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Better Stock Parts mod


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Hello and welcome

I have recently learned to edit ksp code. I am planning create a 'mod' in chosen stock parts (That you guys request.) will be nerfed / revoked. I plan finish sometime this month. Anyone with suggestions for me (Such as parts you'd want me to edit) please reply and tell me what part you want me to fix and exactly WHAT you want me to do. (Like adding more thrust or reducing wind resistance)

So please feel free to reply and make any suggestions :)

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You'd need to get permission from the devs for every. single. part. So, I would have someone make stockalike models/textures without .cfg's, so you can write them yourself. Good luck :):D

...and was this thread moved? I can't tell. I think they removed the 'moved' icon for threads... :huh: ... :confused:


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Hello and welcome

I have recently learned to edit ksp code. I am planning create a 'mod' in chosen stock parts (That you guys request.) will be nerfed / revoked. I plan finish sometime this month. Anyone with suggestions for me (Such as parts you'd want me to edit) please reply and tell me what part you want me to fix and exactly WHAT you want me to do. (Like adding more thrust or reducing wind resistance)

So please feel free to reply and make any suggestions :)

Lemme level with ya. Anyone can do this. Most people who have been with KSP for at least a month know basic config editing. I know config editing and modeling and look how long I've been here. There are literally dozens of tutorials out there and dozens of altered and resized stock parts on spaceport. I think KhaosCorp, though a bit aggressively, made this quite clear over in the other thread.

Most of us can already do this. Now, if you are going to do model, texture, and otherwise create replica parts of real rockets, then you'd likely get some attention but simple config edits are something that anyone can do after watching a 5 minute youtube tutorial. You want to be a modder, go learn dll plugin encoding and texturing. that's the hardest part of modding and the type of people that are in demand.

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you don't need permission to distribute edited stock configs, you're even allowed to use the stock models without permission; that said for compatibility reasons you shouldn't edit them directly. There's a rather wide variety of mods that include modifications to the stock and with editing the file itself, whichever file is pasted into place last is the only one that wins. There's a mod, pretty big one so find it yourself, it's not hard, called Module Manager, which permits you to have your own file filled with patches to other files. Now still, if you and another mod edit the same value, whichever patch file is loaded last overwrites all the rest but if two mods edit different values on the same part there's no problem.

Module Manager also permits you to have files of patches to rebalance things you are not permitted to distribute like other mods.

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