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On Forth To Jool!


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The long trip to Jool Phase 1: assemble it!

The preliminary goal of this mission is to land on every moon in the Joolian system either by kerbal or by probe.


1 Jool atmospheric entry probe w/deorbit stage. Propulsion: Deorbit stage: 1x Rockomax 48-7s rocket motor

1 Laythe rover w/deorbit stage/parachutes and orbiter. Propulsion: Orbiter: 1x Rockomax 48-7s rocket motor Deorbit stage: 1x Rockomax 48-7s

3 Orbiter + Rover packages w/landing stages and LV-N transfer stages that will separate and transfer to Vall, Bop, and Pol after aerobraking. Propulsion: Orbiter: 1x Rockomax 48-7s rocket motor Rover: 1x Rockomax 48-7s

2 Jool orbiters that will get gravity assists around moons. Propulsion: Orbiter: 1x Rockomax 48-7s rocket motor


1 Low gravity lander for Vall, Bop, and Pol (3 Kerbals) Propulsion: 3x LV-N engines

1 Tylo lander (3 Kerbals [Yes 3 Kerbals]) [sTILL IN DEVELOPMENT] Propulsion: 1x LV 909 engine, 1x LV T-45 engine as the asparagus core. 15x Aerospike rocket engine

1 Laythe lander [sTILL IN DEVELOPMENT] Propulsion: Probably turbojets and LV 909s

Transit stage: Fuel 24480 units LF 29920 OX Propulsion: 12x LV-N engines generating 720 thrust altogether

And now a short presentation of the construction of the spacecraft:


CREW: Bill Kerman, Jeb Kerman, Bob Kerman, Steve Kerman, Munvin Kerman, Chad Kerman, Jordas Kerman


Transit stage: launched

Habitat/Payload stage: launched and docked

Lander: launched

Tylo lander: in development and will be launched on separate transfer stage with Laythe lander

Laythe lander: in development and will be launched on separate transfer stage with Tylo lander

More stuff coming soon!

EDIT: how do I embed albums?

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