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Your Blender/Maya/3dMax/etc fan art section (Animation,Pics,etc)


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I still trying to understand how IK works in Blender,and can someone points me to a good posing guidelines and lighting tutorial?

At least Nutt007 comments are light years better then the 'render is good, but design is terrible -1' comment

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I finished importing the entire moon into terragen.

here are some renders:

The moon as seen from Earth:


The moon as seen from Lunar Orbit:


No normal maps were used, everything is actual geometry

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The moon overall is too bright. But the moon itself is pretty damn good !

yeah, i noticed that too, here's another shot but now with the exposure time set to 1 instead of 2:


this is as close i can get to the real thing i guess

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A tall monolith on the terminator of a cold alien world, build by a long gone civilization.

the blue lights are emitted by a emissive fluid at the bottom of the mountains.


Made with Terragen 3 (free version) and blender 3d

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A tall monolith on the terminator of a cold alien world, build by a long gone civilization.

the blue lights are emitted by a emissive fluid at the bottom of the mountains.


Made with Terragen 3 (free version) and blender 3d

Somehow, I never thought I would ever see the words "emissive fluid" put together in this lifetime. Now I understand why.

Like "Spanish Inquisition", I simply didn't expect it. >_>

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Somehow, I never thought I would ever see the words "emissive fluid" put together in this lifetime. Now I understand why.

Like "Spanish Inquisition", I simply didn't expect it. >_>

Well, i had to find some sort of excuse for the random blue lights i placed so yeah :sticktongue:

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Wow.. You have some of the most obscenely random stuff I've seen yet, but it's all incredibly interesting. Are these exercises for different rendering concepts you're working with?

I just model and/or render stuff people might find interesting enough to look at for a second or so ;) I wouldn't exactly call it an exercise, more like tinkering. I guess my main goal is always photo realism of things that don't exist in the real world.

of course, the backgrounds are almost always simple, just to save time. some of them are big enough to use as minimalistic wallpapers. I think I should churn out a couple.

Edited by trekkie_
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So.... whatever happened to the potato contest?


Hey, can we PLEASE keep this thread alive long enough for me to post a video? Please?!

anyway, here's a nice picture for you to look at.


this is art; please stare at the art.

Edited by rewdew2
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You might remember me as the person who did this thing.


But I figured out a secret of modeling/rendering:

Put the RIGHT damn texture on it.

So I did this:



Looks much better, in my opinion.


Using Blender3D, version 2.69, standard "Blender Render" function.

Those images are actually the same model, just showing how the right texture makes all the difference.

Edited by Starwhip
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I've always thought the best modders and craft builders deserved a special award, just for their awesomness, so let me show you: the K-PRICE for extraordinary kerbalness:


It's modelled after the mighty F1 engine ,though there are details missing. I went for the crude cartoony look of the letters because it felt like something kerbals would do.

Also: Nice dragon, Starwhip.

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Hey guys, look at this! :D

So I was looking at nice renders and complaining about not knowing how to model, and decided to freakin' learn that 'poop'. I've had blender installed on my laptop for a couple of months now, so it was time to put it to work. My only experience was deleting and creating cubes, so I started searching for youtube tutorials and after lots of boring tutorials, I finally found this video:

The special thing about that one is that he's modeling something while he patiently teaches you every step. Not like some guys who first explain everything and then proceed to model whatever they're doing in a couple of minutes, leaving you more confused that you already were.

Sooooo, at 2:10 a.m. in the morning, and after a couple of failed attempts, here she is:


I made it all on my own! :D

I know the image looks kinda pixelated and it's not really related to KSP (unless you drink coffe while playing), but it's a nice start for a guy who wishes to mods one day. :)

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