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Celestal bodies with axial tilt/obliquity.

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I don't know if anyone suggested that before, but I would really like to see planets (and maybe moons) having axial tilt like in real life. Don't you think, that landing at planet with tilt of ~90 degrees (like Uranus) would be cool?

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It's been suggested only a few dozen times yet. I am surprised that someone who's been around for a year did not know that.

Still, it would make things more interesting and realistic.

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It's definitely been suggested before, though probably not as many times as tex seems to claim >_>

Either way, it's a good suggestion and since there's a new list of noteworthy suggestions not on the do-not-suggest list, I see no harm in suggesting it again.

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It's been suggested more times than he claims, trust me. Every few weeks, for the last... well, forever, really.

My question would be, assuming that it is not overly difficult, why hasn't it been done already? We've got how many planets now, and not one has a tilt? It strikes me as rather odd, to be honest.

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It's been suggested more times than he claims, trust me. Every few weeks, for the last... well, forever, really.

My question would be, assuming that it is not overly difficult, why hasn't it been done already? We've got how many planets now, and not one has a tilt? It strikes me as rather odd, to be honest.

To my knowledge the reason why planets aren't tilted is quite simple: Unity does not support tilted planets.

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  • 1 month later...
Unity does not support tilted planets.

Please tell me you're joking... Planets and orbital dynamics are not implemented by Unity, they're implemented by Squad. Besides, if any game engine did not support tilting objects in the game, it wouldn't be usable.

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