Â

When the second stage finally burned out, they activated the professional antennas (just before the toy RC-Receiver died) and unfolded the solar panels. The data sent by the probe told them that it would reach an apoapsis higher than 200 km. The three Kerbals feared that the Space Kraken would eat the probe, therefore they used the probe’s RCS Thrusters to lower the apoapsis to about 190 km.


The probe reached its apoapsis and hurtled back to the ground, where it would crash with about 150 m/s into the firm ground of Kerbin.


As soon as the probe reentered the atmosphere of Kerbin, AMD called mission control.

AMD: “Uhhm guys, your rocket isn’t crashing into Kerbin, is it?â€Â

Bill (to AMD): “Actually it is.â€Â

AMD: “Did you know that crashing 3 ton metal cans into Kerbin is a crime?â€Â

Bill (to AMD): “No, we didn’t. But did you know, that our rocket will crash with such a speed into Kerbin, that nothing will be left after the crash?â€Â

AMD: “Uhhm… I think it’s ok then.â€Â


Jeb: “What did AMD want from us?â€Â

Bill: “They were just asking if we’re really crashing our 2 $ Metal can into Kerbin…â€Â

Jeb: “Ok.â€Â

Bob: “I’ve got a great idea… we could use the impact of our probe to collect geological data about Kerbin.â€Â

Jeb: “That’s really a great idea. Wernher, could you built a machine that collects the data for us?â€Â

Wernher: “How much time do I have?â€Â

Jeb: “Uhhm… 5 minutes or so.â€Â

Wernher: “Ok, that should be enough.â€Â



Wernher built a small seismograph and put it on the ground. He told everyone to stop breathing, because this would distort the readings. 2 minutes after Wernher finished his work, the probe hit the ground and squashed 15,643 ants.


Jeb: “Guys, we just guided the first suborbital rocket in the history of Kerbin. I think we can proudly say that we are heroes.â€Â

“Knock. Knock.â€Â

Jeb: “Who’s there?â€Â


Jeb: “Who is ‘WHO’?â€Â

“World Hero Organization.â€Â

Jeb: “Oh, okay, get in.â€Â

2 guys in suits entered the shed and introduced themselves as Fumus and Nel. They were commissioned by the government to offer Jeb, Bob, Bill and Wernher the possibility to help the government starting up the space agency named Kerbin Interplanetary Agency. Their ultimate goal would be to visit all the planets in Kerbol’s solar system and to look for habitable places.

The government arranged contracts with 3 of the major rocket tank and engine producers: Novapunch, KW Rocketry and AIES Aerospace, as well as contracts with a Kethane-Group and computer fabricators like MechJeb. They also bought some smaller Companies with good solutions like the Kerbal Attachment System.

In total there were contracts or interactions with the following companies:

- Squad

- Novapunch

- KW Rocketry

- AIES Aerospace

- Kethane-Group

- Mechjeb

- Kerbal Attachment Systems

Chapter 1 - Preparations

First Kerbal in Space

Purpose: Sending a manned rocket on a suborbital trajectory.

Mission status: Successfully completed

Commander: Jebediah

Crew assigned: 1 (2 if you count Jeb's ground radio contact (Bill))

The rocket named X-2 was a modified X-1 rocket: To the first stage they added two asparagus-staged boosters. On the top of the rocket the Probe-Body was removed and a single seated capsule was placed there instead. The calculated delta v was enough to achieve a suborbital trajectory, make some course corrections and then land the capsule safely.



Jeb: "When will the rocket start?"

Bill: "T minus 20 seconds"

20sec later:

Jeb: "Whoooooooooooooohooooooooooooo!!!111!!!1!!oneeleven!!!11!!"

Bill: "Everything ok?"

Jeb: "Yeah, but i never felt so much g ever before!!!"

Bill: "Okay."

At about 15 km the first stage was decoupled and a short time after that the gravity turn was initiated:


Jeb: "Okay guys, gravity turn was just initiated by mechjeb."

Bill: "We can confirm this."

Jeb: "By the way: Are we there yet?"

Bill: "Nope."

At the end of the gravity turn the second stage was decoupled. The rocket only needed very little thrust of it's orbital insertion engine to complete the burn.


After the rocket had left the atmoshpere the solar panels were extended.

Jeb: "Are we there yet?"

Bill: "Yes."

Jeb: "May I take a walk outside?"

Bill: "You can't walk outside, there's empty space, you can't walk on Nothing!"

Jeb: "Well may I go out of this little capsule anyways?"

Bill: "Yes, but get back in before you reenter the atmosphere. And don't get too far away from the capsule! And don't..."

The radio contact was automatically disabled, when Jeb opened the airlock.



The airlock was closed again, when jeb had left the capsule. Radio contact was reactivated.

Bill: "...did you understand everything"

Jeb: "Sure" *flyin 'round*

Bill: "That's fine."

Jeb: "EVAing is soooo coooool!!!!" *spinning uncontrollably*

Bill: "really?"

Jeb: "Yeah, absolutely. But be silent so I can feel the silence up here!"


Jeb was flying around and doing selfies for some time when suddenly Bill broke radio-silence.

Bill: "Jeb, you should get back into your"

Jeb: "But I don't want to get back down there."

Bill: "Well I think you don't have a choice..."

Jeb took hist last photo and sent it to KSC, where almost the whole staff instantly used it as desktop wallpaper for their computers.



The rocket first seemed to come down over land, but the atmoshpere slowed it down enough, so it could land in the water of the biggest visible crater on Kerbins surface.


Jeb was amazed by this suborbital flight and wanted to do another right after he landed. Unfortunately there was a lot of paperwork waiting for Jeb to do. But the paperwork had to wait until Jeb was forced to do it (This mission was actually done just a day after the test of the X-1, but it's a lot of work to write all the texts & upload the screenshots, so I didn't have the desire to do it right away :) (There are already 3 more missions to post)).

Due to the success of the first official mission of the K.I.A., the government granted the K.I.A. more money to play with. The next goal of the K.I.A. will be to bring a 3-Man capsule into space on a stable orbit.

Edited by alexanderw890i
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Orbital Operations Training I

Purpose: Training the Crew to do basic orbital maneuvers like Mün Transfer, Ap and Pe Changes and Return from Moons/High Kerbin Orbits. The next step will be a docking maneuver, where 2 K.I.A. ships will dock together, but before docking will be allowed by the government, the K.I.A. has to prove that they can do the Orbital Operations needed for docking without any problems. During the flyby multiple tests with the communication equipment will be performed.

Mission status: Successfully completed

Commander: Jeb

Crew assigned: 3 (Jeb, Bill and Bob)

During the first few meetings, the K.I.A. director recommended to use NovaPunch rockets, because they were already tested a lot and were pretty safe. But Jeb decided, that the 3 Kerbals would do the flyby in a new rocket, which was built by Wernher von Kerman. In the K.I.A. a mission's commander has the right to choose the rocket(s) for his mission. After a lot of discussion Jeb finally got the directors permission to persue his rights.

The rocket was called the "Kerbal X" and seemed to be reliable. But the absence of proper Controls was a no-go for Bill. Bill asked if Jeb could change the rocket. Jeb did. The result of Jeb staying 2 weeks in his shed together with some rocket parts and the "Kerbal X" was the modified "Kerbal X-1". The "Kerbal X-1" was pretty much the same as the "Kerbal X" with a Mechjeb-Unit, ASAS and additional Solarpanles to support the higher energy requirements. Nobody expected something like this without thousands of boosters from Jeb, so everyone was suprised when they saw what Jeb had built.

Only the director wasn't satisfied with Mechjeb and ASAS beeing on board, because the mission was to practice orbital operations without any mechanical or electronic help. Before the launch he made Bill, Jeb and Bob promise that they won't use mechjeb.


The launch went nice and without any problems.


In LKO Bill and Bob had their first opportunity to perform EVA.

This is a photo of Bill with the Kerbal X-1 upper-stage in the background, it was shot by Jeb.

Bill: "This EVA-stuff is so amazing!"

Jeb: "Yep, did you try rotating wildly and without any control?"

Bill: "Uhh no... not yet..."

Jeb: "You should really do this!"

Bob: "I'll try it" *uses RCS to crash with high speed into the Vessel to start rotating*

Jeb: "So? Do you like it Bob?"


Bill: "I guess he enjoys it..."


The planned trajectory would bring the Vessel to the Münand then back to a Kerbin-Periapsis of 90km. The Mun-Periapsis was at about 400 km, but the crew would be able to communicate with Mission Control, because the Periapsis wasn't on the dark side of the moon.


The Mün became bigger and bigger as time went on.



Mission Control: "Guys, 60 seconds radio contact until you enter the shadow. Any last words?"

Bill: "This is a small step for Kerbalkind... and a much smaller step for a Kerman like me."

Bob: "Wow... that was impressive :P"

Bill: "I am always impressive."

Then the rocket entered Mün's shadow and communication was very limited. The camera only took Black and White photos, because their filesize is much smaller than color photos, so they would be less noisy.


When Kerbin became visible again, Bob turned the RGB camera back on and shot this wonderful (but still a bit noisy, because there is no direct connection to Mission Control) photo.


After the silent minutes behind the Mün, Jeb got the command to change the trajectory a bit, so they could land directly on Kerbin.

MC: "This is Mission Control, please change your trajectory so you can land on Kerbin without a second aerobrake maneuver."

Bill: "Sure, we'll do it asap."

Bill: "Jeb, MC told us to land directly. No second aerobrake"

Jeb: "Ok, initializing adjustment burn."



As they approached Kerbin, Mission Control gave Jeb another command. This time he had to change the trajectory so they would land on the day-side of Kerbin.

MC: "Mission Control again, could you please land on the day-side of Kerbin? it would be safer for you."

Bill: "Yep."

Bill: "Jeb, Mission Control wants us to land during day..."

Jeb: "Ok, let's roll!"


Finally they reentered the athmoshpere again.



After they landed Bob decided to go for a swim.

Edited by alexanderw890i
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