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Challenge: Space Wheel


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I'd like to try making a space wheel. Searched the forum and did not find anyone talking about this...

Using the flexibility/bending of docking ports, a series of station modules can fold on itself using a side thrust motion then adding a final part that connects both ends.


1) Join straight portions of station in space, 10+ sections probably. Ideally, they use dual docking ports (so they're more flexible in one direction)

2) Use a craft on one end of the long string and thrust the sections so they start folding on themselves forming a circle. The vectoring to acheive this is probably variable and very hard to do.

3) When the circle is almost complete, undock/eject the station from the craft (2) and use some trick (?) so the station's physics are frozen (not sure)

4) bring last section of space station to the station and dock simultaneously on both ends, completing the circle!

Should be easy, now go!! :confused:

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Also disqualified because it has a center. Although both of your designs are pretty sweet.

The curvature should be caused by forcing an angle on the joints that want to be straight. But I'm open to other options as long as no structural components are in the center and it is close to a perfect circle thin line.

I'd be curious to see that thing float in space.

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