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.21: Rockets drifting north at launch

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Heya -

Since .21, all of my launches end up drifting to the north by 10 degrees. The navball shows I am climbing straight up but the velocity vector indicator shows I am climbing to the north (and is evidenced by looking at Kerbin slowly drifting by).

I have replicated this with a fresh install of .21 (Mac OS X). I don't have a joystick or anything else that would be giving strange control inputs.

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Does this happen even on simple designs? Can you test and see if this occurs with - say - a single stage rocket with nothing radially mounted, so you can be sure everything is balanced? I only ask because just last night I ran into an issue with some very minor torque from my radially-mounted boosters pushing me off course.

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I thought the drifting SAS was only with unbalanced thrust?

When .21 first dropped, I strapped a probe core with an SAS unit to a single rocket booster, and that thing would drift every which way with no input, where it should have just gone straight. I tested it without SAS and it flew straight, which meant that the SAS was causing the drift.

Anyways, if you have .21.1, you shouldn't have a problem, lest your craft has some sort of uneven drag or thrust. Particularly if you are still pointed vertical and your velocity indicator is the only thing that is moving.

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