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New Concept "Craft": The Cannon


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Anyways, after accidentallying some connectors together, and then deciding to go with it, i discovered a new launch technique: Cannons.

Well, not really cannons, but they work similarly.

Here are the basic results of one of my tests. (silisko parts)

The design:


the result: (yes, i MSpainted so you could see what exactly happened if it wasn\'t quite obvious enough)


Conclusion: Not very effective, gets even worse with added mass, so not helpful in launching an actual ship :(

Now I just need to figure out how to make it more powerful.

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Yes, I\'ve stumbled upon that \'cannon effect\' too. Haven\'t considered it as a way to launch something though -- and have tried to get rid of that \'boom-to-launch\' as soon as I could.

It would be quite interesting what maximum speed is achievable when \'boom-launching\' a bare capsule ;D

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