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Beagle Flight - Behind the scenes


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As I'm sure that most of us that decide to write about our adventures, it always doesn't go as we depict in the story.

So I thought I would share some of the behind the scenes of Beagle Flight.

This is one of the first few test flights of Beagle I. Jeb was none too pleased about those fuel tanks taking a walk from my staging mistake,.


This is one of the advanced, upgraded versions of 'my big ship'. This ship does have a name but that is still to be revealed. :) Here I'm sending one of the crew to the 'landers' I attached in the VAB. Darn things would not detach/undock. Scrap this one. :)


This is a landing of the fuel tanker. I just wanted to return to the KSC but the rest of the tanker decided to land. I could have saved the parachute. :)


A screen shot of my space taxi from my Mission Report version of Beagle Flight. Too bad that save got messed up.


Spoiler alert: Upgraded version of my 'big ship'


Bill leaving the original version to board the new version.


Bill in his cabin on the upgraded 'big ship' looking back at the old version. This is LAG City with two of these monsters in close orbit.


De-orbit for the old version.


I got cute and decided to land it.


The resulting explosion didn't get saved. I was taking screen shots but I think KSP could not keep up. Surprising enough the engines and fuel tanks survived and did a crazy dance next to the pad. Again KSP didn't capture the screen shots. Darn thing looked like it was trying to walk away.

One of Jeb's many landing attempts. Here I realized that the side of the crater was too steep and I was trying to get Jeb out of there.


Didn't make it. :(


More to come as I screw up. LOL.

Edited by BostLabs
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Interesting things start happening in KSP when you push the memory limit. Not on my PC, I have 16 GB.


I think my big ship is the culprit here. As long as I don't focus on it I can take screen shots normally. Once I focus on the big ship odd things start happening and KSP usually crashed.

I may have to tinker with my graphics settings to get everything to behave or take an interesting turn in the story to get KSP to settle down.

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