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History in the Explosions


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So I'm planning to start my own "campaign" based around the idea of recreating the history of space flight, beginning with German V2 rockets and culminating in the construction of the ISS. I'll be building and launching as many historical spacecraft as we can come up with, in a historically accurate order.

I may be recording this effort, depending on how well my computer handles the part counts and recording software. What I want from you, the members of the KSP forums, is a list of historically significant spacecraft you would like to see me launch.

I will be using mods, even the hated mechjeb (for more precise orbits). I'll be accurately replicating the orbits based on the standard 64% number, unless that number doesn't escape Kerbin's atmosphere, in which case I'll launch to 72 km, so that I have a decent margin of error.

What I need from you is the spacecraft you would like me to launch, ideally a link to a reference on it, otherwise it's mission and orbital parameters and a schematic.

Happy Hunting!


PS if a mission has too high a part count to record, or for some reason I can't, I'll just leave it in orbit and show it later. Also, I reserve the right to switch out some SRBs for liquid when attempting to accurately recreate orbital altitudes.

List of planned missions (not including obvious ones like apollo or Vostok or the like)

Wan Hu


Explorer One/first launch of the operational Redstone rocket into space

Many Vanguard explosions, probably with the 1812 overture as the soundtrack if possible

Edited by trepnick
Adding list of missions
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On the serious side, My basic Redstone Suborbiter will work for the next step after the V2. You will need the Novapunch mods if you want to use the proper escape tower for launching a Kerbal into a suborbital flight.

For trying the Explorer One probe, you may want to try the larger solid rocket sepratrons from Novapunch. Explorer One was a Redstone rocket topped off by three stages of clustered solid fuel cluster rockets to kick the satellite into orbit. Good luck on trying to create that mission. The real Explorer mission was a last minute effort to get something into orbit using existing proven military rockets, Redstone being a refinement of the V-2 design, when the Vanguards kept exploding on the launch pad. Hence, the solid fuel ones used on the upper stages. They were spin stabilized as no gyros or gimbals were available back then. Would be interesting if such a flight could be done sucuessfully in launching a probe into orbit.

The Vanguard should be easy to design. Tall, skinny, and if not stitched together, will fly like the failure it was in real life back in the 60s.

Have fun.

Edited by SRV Ron
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