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[AAR] Beagle Flight


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One thing to keep in mind as we progress through the rest of this story of Beagle Flight. All events from this point on take place before the theatrical release of the movie Gravity. (Honest! :))

i plan to get the next chapter up tonight. I have some wrapping up to do. But rest assured the crew of Beagle Flight have several missions to go.

thank you for staying with me. :)

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Kerbin Orbit - Colossus:

Bob was astounded on what he found upon entering the section of the mystery ship. "Jeb, this appears to be the main control section for the engines. There are many control panels. They look dead though. Power level seems to be very limited."

"Hmmm." Jeb replied. "Beagle I should have enough juice to spare. I'll need to dock though. I'm going to release Beagle II and then dock."

"Umm, we may need Beagle II buddy." Bob replied with a grin.

"No worries, Bob. I can always get it back." Jeb said as he spun and released the capsule.

Bob watched his ship, or what was left of it, float away.


"Ok, Bob! I'm moving in for a dock. Stand by." Jeb radioed and maneuvered Beagle I in.


Bob heard the docking port thump and lock. "Docked and locked, Bob." Jeb said over the radio.


"From what I can tell you have a solid dock on this end, Jeb." Bob said as he checked the telltales on the port.

"Ok, Bob. I'm switching power by-pass now." Suddenly the lights brightened and panels started to go through their power up sequence.

"Wow! Bob you should see what it looks like from out here! "


"It is pretty interesting here too, Jeb. Kod, what we could learn from all of this! Looks like the solar panels are providing power now that we've moved into the sun light."

Suddenly, one of the panels beeped for attention. Bob turned toward the panel and went pale. "Jeb! We've got a problem!"


Beagle Flight continues.

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'Grand Palace' - Followers of Kahh:


"What do you mean that MY captured base was destroyed!!!!!" Barada, supreme ruler of the Follower of Kahh screamed. "How is it possible that you failed ME?"

Krud was frightened. He was given the 'honor' of informing the master of this unfortunate news. "Please, my Lord. The unbelievers used a powerful weapon that had the forces of the sun unleashed. There was nothing that we could have done."

"Fool!" Barada screamed again. "That base gave ME a powerful weapon to use against the unbelievers. Now MY task is more difficult. I must go consult Kahh. But first. Guards! Place this unworthy piece of filth into the Pit of Sorrow. He has much to pay for, sins he must be expunged of. Take him way from MY holy sight!"

Guards leaped forward and grabbed Krud before he could flee. No one has ever returned from the Pit of Sorrow. He was doomed to hell. Screaming, he was dragged away.

"MY enemies plot to defile ME! I will not stand for this. I pledged MY word to Kahh that they will be utterly destroyed. In this I must not, will not fail! So speaks Barada!"

Beagle Flight continues.

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Oval Office - White House - President of the United States of Kermerica:

The President sighed. "Ok General, let me see if I got this straight."

General Kirk really didn't want to be here right now. The President was upset, and rightly so.


"So earlier this week, the KSC was attacked, by forces unknown. At the same time, some unknown object in space was attacked by forces unknown. Then, just a bit ago, one of our bomber pilots went all lone wolf and somehow managed to attack another nation's launch facilities with one of our Nuclear weapons."

"A Mark 1 Tactical Nuke sir, yes." The General replied.

"And," the President said, "we have no idea on how he managed to get the release codes?"

"That is correct sir." General Kirk answered.

The President covered his face. "I should have stayed in the Senate." he groaned. Just then the hotline started ringing. "Crap! General I've got to get this, but I hope you remember how to peel potatoes, Private."

"Airman, sir." The General replied without thinking.

"Get out!" The President screamed causing the Secret Service agents to run into the room.

The President composed himself and moved to answer the hotline. The General, now Airman, left the Oval Office and headed out of the White House. "What a crappy day!" He thought.

Beagle Flight continues.

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Kerbin Orbit - Colossus

Jeb took a quick second to check his seals. His connection to the ship was fine. "What is the problem, Bob?"

"We have about.." Suddenly a panel behind Bob pops open with a bang and smoke starts pouring into the cabin. "YOW!"

"Bob! Are you alright?" Jeb asks hurriedly.

"I'm, I'm fine, for the moment. A panel just exploded and the cabin is filling with smoke. As I was saying, I have a warning here that says the power plant is going to meltdown in less than 15 minutes."


"Umm..." Jeb said, "Does that mean it is going to blow up?"

Bob laughed, "Your guess is as good as mine, Jeb. I'm no Nuclear Engineer that's for sure." Bob moves toward the screen and starts typing on the keyboard. The Command window is responsive to his input.

"Better safe than cooked, Bob. What do you say that we get out of here? I can have Beagle II back on my docking port in a few minutes." Jeb says as he runs his system checks.

Bob's input commands displays the information he was hoping for. "Thank Kod for those summers playing with my Kommodore 64, Jeb. The computer banks have the complete specs of the engine systems. I can get this information on tape within a minute or so. I'm making a backup. Don't undock just yet. I'll need to get these tapes to you."

Jeb paused. "You're crazy Bob! We need to leave!"

"No! We need this information." Bob said as the high speed tapes spun behind him. "Whoever these Kerbs are, they have a huge advantage on us in technology. I have a feeling we are going to need this information if we are going to have any chance against them."

Jeb was torn. "OK, OK. But hurry. You always were more of the geek than I was. If you say it is important then we'll take the time. But I do not want to glow, Bob."

The tapes spun to a halt and the console beeped and displayed a complete message. "Keep your pants on Jeb. I'm done. Open your hatch and take these tapes." The hatch popped open and Jeb reached out for the tapes.

"Bob, you know there isn't any room in here for you." Jeb said with anguish written across his face.

Bob grinned. "Jeb, you are the best pilot I've ever seen. Give me a minute to get outside and grab a hold Beagle I's hatch ladder and then get us out of here." Bob reached out and grabbed his friends hand. "If anyone can save our bacon, it is the best pilot in the universe. And I'm looking at him."

"You bet your ass I am!" Jeb said with his cocky grin. "Now get your bacon outside and hang on. We are leaving!"

Beagle Flight continues.

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Kerbin Orbit - Colossus - 6 minutes to meltdown


Bob took a quick look outside and then headed for the hatch. "I'm exiting the cabin, Jeb."

"OK, Bob! My hatch is shut and I'm ready to undock. Lets go, lets go!" Jeb glanced at his count down clock he set based on the remaining time estimate from Bob. "Six minutes til boom time!"

Bob exited the mystery ship and headed for Beagle I's hatch ladder. "Damn, I might be getting good at EVA, Jeb."

"Having a fire on your butt does that buddy." Jeb laughed. "let me know when you are set."


Bob grabbed the hatch and placed his feet firmly on the ladder and gripped tight. "I'm set, Jeb!"

Jeb threw his docking port control over to release and fired his RCS thrusters. "We are leaving! Hang tight, I'm rotating. I have an itchy feeling that we need a good distance from this thing."

Beagle I spun end for end and settled down with a brief burst of Mono propellent. "Not too bad, Jeb." Bob said.

"Don't get complacent. Hang on! Firing main engines in 3, 2 1." Jeb replied and fired his engine.

"Whoa!" Bob exclaimed and adjusted his grip.

"Still with me Buddy?" Jeb called out.

"Yes. Go! I'm fine." Bob's foot slipped a bit and he readjusted again. "This is going to be tougher than I thought." He thought to himself.


The next couple of minutes were hell for Bob. A constant game of adjustment just to keep him with Beagle I.

"Damn!" Jeb exclaimed. "Bob, hang on real tight. I'm putting the ship between you and the coming explosion."

Bob grunted as Beagle I spun under him. His helmet had a count down timer as well. They were out of time. Suddenly, it got every bright and Bob's helmet radio filled with loud static.


Beagle Flight continues.

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High Kerbin Orbit - Alliance - Seconds before Meltdown.

"Prepare to undock from Colossus CM!" Commander Retr ordered. "Release!"

"Docking port released. Command Module floating free." The watch officer reported.

"Move us away, Number 1." Commander Retr and turned toward communications. "Get me an update on Captain Bill, please."

"Yes sir!" The Comm Officer replied.


"Sir! Scanning reports a small ship in close to Colossus's engine section." The watch officer reported.

"Damn!" Retr exclaimed. Prepare to turn us about and head for that vessel."

"Aye, aye sir!"

Suddenly, all screens filled with static.

"What the devil?" Retr asked.

"Sir, it appears that Colossus exploded." The Scanner officer reported.

"Belay maneuvering, Watch. I expect there isn't anything to go check on anymore." Commander Retr said and turned his attention back to the comm officer. "As soon as you can, report this to command."

Outside the White House - United States of Kermerica - Meltdown

"Bloody pinhead. Couldn't find his.." Suddenly, General Kirk notices that the daylight has gotten brighter. "What the deuce?" He looks up into the sky and sees a bright light.

He stands there a few minutes watching the expanding cloud of light. "Damn, it must be pretty big to be seen from here." He thinks.

"General Kirk! General Kirk!" an aide comes running down the steps from the White House.

"Son, I'm an Airman now." Kirk says.

"Not according the the President, sir. He said to get your butt in the Oval Office now. Sir. He needs you sir."

General Kirk spins on his heel and starts up the steps. "Great!" He thinks, "Its just gotten crappier"

KSC - meltdown

"Oh crap! I just got tracking working again. What is up with all this static?" Gene says as he stares at his whited out screens.

Trac Kerman trots up to Gene. "You may want to take a look at the sky, Gene. I've never seen anything like it."

Gene takes one look at the sky and pales. "Jeb, Bob!" He says. "My Kod!"

Vanguard Enterprises - Meltdown

"Director," Number 2 said via his secure connection. "Our base has been cleansed, but I must report the loss of our agent. He could not evade the missile fired at him."

"Understood, Number 2." The Director sighed. "Please make the arrangements and finalize his contract with his survivors.

"Yes, Director. I will take care of.." The secure connection suddenly broke.

The Director checked his connections but couldn't get anything signal at all. "What is going on?" He asked himself.

'Grand Palace' - Followers of Kahh - Meltdown

"Yes! Yes! It is a sign from Kahh to ME." Barada stared in awe at the expanding cloud of light. "Yes, I understand. It shall be done!" He replied to a voice that only he could hear.

Beagle Flight continues.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just knew there was going to be a 'Barada'. Tell me Gort is just a soft drink on Kerbin, right?

Gort was covered in koffee. A bit earlier in the story. :)

You win the cookie for finding the reference to The Day the Earth Stood Still.

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Kerbin Orbit - Alliance Medbay.

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

The Doctor leans closer to his work.

"Ok, lets clamp this off. " <snick> "Ok that has it. Bring the attachments out of their protective bags."

"Yes Doctor." A nurse lifts a black item from a static bag.

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

"Alright, now lets get the nerves connected..."

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

"Ok release that clamp." <snick> "Now lets get it tightened up. <ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee.. Zeeee.. Zeeeeeeee>

"Ok, that's one."

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

Darkness - Bob Kermin.

"Ugh! Where am I? Last thing I remember is a bright light then a wrench as if I was pulled off of something. Why is it so hot?"





"Bob! Can you hear me?"








"AHHH!... **GASP! GASP! PANT! thank kod, thank kod.. Yes! Jeb I hear you!"

"Bob! It is great to hear your voice. I thought I lost you after the shockwave had hit." Jeb's voice came over the helmet radio, relief easily heard in his voice. "Send me your coordinates. I have your ride all docked up and ready for you."


"OK, OK... GASP! Sending coordinates. gasp, gasp." Bob managed to set his pinger.

"Hah! There you are! I'll be right over. You Ok Bob? You sound out of breath." Jeb's reply came in Bob's helmet much clearer now.

"Yeah. I'm Ok now. Just a bad dream."

Bob managed to fully compose himself by the time he saw Beagle I and II approaching.

"Jeb's space taxi, at your service!" Jeb radioed to Bob.


Bob fired up his EVA pack and maneuvered to the docked crafts. He entered Beagle II and pressurized the capsule, then turned toward the docking hatch as it opened up. Jeb's arm reached out through the lock and Bob grasped it quickly.

"I thought I lost you, buddy." Jeb said. "When that ship exploded the shockwave hit us like a run-a-way freight train. When the ship stopped bouncing around I realized that you weren't with me. That was the most terrible feeling I've ever had, Bob. Try not to scare me like that again."

Bob laughed. "I promise Jeb."

Jeb Grinned. "What do you say, shall we go home now?"

Bob grasped his friend's hand tighter. "Yes, Lets."

Kerbin Orbit - Alliance Medbay.

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

The Doctor straightens up and pops his back. "Ugh! Ok and that's two. So much for the easy stuff."

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

"I have the device ready, Doctor."

The Doctor looks over at the red, glittering sphere and the wires leading from the back. "Yes, the easy part is over. Prep the skull, please.

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

Beagle Flight continues.

Edited by BostLabs
Typos and such. Man the stuff I do to Bob and Bill.
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Yay for continuouncingness...ess... er... thingy. Nice segue... er, is the plural of segue segues or just segue? It's been way too long since English Lang.

Bill is out of it. Bob was out of it. Jeb is with it. I like it :)

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KSC - Gene Kerbin

"Boost that signal! We need to see and hear what is going on." Gene was frantic, inwardly. Externally he spoke clearly and with conviction so as to not allow any panic or create an atmosphere for stupid mistakes. Outwardly, he was a rock. Inwardly, he was very, very worried for his friends in space.

"On it Gene!" Jo-Jo replied and cranked it to 11.

The tracking screen went from full on static to a static laced screen but with contacts on it.

"I've got something!" Milby at Tracking piped up. "I think it is our boys!"

"Jo-Jo, see if you can get them on the Com." Gene

"Right, Gene!" Jo-Jo said and raced to KapCom station. Pulling on his headset he quickly keyed his mic. "Beagle Flight, this is KapCom. Come in Beagle Flight."

Kerbin Orbit - Beagle Flight - Reentry track

Jeb shut Beagle II's crew hatch and settled down into the second control seat next to Bob. "We are on our way, Bob!"


As the cabin filled with air, Jeb noticed Bob rubbing his coin. "Yeah I think that is a good idea buddy. No one has performed reentry like this before."

"I'd kiss it if I could right now, Jeb." Bob grinned and put his lucky coin back in his suit pocket.

"pssstrtsark! Come in Beagle Flight." Jo-Jo's voice filled their helmet, heavily laced wit static.

"Jo-Jo!" Bob and Jeb replied at the same time. They both laughed and Jeb motioned to Bob. "This is your ship, Bob. Answer for the Flight."

Bob nodded and keyed his mic. "KapCom, This is Beagle Flight. We read you."

What came back sounded like total pandemonium with Jo-Jo yelling to be heard over it. "Beagle Flight, what's your status?"

Bob checked his scopes quickly. "We are on reentry and about to lose contact. We are on course for landing near the KSC."


Jeb flipped a switch. "Releasing Beagle I. Thanks Baby!"

"Roger <squark ssst sssst>ght. Talk to you in <ssssssttt>" Then the signal got lost in the static as the flames of reentry washed around Beagle II.


Jeb was checking the readouts. "Things are going to be happening quickly now, Bob."

"Ssspstt!ight, do you read?" Jo-Jo's voice can back after the flames died down.

"Roger KapCom. We're coming home guys" Bod radioed back.


"I'm going to have a beer when we get down." Bob said.

"Just one?" Jeb said. "I'm have as many as I can drink then pass out for a bit."


The capsule touched down with a thud. The parachute was cut and drifted free. Jeb peered out the window and saw several vehicles all ready. Many of the military. "It may be a bit for the beer, Bob."

As the boys were climbing out of the capsule the found themselves surrounded by Kerbs in green and those Kerbs had weapons. "Umm..." Jeb said while raising his hands. "We come in peace?"

Bob tried real hard to not laugh.

Suddenly, Gene pushed through the wall of green and guns and walked over to Jeb and Bob. He gave both of them a hug (a man hug) and thrust a beer into their hands. "Welcome home, boys! I'll hold them off long enough for you to finish your beers." He said with a wink and turned and started yelling for the Kerb in charge of the troops.

Jeb and Bob clinked beer cans together. yes, it was good to be home.

Beagle Flight continues.

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Kerbin Orbit - Alliance Medbay.

'hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh... hwooooooaaa - pweeeehhh...'

The Doctor put a final stitch in place and cut his thread. He started to move his hand away when it was suddenly grabbed and held in a metal embrace. "Ughh!" The Doctor grunted in pain.

"He's awake!" The nurse yelled.

"Yes... Nurse... I'm aware... of that... fact." The Doctor grunted out. "Bill... Please let.. Go... You are with... Friends."

Bill was staring into the doctors eyes with one normal eye and a glowing red eye. "Where am I?" He said.

"Your on the Alliance... You're safe. Please let go." The doctor gasped as his arm started turning a deeper shade of green. His circulation was cut off.

Suddenly a screen to Bill's right came on. "Bill, let the good doctor go." The Director said.

Bill let go and looked at the Director. The Doctor stumbled away, rubbing his arm to restore circulation. "Sir, what happened?"

"All in good time, Bill. Right now you need to recover and learn how to use your new body. You'll need to learn how to walk again with your new legs and I expect it will take some time to learn how to see out of your left eye." The Director replied.

"Who did this to me, sir?" Bill asked as he looked down at his new, black, legs.

"All in good time, Bill, all in good time. For now, rest." The Director said and the Doctor took his opening to give Bill a sedative. As Bill faded out he heard the Director once more. "yes rest, because we'll have much more work for you sooner than we would like but not soon enough for our enemies. I expect they will not like meeting you, or the new you anyway."



Look for more Beagle Flight adventures in Beagle Flight - Duna.

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Dammit! Not so much a cliffhanger ending as a Wile E Coyote style 'over the cliff and still running before you realise where you are' ending.

Bring on Beagle Flight - Duna!



I have that started in 0.21.1 but I decided that I want to start it over in 0.22.

I have some designing to do. :)

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