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RCS help?

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new problem:

This video should explain


Here are the alpha parts, .craft is included.


if anyone can figure this out i will be forever thankful.

also please no whining about mixed stuff. it is not a release it is a problem. in release all stuff will be fixed.

Old problem:

hi i cannot figure out the RCS thrust and effects. if i change X y changes. i am so confused.

For example lets say i want to have the effect off to the right 1, down 2, and turned 90 degress down then hav the thrust point straight down. what do i do?

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in the part file for the parts. I cannot figure otu the numbers. i tried to figure it out by trying different combinations but i cannot figure it lol.

this sort of thing.

fx_gasJet_white = -1.9, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, rcsGroup0

// thruster orientations and thrust (X, Y, Z, Thrust)

thrustVector0 = 0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0

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// thruster orientations and thrust (X, Y, Z, Thrust)

thrustVector0 = 0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0

Ok, basically thruster orientation specifies which way is 'up', with 'up' being the direction you want your thruster to push you. KSP uses Y up for the vertical axis. So lets say you have a basic little 2 nozzel RCS unit, with 1 nozzel pointed up & 1 down, your thrust vectors would be

thrustvector0 = 0,1,0, 10.0 (this one pushes you upward)

thrustvector1 = 0,-1,0 10.0 (this one pushes you downward)

now for the FX, the FX format is, pX, pY, pZ, uX, uY, uZ, FXGROUP; where (p) is is the position on the model you want to FX to start from(origin point), (u) is the 'Up' direction, This should be the same as the thrust vector. FX group dictates which thruster creates which FX, this is the number following thrustvector. So for the above example you should have something like this

fx_gasJet_white = pX, pY, pZ, 0, 1, 0.0, rcsGroup0

fx_gasJet_white = pX, pY, pZ, 0, -1, 0.0, rcsGroup1

Substitute pXYZ with the relevant coordinates from your model.

edited because i have the dumb

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Rotation of the model was off for some reason when importing the .dae so i corrected and reexported. this fixed the rotation problems. so now with fixed code and mdel the Q and E rs keys effects work.

however now the effects arn;t aligned :D so need to figure those otu again :/ luckyl slew gave me the right numbers hop they work still.

Hmm default ASAS also seems to work fine. Wonder what the problem is :/

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