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[AAR] Beagle Flight


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Nice one, though I knew the KSC was alright from that missile because of the paint explosion not looking like it hit :D

So, Beagle 13 is now going to be hauled around by the lander? Interesting plot points...

Also, listening to this music made things a lot more epic:

Thank you! When I originally built the lander I had designed it as a complete vehicle. And it tested fine, up to a point. It made the voyage to the Mun, landed and Jeb played on the Mun, but could not get back into the lander. I had placed the dish too close to the crew hatch. While Jeb could get out he couldn't board the lander. :huh: So I reverted the flight (it never happened), changed my design slightly but decided to make the entire mission Apollo like. Beagle II was supposed to have Bill, but with events that occurred in czokletmuss's story, The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets made me take another look at Bob. If you haven't read czokletmuss's story, you are missing out.

In fact, here are most of the stories that I follow here. In Beagle Flight I'm taking care to not swipe anything they've done. I hope I'm being successful.

KSK - First Flight

NuclearWareface - The Journey Forwards

RougeMason Resistance: The Interplanetary Struggle

HippieGold CONCORD: Storm in the Stars

Thank you for the music section. I quite enjoyed that. :)

More of Beagle Flight later today. I got some Honey Do's to do first. :D

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Whew! This is heating up and then some. If they get back alive, I don't think anyone is going to be teasing Bob for carrying his lucky coin. And the Director - yeah I wouldn't want to be on his bad side. I did wonder what the kerbal equivalent of a white cat to stroke was :) but on reflection I don't think this guy needs any stage props!

Loved the way you worked some of the backstory into Bill's delirium - very effective writing.

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In LKO: Alliance

Commander Retr Kermin, commanding the Alliance, opened the intercom.

"All hands, we have achieved orbit. Stand by for maneuvering for rendezvous with Colossus Command Section."



A while later:

"All hands, we are on final for docking with Colossus Command Section. From what can determine from suit communications everyone is accounted for. There are injuries so medical teams stand by." Commander Retr updated the crew.

A burst of information comes over the radio from the command section of Colossus. "'ssst!' and Captain Bill is seriously injured. He will be the first one transferred over."

"Understood Colossus." Commander Retr looked over to a specialist in Medical Red. "You team is first up Doctor." The specialist nodded. "We are prepared for Captain Bill sir. Hopefully it is not as bad as the Director fears."

Commander Retr nodded and opened the intercom again. "All hands, prepare for maneuvering. Changing control inputs to port docking port."

The Alliance fires RCS and adjusts it's aspect in relation to Colossus.


"Steady... Steady.." Retr said as his pilot narrowed the distance.


'Ka-thunk!' "Solid dock and lock Commander." The pilot reported.

"Excellent work Pilot! Doctor, you are clear to proceed."


"Ok crew let's not dwaddle here. We need to get the injured people over here and then we need to move Alliance to a higher orbit to clear the debris field." Retr commanded. "Scanning team, keep your eyeballs peeled for other objects in the 2nd Gen of the cloak. I sure as heck do not want a missile up my Wazoo. Are we clear Scanner?"

"Aye Commander! No missiles up the Wazoo, Aye, Aye!" Scanner team leader replied. He then turned to his team, "Ok guys, don't let me down. Able and Baker team, set units for 2nd Gen Cloak level. You get a blip you sing out. I don't care if it turns out to be a false report or not. You see it, I want to know about it. Charlie team, keep scans on normal space. I know with all this debris it is going to be hard to track a live contact, but do the best you can. KSC can't get anything up just yet but keep an eye out anyway and keep the pilot informed of debris tracks."

Aye, Aye, Sir!" his team called out and got to work. It's just too bad that their attention was orbit and below. Beagle Flight was coming from a direction they didn't consider.

The intercom came to life. "Commander, we have all the wounded on board. Another 10 minutes and we'll have the KIA on board as well. 12 souls sir."

Retr sighed, "Understood Doctor. Inform me when that is complete then seal the dock. We'll be taking the Command Section with us but we need to move."

"Of course sir." the Doctor replied.

"All hands, orbit adjustment in 10 minutes."


Jon of Flight came up to Gene. "I'm sorry Gene, the rescue ship is ready but the fuel pumps are damaged beyond repair. It will take some time to get new pumps. We are not going to be launching anything for a few days."

"Damn!" Gene said. "Ok see what you can do to expedite that will you?"

"Sure Gene."

"Gene!" Jo-jo called. "We have a temporary antenna up. We may be able to communicate with Beagle Flight."

"That's great Jo-jo. Give it a try."

'click' "Beagle Flight, this is KapCom, do you read?" Jo-jo adjusted his dials and tried again when he did not get a response.

"Beagle Flight, this is KapCom, do you read?"

Beagle Flight:

"Jeb, that is a site for sore eyes." Bob called out.

"No kidding buddy. Heck we did well on fuel. I should have kept the samples. But I wasn't sure you could decouple the Command Module."


Suddenly the radio came to life. "'sssssssss-Flight-ssssss-read?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Jeb said and started adjusting signal.

"gle Flight do you read?"

"Hey Jo-jo! Beagle Flight reads you. You are a bit scratchy but we read." Jeb sent. "We are approaching Kerbin and are about to go for orbit insertion."


"Gene! I got them! They are about to go for Kerbin orbit."

"Wow! That is great news. What is their fuel status?"

"Jeb, how are you set on fuel?" Jo-jo sent.

"Well that depends on what you want us to do buddy. Our inclination is off from norm so we'll have to do some tweaking. You need us somewhere else?" Jeb replied.

Gene took the mic from Jo-jo. "Jeb I have a target I need to have a better look at. We estimate it to be at this location soon. " and Gene took a sheet of paper from tracking on their best estimate on where the largest contact would be. Gene sent the information. "Did you get that Jeb and, more importantly, can you do it and still have enough to come home safely?"

Beagle Flight:

"Stand by Gene." Jeb replied. "Bob, dig out your calculator. We have a task to do before we go home.

Minutes later.

"Gene, looks like we can do what you want. Shall we go take a look?" Jeb sent.

Gene's reply came back laced with static.

"Please Jeb. It's pretty important we find out what is going on and KSC isn't in any shape right now to launch a tea cup much less a space craft. We were hit with a missile of some kind and I suspect that something like that occurred in orbit too. So keep an eye out on tracking. We have nothing in space except you right now so treat anything coming at you as hostile."

Bob and Jeb looked at each other. "A missile?" Bob responded. He then reconfigured his monitors to scan. "Jeb, you fly. I'll keep an eye out for bad guys."

"You got it buddy." Jeb replied. "Roger Gene, we are on it. Beagle Flight out.


"Ok course correction burn completed. Rendezvous plotted. What ever it is Bob, we are on the way to see it."

"Lots of contacts in orbit Jeb, but nothing that is looking our way."



"Boy are my eyes tired!" Bob said. "We still appear clear Jeb. That is one big contact though."

"Yeah and we are close now Bob." Jeb answered. "Ok matching speed with target." The lander's engine fired for a short time. "And that's it. Can you peak out your window Bob. I can't see much from here."

"Sure! My Kod! Jeb that thing is big! Hey I think I can see a crew hatch and standard docking ports!"

Jeb quickly tried the radio. KSC did not respond. "Ok Bob, I think we are on our own here. We can't dock like this. Do you want to go EVA and check it out? There doesn't seem to be any activity going on that I can tell from here."

Bob swallowed hard. "Sure Jeb, I feel like stretching my legs a bit."

*** I'm sorry that I do not have screen shots for Bob's EVA. There is something about Colossus's engine section that gives KSP the willies so screen caps was difficult to pull off. ***

Bob exits his capsule and activates his EVA pack. Turning toward the massive ship, he activates his helmet lights. "Wooo! Yes a crew hatch and docking ports Jeb. I'm heading over."

Bob carefully moves toward Colossus. He comes along side of the crew section and peeks through the window. "This appears to be a control section Jeb. I don't see anyone inside. I'm going to try the crew hatch."

"Careful Bob. First sign of trouble you get out of there." Jeb sent.

"You don't have to tell me twice Jeb." Bob said and moved to the crew hatch. As he grabbed onto the rung next to the hatch, he noticed a small control panel. "Ahh, looks like I can depressurize the cabin from here." Bob peeked in one more time through the crew hatch and again did not see anyone. "Ok here goes nothing!" Bob activates the hatch.

The hatch cycles and then opens. Bob shines his light into the cabin and moves in. He closes the hatch and the cabin fills with air. Bob looks around the room.

"well, I'll be snookered."

Beagle Flight continues.

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This is a real good read. Thank you very much for providing me with such entertainment.

Thank you!

More! MORE!


i have a feeling my wife is going to be upset with me staying up late again tonight. Oh yes, there will be more. I believe that we just crossed the half way mark. Lots of things that remain unanswered. Most of which will be answered by the time we are done.

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"Klaatu, don't forget your koffee before you leave for work." Sheli called from the kitchen.

"Why thank you my dear. What would I do without you?" Kaaltu replied.

Klaatu went into the kitchen and picked up his koffee go cup, kissed his wife and headed for the garage where his car waited.

"Have a nice day dear!" Sheli called as he went into the garage.

The drive into work was uneventful. Klaatu was just finishing up his koffee as he neared his gleaming skyscraper. Not the largest in Kermintopolis, but then he did not need to be noticeable. His company, Vanguard Enterprises, made and sold quality aerospace components. His company is one of the many companies that the Kerbal Space Program contracted for parts for capsules, control surfaces and engine parts. Vanguard Enterprises made sure that everything that went to KSC was 100% quality assured. But then, he didn't sell his best stuff to the KSC.

Parking his car in the parking garage, he stepped into the executive elevator and pressed the top button. The ride was very fast and quiet. Once the doors opened he stepped out into the floor where light was everywhere.

"Good morning sir!" several high ranking executives in his company said to him as he passed by. Klaatu returned these greetings like he did every day. Walking into his office he greeted his assistant. Sam had been his assistant for many years. Sam quickly updated him on events and appointments that Klaatu would have through the day. Klaatu looked over the morning schedule and instructed Sam to clear the morning as he had a private meeting in his office. This didn't take Sam by surprise. Klaatu routinely did this at least once or twice a week. Nothing unusual at all.

Klaatu stepped into his inner office. "Please hold my calls Sam. I'll let you know when I'm available again."

"Of course sir." Sam said as Klaatu closed the door.

With the door closing, Klaatu's smile faded and he made his way to his desk. Awards and photographs of his past accomplishments lined the wall. But he had no eye for those today. Sitting at his desk he pressed a hidden button.

Black curtains extended and covered the back wall. Concealing the awards and photos. The overhead lights went out and a light from behind him came on. Klaatu disappeared into shadow. The Director had arrived.

Pressing another concealed button, the wall in front of him descended into the floor, revealing six monitors. Pressing one more button the monitors powered up. A microphone rose from his desk, within easy range to pick up his voice. One by one the monitors winked to life.

.......Attempting connection......




...Establishing Secure Channel

...Secure Channel Established

All but one monitor when through this process. The sixth timed out on connection.

The Director frowned. This could only mean trouble.

One by one the monitors displayed figures, obscured but known to The Director. Shadows and obscurement protected these Kerbs should the other protections fail.

"Good morning Director." All 5 monitors spoke with different accents. These Kerbs were from all over the world.

"Good morning Council." The Director replied. "I have a report from Mr K that they have a lead on the traitor in our organization. He is confidant that he will have a solid report on the event that caused us much grief, loss of life and treasure by this afternoon." The Director paused. "We seem to be missing Councilor 6."

"Sir," Councilor 4 spoke up, "I've received disturbing reports from 6's sector. I fear the worse."

"I see." The Director replied, "We should look closer.." Suddenly monitor 6 winked back to life.

.......Attempting connection......




...Establishing Secure Channel

...Secure Channel Established

A scene was displayed that was quite unusual. Instead of shadows or obscurement the scene was in a gutted room and the Kerb standing before the camera only had a primitive hood over his head to conceal his face. From what could be seen of his clothes it appeared to have several blood stains.

"Good morning Director." The Kerb on the screen said. "I must apologize for my tardiness and my appearance."

The Director paused for a second. Even with the hood, he recognized the speaker. It was who he claimed to be. "Councilor 6, it is good to have you with us. Report please."

"Of course Director. Events in my sector became unstable very quickly just recently. Followers of the Kahh seized the country and my facility in a bloody attack. I had reports of some unrest. But nothing that lead the government of my country any clue that it would result in a complete take over, or so quickly. My launch site was compromised and they launched two missiles. I followed protocol and destroyed my communication gear and office, then I used my escape plan. Even with that I almost didn't make it. I made it to this miserable hovel and re-established my cadre so I could report in. Many of my team have perished. The attack was so quick that we were unable to destroy the launch facilities." Councilor 6 bowed his head. "I have failed, Director. I present myself to the council for judgment."

The Director turned toward the first monitor. "Councilor 1?"

"6's report is confirmed by my cadre, Director. However, the fact that only the launch site was captured is a testament to 6's cadre. I doubt any of us could have done better." The other 4 monitors blinked green in agreement.

The Director turned back the the 6th monitor. "The Council has found you fit to continue 6. Do you accept?"

"6 lifted his head up to look into the camera. "I would be honored to continue Director. My thanks for me and my cadre. How may we further serve?"

"We must cleanse the launch site, 6. I suggest you find safe harbor and rebuild. We will assist, of course."

"At once, Director." 6 replied and fell silent.

"2." The Director said, "Please see to the task at hand."

"Of course, Director. 6, I suggest you move quickly. My task will be completed within a short time frame."

6 nodded his understanding.

"Gentlekerbs, thank you for your attention this morning. If there is nothing else?"

The monitors remained silent.

"Good day, Council." The Director said and the monitors went dark.

Events looked dire, but the Council and The Director had weathered worse.

The Director reviewed a message from Doc Massy. The Doctor on the Alliance was requesting special equipment for Captain Bill. The Director reviewed Bill's injuries and the Doctor's proposed course of action. The Director replied. "Approved. Expedite!"

"You can't die on me Bill. We have much to accomplish yet."

Beagle Flight continues.

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Man - loads of new work since I was last on this thread. Great stuff - and as always each new reveal just raises more intriguing questions! Looking forward to the next part!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Undisclosed Location

Nikto awakes in a small room. Scrambling to his feet he looks around in fear.

"Kod!" he moans, "they found me out!"


There is a table, two chairs, a mirror and some rather disturbing stains on the table and walls. He shivers.

The heavy door across the opens. A Kerb in black walks in.

"Good afternoon," The Kerb says. "My name is Mr k. I have some questions for you."


Nikto snorts. "You I'm not telling anything to without a lawyer. I know my rights!"

Mr k flicks a bit of lint from his sleeve. "I'm afraid you won't be calling a lawyer, my friend. Allow me to introduce you to my associate." Mr k stands still as the massive door opens again. Nikto's eyes bulge out (more so than normal) as the biggest Kerbal he has ever seen walked through the massive doorway.

"This is Mr K." Mr. k said. "He will be assisting me today."


Nikto swallowed as Mr K moved across the room toward him. Mr K grabbed the chain and spun it around to face Mr k. He then walked around Nikto. Nikto backed away, not realizing that Mr K was maneuvering him toward the chair. Suddenly Mr K reached out and poked Nikto in the chest causing him to fall backwards into the chair. "Sit!" Mr K said in a deep voice.

Mr k stepped forward, "Now my friend, let us talk about what you've been up to these last few weeks."

Nikto glups. "I ain't saying anything!"

Mr k sighs, "Mr K, if you will."

Mr K doesn't say a word as he reaches out and grabs a hold of Nikto's arm. Nikto gasps as a pop is heard coming from his arm. Then the pain hits. Nikto starts screaming.

"Shouldn't take long Mr k." Mr K says.

Vanguard Enterprises

Later, as Klatu is walking down the hallway headed for the conference room for this weekly staff meeting, he feels a buzz in his jacket inner pocket. He only carries one device in that pocket. He ducks into a storage room and locks the door after making sure he is alone. He pulls the smart device from his pocket it presses an on screen button. A scanner lights up and scans his eyes. Then a cloak program runs and connects him to his caller.

"Yes?" The Director answers.


On screen the Director can see Mr k. He also hears some whimpering in the background.

"Sir, " Mr k says, "I'm attaching the information you requested."

A transcript appears on a separate window on his device. "Excellent! You did well."

"Will there be anything else sir?" Mr k asks.

"No, proceed as normal." The Director answers.

"Mr K." Mr k says.

Mr K reaches out and grabs Nikto's head. With a quick motion there is a snap and Nikto slumps to the floor.

"Our task here is complete, Director" Mr k says.

"Good. Payment terms as normal. Good bye." The screen goes dark and Klatu leaves the room and proceeds to his meeting. Looks like it is going to be a good day after all.

Beagle Flight continues.

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:) Mr k and Mr K scare me too. LOL.

More to come later tonight. I'm off to see Gravity.

-much later.

Excellent movie! Entertaining? Yes! 100% realistic? -snort!- No! Still I loved it.

Stand by - next chapter coming. Now.

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Some where over the western ocean.

A jet flies over the ocean on a routine patrol.

The radio comes alive with a signal that overrides normal radio traffic.

"Capricorn One, this is Olympus. "


The pilot cocks his head to the side and changes his transmitter to a encrypted signal using equipment not installed on normal aircraft.

"Olympus, this is Capricorn One. Over."

"Capricorn, what is your weapon status? Over." Olympus sends.

The pilot checks his panel quickly and then responds. "2000 rounds cannon ammo." The pilot pauses, "1 Mk 1 low yield Tactical Nuke."

"Capricorn One. I am sending you target coordinates. Patch them into your targeting computer. Over."

The pilot pulls out a card from his flight packet and breaks the seal, "Olympus, Authenticate Zebra, Alpha, Zero, Zero!"

"Capricorn," Olympus responds immediately, "Romeo, Foxtrot, Echo, Niner, Niner, Alpha, One, Alpha."

The pilot checks his code card and responds. "Affirmative Olympus. Targeting coordinates inserted."

"Capricorn, Weapon release authentication - Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, One, Four, Niner. Delta, Charlie, Zero, One, Fiver, Zero, Zero, Zero."

The pilot checks his release code on the card. "Roger Olympus. Release is confirmed. Stand-by"

"Kodspeed, son. Olympus out."


The pilot makes a course correction over the mountains and heads north.

"Olympus, on final. Activating stealth cloak."

"Roger Capricorn One. Be advised, target has access to anti-stealth tech." Olympus responds.

"Understood, Olympus. Target in site. Coming up on release point.... Weapon away!"


"Olympus, target destroyed."

Suddenly a wail fills the cockpit. "Olympus, missile launch! I will try to evade. Counter measures launched."

The pilot jerks his plane into a hard right turn, desperately trying to avoid the missile."

"Capricorn One, Confirm target destroyed message. Get out of there son."

"Almost, almo- Ahh!"


"Olym <psstark!> ayday, mayday. I<pssaarrk!> down. eject sys<saaaanrk> failed. I'm riding this <psstark> down."


"Roger Capricorn. Rescue team launched." Olympus responds.

"<Pstark!>pus, don't bother. Flat spin, un<ssst!>coverable. Give my regards to the <psstark!>tor."

"Yes, i will Capricorn. Kodspeed."


Beagle Flight continues.

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"Capricorn, Weapon release authentication - Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, One, Four, Niner. Delta, Charlie, Zero, One, Fiver, Zero, Zero, Zero."

I see what you did there. :)

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