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Airship Testing Runs


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Ok so here are my records of my testing of the first airship designs I am trying.


My first try was the Narwhal Mk1. It used the airship envelope Octo(If I havent made this clear I'm using the airships mod) It had a Probe body, anfd Oscar 8 fuel tank and an LV 909 engine on each end. It was balanced almost perfectly, but when I got above about 10 m/s speed, the back end starts to tilt down rapidly.


This is the same as the Narwhal Mk1. This time, we are testing the height constraints by attempting to go into an orbit, or as high as possible.

Results:Highest altitude 10,157m. So it can't get into orbit, but it could be used for landing on other planets or in-altitude transportation.

Edited by Joshiewowa
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