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Need Rocket For My Rover


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well i was bored, saw this thread and thought I'd have a look, this makes it to the mun easily and lands with your rover...

>>>Craft File<<<<

i haven't changed your rover at all and the only place to really attach was the underside so excuse the slightly mad design :D

couple of hints for future designs, an attachment point on the top makes it alot more simple for fitting a way to land the rover. Have a look at the stock craft rover with the skycrane in your VAB and you will get the idea, also building buggys is alot easier in the SPH with duel symmetry the wheels align easily.

hope you get to the mun with it.

Edited by Karmacoma
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well i was bored, saw this thread and thought I'd have a look, this makes it to the mun easily and lands with your rover...

>>>Craft File<<<<

i haven't changed your rover at all and the only place to really attach was the underside so excuse the slightly mad design :D

couple of hints for future designs, an attachment point on the top makes it alot more simple for fitting a way to land the rover. Have a look at the stock craft rover with the skycrane in your VAB and you will get the idea, also building buggys is alot easier in the SPH with duel symmetry the wheels align easily.

hope you get to the mun with it.

Thanks a lot man. Going to give it a shot.

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well i was bored, saw this thread and thought I'd have a look, this makes it to the mun easily and lands with your rover...

>>>Craft File<<<<

i haven't changed your rover at all and the only place to really attach was the underside so excuse the slightly mad design :D

couple of hints for future designs, an attachment point on the top makes it alot more simple for fitting a way to land the rover. Have a look at the stock craft rover with the skycrane in your VAB and you will get the idea, also building buggys is alot easier in the SPH with duel symmetry the wheels align easily.

hope you get to the mun with it.

Yep, man. Very decent design apparently. Got me there fine. :) Now to celebrate my first ever rover on a moon! :D

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