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Your Blender/Maya/3dMax/etc fan art section (Animation,Pics,etc)


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I love the depth of field you have on that subway type scene above! Very well done. Not sure how you did it but those lights look spot on like florescent lights... sucking the subway riders will to live as they trudge on to work.

Well, for the florescent lights i used area lights and environmental lighting.

It added a crapton of time to the render, but i got a nice result.

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I wish I knew how to make this kind of stuff! <:/

Oh well, next year I'll be taking High School animation classes. Maybe I'll be able to make some awesome KSP art soon!

Likely high school-level animation classes won't teach very much stuff of any relevance to this. Heck, honestly I think most college-level courses are a waste of time and money for this stuff. BUT, Blender, Sketchup and YouTube are all free. All it really takes to start coming to grips with this stuff is motivation, time and perseverance. :)

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Wow, the pig is look better than before.

Also, judging by the specular on the wood, i'm going to guess it's polished.

If you want to add another bit of realism to the scene, give the wood some reflection.

about a factor of 0.25-0.1 and a gloss factor of about 0.9

That should work pretty well for a start

Thanks but the wood floor is mainly just so he has a floor below him. I am currently working on a potato(his enemies) so I will post some pictures when that is looking good. :D

So, here's a scene i made based on the weather outside


Nice job on that render. Where I live there is around 3-4 feet outside and its still snowing!

Edited by tygoo7
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Man, wish I could get it to actually do something like this. Still haven't wrapped (warped?) my head around its interface enough, I guess.

yeah, the interface is pretty strange. but once you understand the basics of it you can get some pretty amazing results (without too much effort)

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Well, i don't have anything to show...

but this thread need to be revived somehow...


oh dear...

I've come up empty.

So let me just inform you guys about something i'm planning, for future animations/stills (yes, i'm thinking of doing stills)

Kerbal show stuff! Mostly animations, working on the story writing, and working on the characters. OH! and if you want to be a kerbal show character, PLEASE let me know. even if it's in the background. i could probably squeeze you in somewhere. Actually... it's still just me....

The Stanley parable! Yes, i am planning an animation for that. it's still HIGHLY in the planning stage. Now, for this next part. i want your opinion. Should the narrator be sort of like a ghostly figure, who's only influence over Stanley is his voice. Or should he be more a figure who sits at the controls, and can completely change a situation with a press of a button.

Um.... i can't think of any animation projects i'm working on.

but i've been futzing around in the Blender game engine. and I should have something to show with that in a while...

Anyway, feedback is appreciated.

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You still haven't switched to Cycles. :<

Because i don't want to use cycles.

they take longer, and i've been using standard Blender Render for the past 2 and a half years.

I have no intent of using cycles.

Unless something changes, i'm going to stick with Blender Render.

Also, i tried cycles, and the image just looked fuzzy, how would i fix that?

Edited by rewdew2
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Because i don't want to use cycles.

they take longer, and i've been using standard Blender Render for the past 2 and a half years.

I have no intent of using cycles.

Unless something changes, i'm going to stick with Blender Render.

Also, i tried cycles, and the image just looked fuzzy, how would i fix that?

Increasing the sampling.Cycles is much more realistic and high quality,I prefer cycles over blender render

I got some problems with paint mode.


When changed to rendered it wont show up.Plus the textures are being very low quality near the camera

Edited by victor tan
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Increasing the sampling.Cycles is much more realistic and high quality,I prefer cycles over blender render

I got some problems with paint mode.

<img snip>

When changed to rendered it wont show up.Plus the textures are being very low quality near the camera

Well, what you're trying to do is to paint a texture onto something, right?

what you need to do is to paint control textures, that will tell the textures where to be applied.

I haven't quite figured it out yet, but i'm sure over at the blender artists forum should know how to get that to work,

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