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Burlie's Wild Ride


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After landing in a crater with a very tall cliff nearby, I wanted to see how tall it was, so I sent my rover, but it couldn't make it up. So instead I sent Burlie Kerman, a very brave and very stupid kerbal, to jet pack up. When he finally made it up the 1.5 km mountain 3.5 km away from the ship, he was over halfway through his jetpack fuel and I doubted he could make it back.

So just for laughs I quicksaved (because I care about my kerbals) and began to walk him down the slope to his certain death. He very quickly lost his balance and began to tumble down headfirst. He very quickly picked up speed and was bouncing away down the cliff. But every time he hit the ground and I expected him to pop, he just kept going. Not to mention he was smiling the entire way down as well. The only time he wasn't smiling was when he finally slid to a stop 500 meters away from the ship.

Burlie Kerman: Fell 1.5 km, slid another 2, and was loving it the entire way down.:cool:

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