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"Project Showcase" Sneak Peek of KerbolQuest, Updated Pack video!


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This is a quest item attained during the first quest of the series.Big thanks to everyone on the team. More details on the team members when we put out the first quest pack!Powered by KerbTown Plugin by RazChekhttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/40374-WIP-KerbTown-v0-11-2-Beta-Place-static-buildings-cities-launch-sites-more%21 Edited by HoY
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  BlazingAngel665 said:
That is very impressive

Razchek always does good work.

Thank you! But on this one I'm just coding everything.

The visual and audible content, stories and concepts are being innovated by the team we've put together.

So what we end up with will be somewhat epic. I hope everyone stays tuned! :D

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  sproginator said:
SWEET! I just want that jetpack on it's own, Can i haz? :P

Its plugin powered :) and it's written into Kerbtown's dll.

There are currently no plans on releasing it(them) as a stand alone item(s) they are incentive to play the quests through! (They are non functional until you actually Earn them,, also built into the plugin)

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Without giving too much away, the first chapter of the first quest will be focused on collecting parts to build this. Not parts from the assembly buildings.

There won't be any quests that require you to build a Specific rocket, however since this is a space game many of them will be off world, and you'll need to be able to do various tasks wherever the quest line sends you. The more of those tasks you can complete with the things you brought along the faster you'll progress.

I've been a heavy MMO player since UO, and have decided to model at least the first couple of quest lines the same way many of the other mmo's I used to play did. (Not the mob grinding bits..... For now...)

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I just couldn't resist.

Here's the Jetpack Reveal video

Keep in mind the pack is a quest item, and there are no plans on releasing it as a stand alone mod part.

Part of the plugin work being done is to counter the little "incident" during the landing. Still being worked on along with more than you can imagine :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I saw this the other day that tune has been stuck in my head, a quest system in KSP is an awesome idea tho! how would you manage unlockables like the jetpack? perhaps they could be somehow tied in with the R&D/Tech tree stuff thats coming in the next patch

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