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[Question] How to get Vessel ElectricCharge Total?

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How do I go about retrieving the ElectricCharge Total for the current Vessel?

I've kinda taken it from the ResourceDisplay by the following Method.

var ElecQuery = from item in ResourceDisplay.Instance.resourceItems where item.nameText.text == "ElectricCharge" select item;
_ElectricResource = ElecQuery.First();

Within the ResourceItem is the vesselResourceCurrent and vesselResourceTotal, but I can not grab it until the resource display has been shown. There has got to be a better way to get the information about Resources.

Thanks in advance!

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This is how I do it. Like Faark said, just iterating through all the parts and looking at the electrical charge in it.

double electricCharge = 0;
double electricMax = 0;
Vessel active = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
foreach (Part p in active.parts)
if (p.Resources.Contains("ElectricCharge"))
foreach (PartResource pr in p.Resources)
if (pr.resourceName.Equals("ElectricCharge"))
electricCharge += pr.amount;
electricMax += pr.maxAmount;

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KethaneGenerator does this:

var resources = Misc.GetConnectedResources(part, "ElectricCharge");
var ratio = resources.Sum(r => r.amount) / resources.Sum(r => r.maxAmount);

Misc.GetConnectedResources is just a convenience wrapper for Part.GetConnectedResources(). This works for other resources, too, and will only look at resources that can be accessed through a RequestResource call.

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