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[solved] Update proof custom parts


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Hi community!

Right now I kinda shy away from all mods (and part packs) that include custom parts. The reason for that is that I want to be able to continue playing my current world when an update hits. With most mods, you've to wait until they are updated for the newer version of KSP - I totally understand that.

How's the matter with new parts like the B9 or KSPX? Do they need updates for newer versions or will they just work? With mods, I can just uninstall them and accept, that I loose the functionality provided by them, when a new version hits but if I have custom parts built into rockets floating around my world that would be much harder.

So, it would be awesome if someone could enlighten me in this matter.



Edited by joedemo42
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Pure Part plugins normally work.. when it comes to plugins it becomes more of a problem since the api and codebase of KSP change...

Normally it takes a few hours to a few days until (the most common (MJ, B9, Kethane...) plugins are completely compatible with a new KSP release.. so you dont have to be shy of mods, but you should keep an eye when to update etc.

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Since i dont use that particular pack i cannot tell wether its usable or not.. but from experience i would say you are good to go.

Except for .19 to .20 not much changed for normal parts during updates - and even back then it was easy to fix parts that werent converted by the mod creators yet.

Just check your plugins if they use DLLs or not. If they dont i would say that you have a 90% chance of them working without further problems*. Else just wait with updating KSP until you know the Plugins were updated as well.


* That is if the current model on how parts are handled doesnt change. And afaik its not planned to break compatibility again soon.

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With the new torque changes that came with version .21, a lot of the old command pods that came in pure parts packs, like you described, would no longer allow you to turn the rocket. This could be fixed manually, by adding reaction wheels, or waiting for the author to update it

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